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June 9th, 2006 02:00



December 27th, 2008 16:00

I would just like to pass along my thoughts about Dell at this Christmas season.  The only thing my daughter wanted for Christmas was a laptop and so I ordered a Dell green laptop in plenty of time for delivery before Christmas.  Guess what?  Its 2 days after Christmas and apparently it hasn't even been shipped yet!!  My daugher is leaving tomorrow and so I'm not sure when or if she'll get it. Suffice it to say, Christmas wasn't that great.


4 Posts

December 27th, 2008 17:00

I find it ironic the human psychy. I wanted a (fill in the blank) for Christmas and things didn't work out right. Therefore, I am going to spend some of my time trying to tell the world "Whatever you do, never buy this product". Kinda borders on deformation  of character if not for lack of character. And to say that ruined the season is well unfounded as well. I'll bet you had a good time and you probably told her what she was going to get. I also bet she will fall in love with it. If that were the basis for telling someone never to buy a product, we would never buy Hybrid or anything new down the pike. By the way, I am going to order something from you that is unique to me. You will receive 4 million of the same request in 3 months. You will be one busy dude. Forgot to tell you, I want mine next week or I will tell the world neevr to talk to you again. Get perspective and enjoy life:emotion-2:

December 27th, 2008 18:00

I'm sure you do find the human psychy(sp) ironic Bobz.  Probably you find market forces to be ironic also.  You see, Bob, when a vendor tells me they will supply me a product before Christmas as a gift, and as of the 27th they haven't even shipped it, I have every right to come down on that vendor, its considered a complaint not "defamation of character."  And, even though the name of the thread (don't ever buy dell) was supplied by someone else it seemed like a good place for my comment.  Maybe its of interest at this point to note that my daughter's mother bought her an Apple arrived on time, and guess what, it worked right out of the box. Thats the kind of the reputation they have, and yes, I'm regretting the purchase of a Dell product.  In addition, since Dell spends millions of dollars every year to tell the world what a great product they have (its called advertising, Bob), it seems only fair that I should take a few minutes of my time to tell the world my own perception that Dell doesn't deliver.  If someone buys a brand new Hybrid car and it doesn't work, then I am certainly appreciative of someone taking their time to write about their dissatisfaction in a blog somewhere, so that I can avoid their mistake.

By the way, dealing with the Dell Customer Service in India has been a bad joke.  They were able to read to me that my computer was to have arrived on the day before our conversation.  Brilliant. As of the 27th, no one at Dell can update the original shipping date of the 23rd.

Now that I'm on something of a roll, I might as well point out that short term corporate loans these days are bringing 10 to 13% and from my perspective, I just made a short term corporate loan to Dell going on 3 weeks now.  In fact Bob, some of my loan to Dell might have showed up in your stocking this year. 

So, in closing, Bob, I have perspective, and hopefully, I've been able to share some of my perspective with you and anyone else who might read this.  And, generally speaking, I enjoy life quite a lot, I just haven't enjoyed my little interlude with Dell.

5 Posts

December 27th, 2008 19:00

Outstanding and well said Milosevitch!!! As a business owner, I can tell you that if they hope to remain in the market for long, they had better get their act together! Dell's customer service is a joke, and if they don't feel like handling your question, they "inadvertently" hang up on you..."Oh, sorry for your wait...but gee, I'm in India and you are in the US, so I really don't care what your problem is, and by the way, that is not my department and I can't authorize that...let me switch you to customer service...or tech support...or Willy Wonka"....Dell's product is not up to their old standards, and customer service is in the toilet, which is why this Mom and business owner will be buying shiny red "Apples" for her family from now on. My time is worth much more than spending hours at a time on hold just to be disconnected by some joker from India making $8 an hour. :emotion-12:

5 Posts

December 27th, 2008 20:00

We have bought 3 desktops, and 4 laptops from Dell within the past 5 years, and have never had the nightmare experienced during the last two weeks, but this has done it for me. I don't have time to sit on hold with India for hours on end, and will take my hard earned dollars elsewhere next time. Just for kicks, google "apple customer service" and "dell customer service" and see the difference in responses. Dell is quickly digging its own grave.

