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April 19th, 2007 20:00

Can't Log in to 2724 - Login Page displays again...

I have a deployed 2724, which all of a sudden I cannot log in to.

After supplying the username and password and clicking OK, The top Dell Banner gets duplicated below it, then dissapears and the Login prompt shows again.

I cleared cache, cookies and tried different browsers and computers, with the same results. Even tried wrong username/passwords.

Any clues as to how I can get to it ?

PS: I'm connecting to the switch from within a directly attached box - But not on the management vlan...

Message Edited by su_A_ve on 04-19-2007 05:21 PM

909 Posts

April 19th, 2007 23:00

Usually clearing the browser cache works.
Another issue is when you have multiple 27xx on the same network all with the default IP address.
You should also try resetting it to default.  (set to unmanaged mode and then back to managed mode).

1 Rookie


100 Posts

April 20th, 2007 15:00

Thanks for the tips, however, it's not the case.
Cache and cookies have been cleared, as well as mutliple browers and systems tried.
Although we have many switches, they are all on the same VLAN 1 (management) and all properly configured.
Also, note that this system was deployed at least one year ago.
Resetting it to default is not an option, as AFAIK, it will loose all of it's settings and would have to be manually reconfigured again.
I understand they are cheap, but allow us to save the configs at the very least...

2 Posts

April 24th, 2007 19:00

I've got the same problem on a brand-new 2724 (delivered yesterday).  There's no interference from other parts of the network; it's on my test bench with the only connection to a laptop via a straight-through cable, and like the OP's situation once I change the IP address (in this case from to all login attempts fail with no diagnostic message, merely redisplaying the login dialog.
Note: This is the first 27xx switch here so I don't have the option of comparing its behavior to that of another box.
The login information is clearly getting to the switch since it correctly diagnoses an erroneous password. The failure occurs even if I set a secondary read/write userid and attempt to log in via that account (IOW, it's not a problem related to "ADMIN" ) .
The laptop uses XP with Service Pack 2 and all patches through the Patch Tuesday distributions in April 2007.  The browser is IE6SP2.
The laptop is joined to a domain (which does not impose any group's my testbed domain).  I'm logging on using the domain account, authenticated via cached credentials since there's no path to the domain controller.
However...if I log off that account and, on the same computer, log onto a local account that is very seldom used, I have no problems logging onto the switch.  There is apparently some user-specific setting that's interfering with the login process but a quick look at the IE options didn't reveal any differences that look to be likely candidates to explain the problem.  In any case, the domain account on the laptop has experienced no problems opening a connection to numerous web servers on the what is the embedded web server in the 2724 getting upset about?
I've not had an opportunity to put a sniffer on the link to see what's going on; too many management meetings today.
Any ideas, anyone?

1 Rookie


100 Posts

April 25th, 2007 13:00

After a couple of days, one of my admins tried to log in again and was able to get a 'wrong password' error message (he had purposedly used a wrong pass).  At that point, he logged in with the correct credentials and was able to do it.
Note that we had attempted this in the past and were unsuccessful.  We were coming in from different systems (mostly XP SP2) with either IE6, IE7 and Firefox 2.  We also tried from a Mac with Firefox...  The XP boxes are not logged in to any domain or anything (they are standalone units).
We still have no clue as to what was going on.  I've seen this problem in the past once, but that time it was fixed by doing a clear cache.  Not this time...

1 Message

April 26th, 2007 18:00

Also have this problem
Poweredge 2724 Firmware

The admin password is not changed from the default. Management mode is enabled.

There are two switches. They have had their IP changed, nothing else.
Only one exhibits this behaviour.

Browsers used, firefox, IE 7, Opera 9.2, elinks The login page is displayed,
I provide the default login.

A page containing only < HTML > is provided by the switch, then the page refreshes to the login page. Multiple attempts in IE finally succeeded.
Also logging in on one tab, then opening the index.html in IE in a second tab, appeared to use the auth cookie and log in correctly.
Opera and elinks fail entirely due to the iffy page code.

Message Edited by vgy78uhb on 04-26-2007 02:31 PM

2 Posts

April 26th, 2007 20:00

Wierd...after the problems I described above I shut everything down because of other work ... and when I turned the boxes back on I find that I have no problems logging into the 2724 from the domain account which was unable to log into the box previously. I've got another mystery to add to my "investigate when time permits" list.  And another excuse to give my cardiologist to explain my high blood pressure

1 Message

May 22nd, 2007 19:00

I have been having this issue on a 2716 that I just got about two weeks ago. Its got firmware I find that some pages "go zombie", where it seems to cache some sort of failure or some such.

