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This post is more than 5 years old



January 19th, 2014 17:00

Upgrading from 8.0 to 8.1 - Question

This coming week I have a 8.0 Networker sever that will be getting upgraded to 8.1

When this upgrade happens, will we have to re-create all our backups or will they stay intact through the upgrade?

23 Posts

January 19th, 2014 20:00

Hello Brian - if you are doing an upgrade and will retain the current media database and configuration (which I am assuming you will), all the current backups will be still there for you to restore, and the backups will continue as scheduled.

4 Operator


1.3K Posts

January 20th, 2014 01:00


     The configuration database, media database and the catalog files are the most important files on the backup server. The configuration files are inside /nsr/res, the media database is in /res/mm and the catalog files are in /nsr/index. When you uninstall NetWorker these folders will remain on the backup server. When you install the latest version of NetWorker ensure you are installing into the same location as the previous version and ensure that you do not over-write the existing res, mm and index folders. During installation you will be asked if you want to keep the current database or over write with the new one, always select keep the current database.

     As clearly you have not done this before i would suggest you to download the NetWorker procedure generator from EMC's support portal and generate the document to upgrade NetWorker.

All the best.


January 20th, 2014 10:00


Thanks for the info, I have the Prec Gen, and the document it makes about upgrading is confusing and somewhat incomplete. The Admin Guide also has a section in it about upgrading as well, so I will use the both of them and proceed.


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