4 Posts

December 27th, 2008 20:00

Gosh, so sorry to discover so many disgruntled people! First off, I don't work for Dell, but I have bought 4 Dell computers, 2 for me and one each for my kids; and I have never, never had a problem with shipping, or ordering or customer service! Before I bought my first Dell, I had owned one IBM PC, and 2 HP's, and neither company has been as satisfactory as Dell in any area.  I came to this message board hoping to get some advice on additional purchases--but not to worry---I'll still buy Dell.

2.2K Posts

December 27th, 2008 21:00


First, if you let the actions of others, especially people who are not friends or relatives influence you joy of Christmas, you need to realize what the true meaning of christmas is. Hint: A Dell product was not involved in what happened in Bethlehem.

Second, if you are in the USA (which I will assume as these are US based forums and you did not specify otherwise), they have not received any loan from you. You are not charged until the item ships. Even if you have already paid for it, that would hardly be a loan, as I am sure they must pay for the parts they use to build your computer.

Finally, you said, "I ordered a Dell green laptop in plenty of time for delivery before Christmas." Apparently not true, as in your own words you do not have it yet.

I do not mean to sound uncaring, but, to paraphrase another poster in this thread, keep things in perspective....

December 27th, 2008 22:00

Actually the joy I experience at Christmas is nearly always influenced by others.  I also recognize that the fact that Dell can't deliver, is not related to anything that happened in Bethlehem, unless Dell happens to be buying chips manufactured in Bethlehem. Which is not completely out of the realm of possibility.

As to your second point, I stand corrected...I just checked my accout and there has been no payment made to Dell yet.  Which gives me hope that I can cancel the order Monday and Dell and I can go our separate ways.

As to my perspective, it is perhaps colored by the fact that I did all my shopping for Christmas online and, yes, everything arrived ontime...except the Dell product.  Including a rather complicated circuit board custom manufactured by a guy in his garage in Walnut Creek.

Ultimately my perspective is this: if you can't deliver a product on time, and if your Customer Service is a joke, then you can expect to pay the price in cancelled orders and customer dissatisfaction which doesn't lead to second time orders. Furthermore, if Dell's Customer Service is completely ineffective in dealing with production/shipping issues, then there really is no alternative for the customer besides cancelling the order and letting other people know what they may be in for.


December 27th, 2008 22:00

Just a bit more on my experience with Customer Disservice.  I told the rep that I needed to get an update on when the product would ship.  Her response was, "I'm sorry but we don't have any more information on that."

An actual Customer Service rep would have said, "What number can I reach at, Mr. Jones? I will track this down and get back to you with an update."

Otherwise, whats the point of having Customer Service?  You're only making making customers dissatisfied.  Save the $8 per hour and tell your customers not to waste their time with Customer Service.

37 Posts

December 27th, 2008 22:00

I almost shouldn't ask this, but I have to, I hope you don't mind, but when did you order your laptop?  I feel for you, sorry you could not get your daughter her present, it sounds like it was worse because her mother did.

1 Message

December 27th, 2008 22:00

I am so sorry to hear your daughter's laptop didn't arrive in time.  All I wanted for Christmas was a purple laptop, so I ordered mine. I have never bought any major item online before; and have never purchased a Dell before.  I live in Australia and was given a delivery date of 29 December.  I was disappointed but at least I was told up front that it wouldn't be here for Christmas.

Imagine my absolute pleasure when it was delivered on 24th December.  yes, here I am, sitting here working out all the intricacies of my new purple laptop.

And yes, it worked straight out of the box.  I am so impressed with their service so far, that I have told all my friends.

So I am so sorry that Dell wasn't able to deliver for your daughter in time for Christmas, but it will be such a pleasure for her when she does receive it.

I am One Happy New Dell Customer.

2.2K Posts

December 27th, 2008 22:00

If you are able to cancel and it will make you feel better, by all means do so.

