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April 6th, 2018 01:00

Unable to change recoverable saveset into browsable

Hello community,

we are trying to restore a single file from a old NMDP savet set marqued as recoverable (crNs)  in Networker (version

we don't have any backup of the index for this time.

we have tried the nsrck -L7 and scanner of the device for that saveset without any success.

Anyone has an idea how to do that?

Thanks for your help.


4 Operator


1.3K Posts

April 6th, 2018 01:00


Unfortunately for NDMP backups scanner does not generate the index files for the respective saveset. and Since you dont have the index backups the nsrck -L7 is pretty much useless.

  You might have to go for a saveset restore.

April 6th, 2018 02:00

I don't get you guys... We are doing NDMP Backup on a Data Domain Device 8non NDMP Device), and we have an index for these Backup. In my case, we don't have an index anymore cause the saveset is too old...

I m loosing myself


2.4K Posts

April 6th, 2018 02:00

NDMP backups are not so easy - I personally have not touched it for years (but I am about to dig into it again).

So my last experiences data back to NW 7.6.x

What you achieve depends on a lot of issues like ...

  -  the NDMP capabilites on the filer

  -  which NDMP version is in use (you may even select that for compatibility reasons

  -  NDMP support capabilities of the backup software

  -  the backup options you have setup in NW of the NDMP client

Just to name the major ones.

So without knowing your exact configuration we just can guess what restore capabilities are available for your specific NDMP client. That's why I must be so generic.

2.4K Posts

April 6th, 2018 02:00

It is the nature of NDMP not to even generate an index. Such is an additional step at the end of the backup process.

Also, NDMP uses its own data format with no embedded CFI info. This is why scanner will not work.

To avoid such problems in the future you may want to consider DSA (Data Service Agent) which has been available for NetWorker for about 10 years. It 'converts' the NDMP data stream in a way that it is compatible with any other NetWorker save stream.

Just to name some benefits:

  -  Backup to any NW device (not just a NDMP device)

        B2D is possible

  -  Mix NW and NDMP save sets on the same media

  -  Multiple save streams

  -  Cloning works the same way (nsrclone instead of nsrndmp_clone)

  -  Embedded metadata (scanner is possible)

And it is for free. Try it. No extra software to install - just one more option to the backup command.

263 Posts

April 6th, 2018 03:00

Gregoire_Perrenoud,  yes NDMP backups can create index meta data just like any other file system backup.  So if you normally do see this happening, then I assume that the NetWorker client that backs up your filer is configured to do so.

One difference between NDMP vs non NDMP file system backups is that with NDMP backups, the client file index (CFI) metadata is stored temporarily on the server (or storage node's) /nsr/tmp directory.  Once the backup completes, then NetWorker runs a process to commit the metadata into the client's CFI.  If this process fails, then the metadata is not stored in the CFI, and the saveset will not be browsable.

I have seen one version of the scanner command that says you can use it on NDMP backups to rebuild the CFI metadata, but I have not personally seen this being successful.  Recovering  a relevant CFI using nsrck does usually work, again assuming that the metadata was committed into the CFI at backup time.

To get a better understanding, please show the client's :

- backup command

- Application Information

- output from: mminfo -avot -q ssid=(ssid#)

- output from: mminfo -avot -q ssid=(ssid#) -p

- the nsrck command that you used

April 6th, 2018 05:00

Hello Wallace,

Backup Command: nsrndmp_save -M -T dump -P [Storage Node]

Application information: DIRECT=y; HIST=y; DSA=y; UPDATE=y; SNAPSURE=y

mminfo -avot -q ssid=xxxxx

volume   type   client      date time    size ssid fl   lvl name
FSGIA.01  Data Domain [client name]  12/31/17 1:33:00 PM 7399 GB 2085148985 crNs  full  [Name]

mminfo -avot -q ssid=XXX -p

  date browse   retent ssid  client name                      vm_name
12/31/17 01/31/18 10/03/18 2085148985 [client Name] [Saveset name]

