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3 Apprentice


559 Posts


September 14th, 2020 14:00

Community site broken using Firefox

Sorry if this isn't the right place to post. I couldn't find the appropriate board for site feedback. Anyway, I'm getting fed up with the operation of this forum. 70% of the time the browse community menu does not appear when clicking on it, leading me to use the breadcrumb navigation to get to a particular board. If I'm not on this site for quite some time (2+ weeks), it will start working again, but after a day or whenever I'm required to log back in again, it will stop working again. As of recently I have encountered some new problems. The formatting bar appears to be completely gone now, leaving me no way to change the formatting of the text. And also, every time I post something with paragraphs in it, all the spaces get removed and everything is all run together. (I've originally paragraphed this post). Previewing is also broken, which just sends me back at the top of the page. I have cleared my browser's cache, but that doesn't seem to fix anything. I'm using the latest version of Firefox, though Edge Chrome seems to handle the site fine. Does the site have something against Firefox?

3 Apprentice


559 Posts

September 14th, 2020 14:00

^but after a day or whenever I'm required to log back in again, *it will quit working again* Also, the edit post option is gone as well.

EDIT: Now just out of the blue everything is working on Firefox.

3 Apprentice


559 Posts

September 18th, 2020 17:00

Broken again. Apparently after clearing browser cache.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

September 21st, 2020 09:00

When you test Chrome, Edge, and Internet Explorer, are you seeing the same issues shown in Firefox?

3 Apprentice


559 Posts

December 17th, 2020 16:00

Seems to work fine in Edge Chrome. It just doesn't behave correctly with Firefox. This is getting very annoying to the point that I'm just going to abandon this site completely as it just keeps randomly breaking itself with FF. As of now, the slide out menu isn't working and the formatting bar is gone again. Note that I made a paragraph in this post, but after posting, everything is run together. Using FF on another computer will yield the same results, but not at the same time as the other computer. Not moving over to a different browser, though something tells me that FF is slowly becoming bloatware and is no longer as reliable as it once was... @DELL-Chris M - of course that doesn't seem to be working either
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