One reason they may be having a difficult time filling orders in your time frame is that they likely have orders that came in before yours that they are fulfilling before yours. In other words, many of the customers ahead of you may very well be happy and may be return customers. Better to have customers upset that they ordered too late than to try to appease those customers and let their orders be filled before the earlier purchasers, in which case Dell would still have unhappy customers, and unhappy with a much more concerning reason.....

Speaking from my own personal experiences with their customer service, it is not a joke, and there are many here who would agree. Bad experiences do show up on these forums. People come here to vent, but hat does not mean all Dell experiences are bad.


6 Posts

December 27th, 2008 23:00

God, shut up already you baby!  So you didn't get what you wanted, when you wanted it! WAHH, WAHH, WAHH!  My wife and son were in a panic that the Dell they ordered for me wasn't going to be shipped on time.  They came to me and were so embarrassed and I told them,  "Now you listen to me, when Christmas day arrives whether that computer is under the Christmas tree or not doesn't matter.  Just copy out what you bought, put it in an envelope and I'll be happy as pie."  It's Christmas, shipping companies and mail order houses are flooded and I don't expect the world to revolve around me.  It will come when it comes and they did good regardless.  Grow up for Christ's sake.  Think about the message you are sending your daughter.  Well, they didn't ship it when I wanted it so I'm going to cancel the order and start all over which also gives her NOTHING.   Way to go champ. 

4 Posts

December 28th, 2008 10:00

Just for the record, :emotion-2:, I have had 2 Dells. The first, had the worst  AC power plug known to man. After a year of ownership, I lost my DB9 terminal (trust me, I used it alot.) I swore to myself I would never buy another Dell. I went to buy another PC because of these problems and due to financial woes, was only able to "rent" one. I absolutely refuse to get Vista because no 3rd party software I use likes Vista and I use my PC almost daily in commercial applications. The only laptop I could "rent" was, believe it or not, a Dell. I already bought a USB to DB9 converter so this pc not having more than USB ports didn't hurt but it had the best power port I have ever seen. This pc is likened unto a toughbook tho there is no doubt it is not. It is Inspiron 1300 with XP and I put it in a metal briefcase. The only problem I have had with it, I created. I will give everyone a hint about pc's to concider. No files I create are left in my pc. They are saved in my pc but they are copied onto an SD card. PC's CRASH. This is a fact regardless of whose it is. I also have a Blackberry whose SD card crashed or at least locked up. Redundant copying saved me. Everything in my phone is in my laptop and everything in my laptop is in an SD card (including a copy of every program I run on my pc and to date it is 20 that you can't get on line. Hope all of you have a Happy New Year.:emotion-2::emotion-21:

1 Message

December 28th, 2008 12:00

Whoa. This is the first time I've entered a forum so please excuse me if I am not using proper posting etiquette.  I entered this community because I have experienced frustration with Dell's customer support, hoping I could get a check on my perspective.  To be honest, I am taken back by some of these postings perhaps due to my lack of exposure to this type of site, but also because I was unaware that the words "community" & "forum" seem to have a whole different meaning in this setting.  Nevertheless, here are my concerns, thoughts, suggestions after recently purchasing 2 Dell desktop computers.  1) I have always found the Sales Dept. to be excellent! The reps are knowledgeable, professional & patient.  2) As for Tech support goes, yes, I have had to go up the chain of command to resolve some issues & encountered language barriers at times leading to more frustration than what I started off with in the first place.  The telephone automated directory system is poor, as well as how calls are handled once a rep realized I needed to be transferred to another department.  However, almost all of my technical  problems have been resolved eventually after a day or two & many hours spent beding put on hold, transferred, dropped only having to start all over again.  3) The Financial Support needs some serious restructure.  Many may not think this is the place to voice my opinion, but it is concerning that the Company I have entrusted to keep me uptodate with access to the tech world has caused me the most grief in trying to process an on-line payment.  Assistance is limited by hours of operation, more than average downtime for maintenance & providing a link to the on-line payment site that is inactivate.  I pay 95% of my bills on line & on time.  I have been unable to do this with Dell, which is against my financial standards & has forced me to pay $9.95 so I can make a same day telephone payment.  End of story. Thanks for allowing me to vent.

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