mminfo -avot -N index:[client Name]
volume type   client           date     time         size ssid      fl lvl name
FSCHU.01       Data Domain [Networker Server] 04/28/17 8:42:44 AM 4193 MB 251847841 cr full index:[client Name]
FSCHU_C.01  Data Domain [Networker Server] 04/28/17 8:42:44 AM 4193 MB 251847841 cr full index:[client Name]
INDGIA.001     Data Domain [Networker Server] 03/06/18 9:00:54 AM 6603 MB 2979941046 cr 9 index:[client Name]
INDGIA.001     Data Domain [Networker Server] 03/07/18 9:01:00 AM 6621 MB 3483343927 cr 9 index:[client Name]
INDGIA.001     Data Domain [Networker Server] 03/08/18 9:00:43 AM 6630 MB 2762010025 cr 9 index:[client Name]
INDGIA.001     Data Domain [Networker Server] 03/09/18 9:00:55 AM 6635 MB 245514034 cr 9 index:[client Name]
INDGIA.001     Data Domain [Networker Server] 03/10/18 9:00:56 AM 4555 MB 4003696822 cr 9 index:[client Name]
INDGIA.001     Data Domain [Networker Server] 03/11/18 9:00:47 AM 4569 MB 3248808490 cr 9 index:[client Name]
INDGIA.001     Data Domain [Networker Server] 03/12/18 9:00:37 AM 4569 MB 1554396068 cr 9 index:[client Name]
INDGIA.001     Data Domain [Networker Server] 03/13/18 9:01:06 AM 4571 MB 3030877505 cr 9 index:[client Name]
INDGIA.001     Data Domain [Networker Server] 03/14/18 9:01:01 AM 4576 MB 78173885 cr 9 index:[client Name]
INDGIA.001     Data Domain [Networker Server] 03/15/18 9:00:49 AM 4583 MB 1688873012 cr 9 index:[client Name]
INDGIA.001     Data Domain [Networker Server] 03/16/18 9:01:09 AM 4588 MB 2678815171 cr 9 index:[client Name]

nsrck -L7 -t 03/06/18 [client Name]

nsrck: checking index for '[client Name]'

9343:nsrck: The file index for client '[client Name]' will be recovered.9433:nsrck: Recovering index savesets of '[client Name]' from '[Networker Server]'

Recover start time: 04/06/18 2:28:56 PM

Requesting 2 recover session(s) from server.

Recover completion time: 04/06/18 2:30:13 PM

I have selected 03/06/18 cause i don't find a date closer from my ssid save time

Hope it will help you to help me :-)



April 6th, 2018 06:00

Hi Bingo,

we have try that with scanner -i -S SSID, but unfortunately, it seem that scanner cannot be used with NDMP backup

Side 347 of Administration guide

Is that what you mean?


2.4K Posts

April 6th, 2018 06:00

  -  "nsrndmpsave ... -M ..." in fact indicates that you use DSA

  -  "DSA=y" also indicates that

  -  the save set flags "Ns" tell you that this is an NDMP backup 'wrapped' by DSA.

So I assume that you need to recover ssid 2085148985.

Instead of recovering the CFI backups, why don't you just scan that specific save set?

263 Posts

April 6th, 2018 07:00

Hello Greg...

Thank you for that information.  What concerns me is the elapsed time between the index backup in 4/28/17 (level full), then next one is a level=9 on 3/6/18.   Where are the index backups between 4/28/17 and 3/6/18?

From this output:

mminfo -avot -q ssid=xxxxx

volume  type   client      date time    size ssid fl   lvl name

FSGIA.01 Data Domain [client name] 12/31/17 1:33:00 PM 7399 GB 2085148985 crNs  full  [Name]

mminfo -avot -q ssid=XXX -p

  date browse   retent ssid client name                      vm_name

12/31/17 01/31/18 10/03/18 2085148985 [client Name] [Saveset name]

This tells us that the backup for this  ssid=2085148985  would have been browsable between 12/31/17 and 01/31/18, and that the client's CFI would have contained the browsable info during this time.  This again is assuming that the index metadata was committed to the CFI during backups.

To try and make ssid=2085148985 browsable again, we needed to find and recover any index backup for this client between 12/31/17 and 01/31/18.  Unfortunately your mminfo output of the index backups shows that there are none. So using nsrck -L7 to recover an existing index will not make the saveset browsable.

Therefore, your only recourse now is to perform a saveset recovery, using the nsrndmp_recover command

4 Operator


1.3K Posts

April 6th, 2018 07:00


You are correct, the information on the screenshot is what I am referring to,

263 Posts

April 6th, 2018 07:00

> nsrndmp_save -M -T dump -P [Storage Node]

This backup command shows that:

  1. -M : you are backing up to a non NDMP device...  i.e.  the Data Domain device
  2. -P : you are using a proxy host that will run the actual nsrndmp_save command.  This is described as "immediate save".  See NetWorker NDMP User Guide for further details.

> FSGIA.01 Data Domain [client name] 12/31/17 1:33:00 PM 7399 GB 2085148985 crNs  full  [Name]

> the save set flags "Ns" tell you that this is an NDMP backup 'wrapped' by DSA.

Actually   The save set flags :

     - N : this is a NDMP backup
     - s : indicates whether an NDMP save set was backed up, via nsrndmp_save, to a NetWorker storage node device

The storage node is the s/n that is specified in the backup command at time of backup.

