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This post is more than 5 years old


February 15th, 2010 17:00

I am most displeased...

Alright, look. I'm not a complete technological genius; I'm a sixteen year old girl who happens to be fairly computer savvy, but that doesn't seem to matter to those of you at Dell. At all. I keep getting answers that are either so simple, I've done them already, as basic ideas, or I get no real answer at all.

I recently purchased an Alienware Aurora computer, equipped with Windows 7.  Now I've heard nothing bad about Windows 7 so I figured it would be fine. No.

From the very beginning I have been faced with the inability to upload as I please.

It says its uploading, fills the bar, and then just stays there. For however long I leave it there. Its not frozen. I can navigate away. Its just ridiculously frustrating. Its not a specific file size either, it honestly just varies. Three days ago, I uploaded ten pictures. Today, I can't even upload one (and its smaller than the other photos). I can't get to consistently do anything.

Now, I called Dell Customer Service.

The first time, I explained this problem, the "helper" told me to check my internet connection and promptly hung up. I've checked my internet connection. The old computer (which is supposed to be inferior) uploads everything I need to in around 10-30 minutes, on the same internet connection. One video took THIS computer 15 HOURS and it still hadn't done it. The internet is not. The. Problem. Its very clearly the computer.

When contacting help, however, either no one will speak to me, because I'm not the name on the credit card, or they bounce me from person to person, only to be told, once again, to check my internet. I'm at my wit's end here. Honestly.

I just don't know what to do.

So I am reaching out to the forums (as generally I find people on forums to be much more helpful).

Thank you in advance,

And I truly hope this does get solved.




February 15th, 2010 18:00

I thank you for responding :)

I don't use internet explorer, I use firefox, as does my old computer.

Both ie8 and firefox cannot upload on this computer.

468 Posts

February 15th, 2010 18:00

wow.. hmmmmmmmm....... i'm goign to assume that general web surfing has no problems?  If that is the case then it has to be something with windows 7... if you were having a hardware problem then you would have problems surfing the internet period.  IF that is the case try going to, clicking on home, input your service tag number and download a driver for your network card.. actually you might wanna try that anyway.. it could be a software glitch.. also make sure you have downloaded all of the updates thru windows update... if none of that works.. and you use one site exclusivly like flickr or myspace or whatever, try contacting their help line and see if they dont have a solution.. but i'm thinking its a combination of operating system and the browser.. they still haven't gotten all the glitches out of windows 7 yet and some older websites have had to upgrade a bit..

468 Posts

February 15th, 2010 18:00

hello!.. first off we need some information.  What browser are you using? IE8? or something else?  What browser did your old computer use?  If you are using the browser to upload pictures, it could be an issue with windows 7/ie8 in the fact that the site might have a glitch with that combo... try downloading firefox at and go to the site you are trying to upload to and see if that works.. let us know! :-)

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