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This post is more than 5 years old


8 Posts


January 19th, 2008 21:00

Dell DIM4550:Verizon Fios: Can't connect to internet

Good afternoon!
I need some help and found this message board and the responses are amazing, but I don't know if I know enough to follow directions, but will try!
I had Verizon Fios hooked up on Thursday.  My desktop, which is connected to the router (with ethernet cable)will not connect to the internet.  Both of my laptops will connect using the wireless connection on the same router.
The LAN shows that it is connecting.  Verizon rep ( on the phone) tested the router from his end and says it is getting and sending signal ( which I figured since the wireless laptops work).
When the tech was here setting up the FIOS, he inserted a "thumb drive" in the usb to register the desktop and it would not it was blocked or something.  He used the same device and registered my laptop, no problem.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
thank you
Dell Dimension DIM4550
Intel Pentium 4cpu 2.00 ghz.
1.99 ghz. 256 Ram
Windows XP ( 2002 version) Home Edition

28K Posts

January 20th, 2008 03:00

To help troubleshoot this problem, on the computer with the problem (the Desktop), go to Start > Run and type cmd then click OK. In the command prompt window that opens, type ipconfig /all then hit the enter key. Write down the output from this command or select it and save it to a txt file, then copy this output into a reply to this message.

8 Posts

January 20th, 2008 18:00

Thank you for your response, here is the information:
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name... Melanie2
Primary DNS Suffix:
Node Type....Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled...: NO
WINS Proxy ENabled....:No
DNS Suffix Search List...: home
Ethernet adapter local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix. : home
Description...: Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection
Physical Address...:00-07-E9-D4-0F-FD
Dhcp Enabled...: Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled...: yes
IP Address...:
Subnet Mask...:
Default Gateway...:
DNS Servers...:
Lease Obtained...: Sunday, January 20,2008 2:46:17 pm
Lease Expires...:Sunday, January 21, 2008 2:46:17 pm

28K Posts

January 20th, 2008 19:00

Good, then it looks like it is getting a valid IP address from the router.  Did disabling McAfee help?
If not, try opening a command prompt window again and typing
then hit the Enter key - does it get a response or time out.
If that command time out, then in the command prompt window type:
then hit the Enter key - does it get a response or time out?

8 Posts

January 20th, 2008 19:00

ping did not go through, but ping did and here is what it says:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time 50ms TTL=244
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time 49ms TTL=244
Reply from bytes=32 time 49ms TTL=244
Ping statistics for
Packets: sent=4, received =3, lost = 1, (25% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 49ms, Masimum=50ms, Average = 49ms

28K Posts

January 20th, 2008 19:00

Did you type that in or copy and paste?  If you typed it in, are you sure you got it right?  The ip address, gateway address, and dns server address are all the same (  I would expect the gateway address and the dns server address to be the same and have this value, but it will never work if the ip address is also

8 Posts

January 20th, 2008 19:00

So sorry, the IP address is
I had typed it in because I am using a different computer to send this as the desktop won't connect.
I did just talk to a non-helpful Verizon rep who said it might be blocked by a firewall, so we disabled the McAfee on the computer.

28K Posts

January 20th, 2008 22:00

Try this - open Internet Explorer and type the following into the address bar and then see if it opens the Dell web page:

8 Posts

January 20th, 2008 23:00

Thank you very much!
I opened Internet Explorer, got the same message about not being able to open the page.  Then i typed in the address you gave me and a page opened, all white with words on the far left side, kind of stacked on top of each other...things like Desktop, the headers on a web page.  At the bottom of the screen was a message that said,
Done, but with errors on page.
I tried right clicking on the red x's to open the attached pictures, but nothing else happened.
However, this is more than i have gotten since this adventure began...

28K Posts

January 21st, 2008 00:00

For some reason your computer is not resolving the dns.   In other words, it can't convert an internet URL to an IP address.  
One last thing to try - open the Command Prompt window and type the following:
ipconfig /flushdns then hit the Enter key.
If that doesn't fix it, you might want to contact Verizon Tech Support again and tell them what you have learned.  Hopefully they are more familiar with the router and can suggest a fix. 

8 Posts

January 21st, 2008 00:00

I really appreciate all of your help, I will try this last thing and that will be it for tonight!  My husband suggested getting a new computer!!!  Ugh, I hate to transfer data!
thank you again and I will kepp you posted!

8 Posts

January 22nd, 2008 16:00

Just wanted to give an update...
I had the IT person at my office go to my house and he found that my VPN connection ( which allows me to connect to my office computer from home) would not accept the default router IP address on the new router.  He was able to reconfigure and all is working now.
I really appreciate all of your help!

28K Posts

January 22nd, 2008 22:00

So was it the VPN connection that was causing the problem?  Sorry I didn't think about that, but I'm glad you got it fixed.

8 Posts

January 22nd, 2008 23:00

Thanks!  I didn't think about that either, I was so focused on the router...but, like anything, going back to the person who set it all up was indeed the right fix! 
Maybe this will help someone else too!

1 Message

September 12th, 2013 20:00


I am having the same problem.  What did your coworker do to get yours to work?

Thank you.

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