2.4K Posts

April 6th, 2018 15:00

Hi Greg,

with NW you must be very careful with the terms and terminology. This is especially true for the scanner command.

Actually scanner has at least 2 funtionalities:

  -  Extracting the metadata from a save set/volume

  -  Restoring the data itself (scanner -S | uasm -rv).

       Nobody would really use such command (today) if not absolute necessary.

       Here is the appropriate part of Legato's Technical Bulletin 0001 (even before NDMP appeared):


The obvious consequences are:

  -  you cannot do the restore (as the doc mentions, because data is still in NDMP format)

  -  but you should be able to retrieve the metadata.

As I said, NDMP can be tricky.

And do not forget that you must run scanner on the storage node which controls the device.

But you are lucky - I even have my old doc with me which I wrote 11 years ago. Here you can see that a "scanner -m" is possible on a disk device (FTD in this case), containing both, NDMP and non-NDMP backups (for example the NW 'bootstrap' SS). And yes, this is allowed but not best practice due to the limitations below:

C:\>scanner -nmv Z:\BU_DEV1

scanner: Reading the file label

scanner: scanning file disk best2003_disk.001 on Z:\BU_DEV1

scanner: volume id 4054732398 record size 32768

  created  1/17/07 17:27:26 expires  1/16/09 17:27:26

scanner: file disk best2003_disk.001 already exists in the media index

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 0

scanner: ssid 4021178525: found beginning of netapp:/vol/test/windows

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 100

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 200

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 300

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 400

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 500

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 600

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 700


scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31100

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31200

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31300

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31400

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31500

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31600

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31700

scanner: ssid 4021178525: scan complete

scanner: ssid 4021178525: 1009 MB, 10001 file(s)

scanner: scanning file 4004401519, record 0

scanner: ssid 4004401519: found beginning of best2003:  //


scanner: ssid 4004401519: 1125 KB, 1 file(s)

scanner: ssid 4004401519: scan complete

scanner: ssid 4004401519: 1126 KB, 4 file(s)

scanner: scanning file 3987624419, record 0

scanner: ssid 3987624419: found beginning of best2003:bootstrap

scanner: ssid 3987624419: scan complete

scanner: ssid 3987624419: 195 KB, 250 file(s)

scanner: done with file disk best2003_disk.001


Unfortunately, "scanner -i" is NOT possible - sorry for setting wrong expectations:

C:\>scanner -niv Z:\BU_DEV1

scanner: Reading the file label

scanner: scanning file disk best2003_disk.001 on Z:\BU_DEV1

scanner: volume id 4054732398 record size 32768

  created  1/17/07 17:27:26 expires  1/16/09 17:27:26

scanner: file disk best2003_disk.001 already exists in the media index

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 0

scanner: ssid 4021178525: found beginning of netapp:/vol/test/windows

scanner: save_xdr: bad magic number 0x45ae48f7scanner: resynchronizing ...scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 100

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 200

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 300

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 400

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 500

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 600

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 700

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 800

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 900

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 1000

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 1100


scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31000

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31100

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31200

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31300

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31400

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31500

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31600

scanner: scanning file 4021178525, record 31700

scanner: ssid 4021178525: scan complete

scanner: ssid 4021178525: 1009 MB, 10001 file(s)

scanner: couldn't decode magic variable

scanner: (ssid 4021178525) error decoding save stream

scanner: (ssid 4021178525) would have added 0 new file index entries

scanner: scanning file 4004401519, record 0

scanner: ssid 4004401519: found beginning of best2003:index:a9165a08-00000004-45adff55-45ae1516-00020000-c3d64b66

scanner: ssid 4004401519: 1125 KB, 1 file(s)

scanner: ssid 4004401519: scan complete

scanner: ssid 4004401519: 1126 KB, 4 file(s)

scanner: scanning file 3987624419, record 0

scanner: ssid 3987624419: found beginning of best2003:bootstrap

scanner: ssid 3987624419: scan complete

scanner: ssid 3987624419: 195 KB, 250 file(s)

scanner: done with file disk best2003_disk.001


Thinking about it, the reason is obvious: NDMP still controls the format of the backed up data but NetWorker reads OFT (Open Tape Format). Sorry for the confusion - mea maxima culpa.

So if you cannot get the file index back for whatever reason - restore the save set to a temp location and get your files from here. In your case it is most likely the the easiest method.

And do not forget: "NDMP backups can be tricky."

April 9th, 2018 00:00

Thanks everybody for these very complete answers.

We have now changed our retention time for backup of index to have the same retention time time as for the backup of the client himself and everything should be fine now.

Thanks again to all.



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