So for a while I couldn't access RMON statistics, or VLAN port membership, but if I clicked on other pages, I could access them. The problem seems to degrade... eventually I wasn't able to access anything. A power cycle of the switch cleared it up. I'm using firefox running on a Solaris (Solaris Express b62, in case anyone is counting) system. It appears that if I wait a while, whatever bad data is being cached times out, and I can access things again. I've not timed it precisely yet, but I'd guess its on the order of 10 minutes or thereabouts.

I will say this; this is one of the most annoying bugs I've run into... I write NIC drivers, and I need to change switch the configuration quite frequently. Not being able to do this easily is causing me a lot of grief. I'd gladly trade the "snazzy" features on the web interface for a simpler/uglier interface (web or cli) that worked reliably.

5 Posts

July 10th, 2007 10:00

I'm having a problem almost identical to what gdamore describes with a 2716. In my case, I can't access "IP Addressing" or "VLAN Port Settings". This problem has now spanned hours for me. I tried reseting the switch through the web interface and power cycling the switch with no improvement. Are there any suggestions short of clearing the entire configuration?

I'm using Firefox 1.5; I can not log in at all with Konqueror.

5 Posts

July 12th, 2007 21:00

Happily, I was able to resolve my problem. The short answer is that clearing the browser cache seemed to work. Following is a more detailed account of how I came to that conclusion in case it is more complex than I think.

I tried logging into the switch from another computer (with Firefox 2) and was able to access all settings. That led me to create a local DNS alias for the switch and logged in from the original computer using the new alias in the URL. This allowed full access to the all settings from the original computer. I then tried deleting the "SSID" cookie set by the switch (under its IP address--how I had originally accessed the switch). That failed to resolve the problem. I then cleared the browser cache and the problem was resolved.

1 Message

July 22nd, 2007 21:00

I think it is a problem (probably a race condition) in the JavaScript code (which is used heavily on the webpages the switch generates).

When I access the switch from a "slow" computer, it always works fine, never asking for the password (except once per browser session, of course).

When I access the switch from a "fast" computer, it often repeatedly asks me to log in, as described in earlier posts. Sometimes I can get it to work when at the "/index.htm" page but it is asking for the password: by refreshing the page.

I've tried different browsers (Firefox under Mac OS X; Firefox & IE under Windows 2000), cleared the browser cache, the saved passwords, and the cookies. Accessing the switch was always fine from a slow computer and always flakey from a fast computer.

Slow: A 200MHz Windows laptop, a 300MHz iBook, and a 1GHz Windows desktop.

Fast: Two 1.8GHz Windows desktops and a Mac (Intel Core Solo) Mini, and a MacBook Pro (Intel Core 2 Duo).

The PCs are running Windows 2000 and the Macs are running Mac OS X 1.4.10.

Some computers are connected directly to the switch (slow desktop, faster desktop #1); the rest of the computers are connected to the switch through a VPN; it doesn't seem to matter. The VPN connection looks like this:
Computers ->
Netgear Gigabit switch ->
Linksys BEFVP41 router 100Mb LAN port ->
the router's 10Mb WAN port ->
WebStar cable modem ->
(the Internet) ->
Motorola Surfboard cable modem ->
Linksys BEFVP41 router 10Mb WAN port ->
the router's 100Mb LAN port ->
PowerConnect 2724.

2 Posts

August 19th, 2008 20:00

Here it is Aug 2008 and this problem is still not solved.  I started experiencing this problem several weeks ago on switches that I've been using for a couple of years.  they used to work fine but now I can't log into them on any type of consistant basis.  It is not a cache problem, it is not a browser problem, it is not a specific computer problem.  I can actually sit here and attempt to login over and over again 30, 40, 66 times in a row and it will all of a sudden allow me to login.  Then the next time I try to login it fails again.  So I keep trying being careful to get all the little numbers and letters correct in the password over and over again and it will finally work again.  It's like login - fail - repeat, repeat, repeat, success.  This is really cr4ppy.  Dell you need to find a solution to this now.  Please don't tell me to reset the switch to unmanaged mode then back to managed mode because I've done that and it still has the same problem and I'm tired of having to reconfigure the switches.  This happens on all three of my 2724's.  If an update to Java has crippled the code you are using in the Java scripts then you need to update your java scripts and give us another firmware update.

5 Posts

February 23rd, 2010 10:00

Addendum: Months ago, I found a better approach to this issue elsewhere in this forum. NickANack posted in a thread titled "Re: Dell Power Connect 2716 - Cannot login to web-based managed mode" that using the Firefox plugin Johnnycache worked. This worked quite well for me. The plugin blocks caching from sites that match a pattern. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like this plugin is going to be updated for Firefox 3.6. For now, this is keeping me on Firefox 3.5, but eventually I will need to update Firefox. Has anyone found an equivalent plugin for Firefox or another approach that works with Safari, Opera, or Firefox? Does Dell plan to offer a solution for users that cannot use Internet Explorer (no Windows here, just OS X and linux)?

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