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October 27th, 2005 08:00

Login to corporate network via WiFi

A laptop (Dell Latitude D610) is in corporate Windows domain. There is a wireless access to network set up in the office. The problem is that network client on a laptop starts up AFTER user login procedure, so it is impossible to use purely WiFi connection to login into network. Is there any way to tune up the wifi nic software on a laptop so it should start BEFORE user puts in his credentials to access the network. Currently we have to use the cable for verification, only after that we can go WiFi... Please advice.


12K Posts

October 27th, 2005 16:00

Are you asking if you can authenticate before login?

7 Posts

October 28th, 2005 04:00

Actually, what I really need is to load WiFi network client BEFORE I log in (because right now it starts up only after logging in and seeing my desktop); and such configuration does not allow me to login with no network cable inserted into laptop. I don't want to use any cable to log in into our corporate network - that's the question.

7 Posts

October 28th, 2005 04:00


7 Posts

October 28th, 2005 05:00

That's just the very question I'm interested in. Is there any way to change the situation and force WiFi client to load before login procedure (in other words : I connect to WiFi network using wep-key firstly, and then, with the help of established wifi connection i log into our corporate network.

7 Posts

October 28th, 2005 05:00

There is such an option in wifi nic software settings on IBM laptops. And it is quite logic - just imagine - why can't you login into network without any cable - it is so handy!

12K Posts

October 28th, 2005 05:00

There is no process that I am aware of that can allow you to do that becasue you are trying to circumvent the whole process of authentication.  You want to authenticate by NetBios name, it sounds like, and anyone running a sniifer can spoof that name and then be allowed access.

I wouldn't do it.

12K Posts

October 28th, 2005 05:00

I'm not saying you can't do it with Wi-Fi, but you will have to autheticate just like you would if you were on the wire.

12K Posts

October 28th, 2005 07:00

I don't see how you can start that service running without the OS running.

12K Posts

October 28th, 2005 11:00

Here is the reason in a nutshell.  When you are wired, there is only one network you can connect to, the wired one.  With wireless, the possibilities  of network connections are endless, so there is no way you can do what you want.

12K Posts

October 28th, 2005 12:00

You may get two addresses but the wired connection will always take precedent in order to communicate.

7 Posts

October 28th, 2005 12:00

I can't see any reason why it should be impossible to use both connections (wireless and wired). Actually, I'am sitting on a laptop, which has both connections into network, this means it has 2 IP's. And to me this has nothing to deal with the problem I am trying to resolve. Again - it is only a matter of software functionality; I've seen myself IBM laptops - they allow user to connect firstly to WiFi network, and then, with the help of this connection, to establish login procedure to Active Directory. In other words: 1. I load up Windows, the OS loads up fully until the logon window 2. At this moment Wireless network card client has already started and allows me to insert WEP-key to connect to WiFi network. 3. The established wireless connection allows me to input my domain user credentials and logon into domain corporate network via WiFi. THAT'S HOW IT SHOULD WORK.

7 Posts

November 1st, 2005 16:00

You can if you enter the SSID in the Preferred Connections box and select the authenticate prior to windows logon checkbox. Problem is with the Dell drivers for the 1300, it crashes with this option selected!

12K Posts

November 1st, 2005 16:00

How can you authenticate without logging in?

7 Posts

November 2nd, 2005 07:00

You would still need to log onto to Windows as it is those details it uses to authenticate on the network. Just means it will load the drivers in place, otherwise they load as part of startup in systray. Logon script cant be activated etc etc. Prehaps I've got the wrong end of the stick here with this thread. :robotindifferent:

7 Posts

November 2nd, 2005 08:00

Thanks to everybody, I've finally found the settings for this in the WiFi card client - by default this feature PLC (pre-logon connect) is not installed. Everything works just fine as I've wanted.
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