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1 Rookie


7 Posts


January 20th, 2004 20:00

Customer Support Complaints, Post Here

I think it is important for Dell to see that many of their customers are not happy with their service when it comes to customer support and sometimes even their products.  You all know what I mean and from the posts I have read you will see a complaint get lost in the mix of other messages and who knows maybe Dell can learn from it.  Sure they may ignore it, but we can at least let others know what to expect if they plan on calling up Dell or buying their products.  So please share your experience and please Dell loyalists don't be offended or anything.  I am not trying to say Dell is not great nor is it a factor here.  If anything I am hoping we can help Dell become better in the product and service area.

4 Posts

January 26th, 2010 06:00

About the only STORY they didn't give you is that the warehouse has the parts on back order.  All the rest sounds word for word what I've been hearing over the last few months.  Its a wonder they can ship any computers out because thus far on the parts issue I've heard:

1. that they are out of os's (operating systems) but would be happy to ship the computer with out one and send it when they got some in.  (humm what's wrong with that picture a computer without an operating system?)

2. They did not have the dual drives that my original had they are on back order...but its expedited....I heard this one for a month

3. Now the warehouse is out of graphic cards. 

I've spent well over 100 hours on the phone being shifted around and written countless emails.  They've canceled the order and reordered it...expedited (could some one please define that word for them) etc.

Again good luck go with option two and dispute the charge on your credit card.

Laura Roberts

I was sorry to read your tale of woe - about the only good part was that it made me realise that my own experience was relatively minor!

Good luck....

3 Posts

January 26th, 2010 07:00

Last week I received yet another order delay notice.  I called to cancel my order and was sent to someone who offered to give me a slightly better computer than the one I had ordered for the same money (better processor, etc.). I have given Dell one more chance.  The original order was supposed to arrive around December 15.  After several delays the new system is supposed to be here by February 11.  If this one is delayed even one time, I WILL NOT accept the new system.  Further, I will never buy another Dell computer again.  Their integrity is gone!  I cannot do business with a company that has dishonesty as their chosen business model.  There was a time when you could call a Dell salesperson directly, discuss your computer needs, and have that salesperson monitor the status of your order until you received it.  I guess this is the price of globalization.  Talking to someone in India, who does not understand American English nor understands American ideals is frustrating.  There is no accountability at Dell.  They do not deserve my business, and they will not receive it in the future. 

All of this saddens me very much.  I have had great experiences with Dell in the past.  I bought a Dell at Best Buy last year for my daughter even though the salesman said he preferred HP laptops.  Fortunately, my daughter's computer is working fine.  However, after reading the comments attached to this link, I have no confidence that I will ever see my new computer.  And if I do by some chance receive it, I have no confidence that it will actually work when I get it out of the box.  I believe we may be witnessing the implosion of a once mighty, excellent company.  This is difficult to watch.

January 26th, 2010 23:00

I've been reading through this forum and can honestly say I am shocked by all of the stories I've read.

I am a small business buyer and this is the second time I've ordered systems for my company through Dell.  The first time, about four years ago, we had no problems.  This time it seems like Dell just does not want our business.  As of right now I'm waiting to hear about a "Fast Track" order and a custom built order.  When I ask for specific answers I am usually ignored or asked to call someone that I already spoke to so that I can waste an hour or more of my life on hold with customer service.

From what I have read on these forums, in blog comments, and experienced myself it seems like the only thing Dell employees seem willing to do is cancel an order... If it is convenient for them.  There are obviously moderators on this forum who every now and then pop up to lock a thread or respond to a question that doesn't have to do with month long delays.  I think an exception was:

I just wish someone at Dell would pretend to care about customer service and customer satisfaction.  I know from personal experience that it isn't always possible to make all customers happy 100% of the time but I've never before encountered a company that seemed so content to destroy customer confidence.  I can't help but believe that threads like this wouldn't be so common place if a few promises were kept (call backs, appointment times, delivery dates) or reasonable compensation was offered (free shipping, gift cards, upgrades).

Wishful thinking I'm sure but a woman can dream.


1 Message

February 7th, 2010 05:00

I am also have problem with Dell customer care in Iran. I bought DELL laptop from company with the name of Zigorat , I can truly say that they don't care abou their costumer. Two pixell in my Laptop monitor is missed and they wont repair that for me. I don't have any experience from dell But the frist one wast the worst experience that I ever had with any costumer service.

2 Posts

February 19th, 2010 06:00

I am glad to find this Community Forum; now I know it's not just my problem - that is customer service. I've been working with Dell since January 20th and as one problem is resolved another pops up, i.e., Once my computer problem issues were resolved my printer quit working - with THAT computer. I already had paid $220 for the privilege to pay ahead for 3 incidents. Then they kept sending me to the Printer Tech Support section and wanted me to pay for the tech support on the printer. This printer has worked on this computer since I bought it. Every time I call for support they tell me I need this or that and the problem will be resolved - not! They've told me that my printer is old and I need a new one (why do I need a new one when I have one that works perfectly well on another computer?) Now they tell me that I need to upgrade to Windows 7 in order for my printer to function. What I don't understand is if I have an old printer and I  "need a new one" why would I think that the new operating system would work with my old printer. I am glad I found a place to vent. As you can tell I am very frustrated. My last phone call to Dell lasted over 2 1/2 hours.

I've purchased several computers from Dell, for personal use. I have helped others with their purchases from Dell and have always said I would never have anything but a Dell. Not anymore. I would neither purchase nor recommend a Dell.

3 Posts

February 22nd, 2010 06:00

Since I posted a couple of earlier negative comments, I tought I should at least be fair and post when Dell finally did something right.  After several emails telling me that my order was delayed, when I finally told them I was going to cancel my order, they put me in touch with a customer service agent that offered me an upgrade.  However, understand that this was only done after he told me that the computer I orginally ordered was now discontinued.  Why they didn't just tell me that up front I'll never know.  It would have saved me a great deal of heartache, and I wouldn't have such a negative view of Dell.  However, after we reconfigured my new computer, it arrived earlier than he had indicated.

The problem, I believe, is in their customer service call center.  They are poorly trained, and their corporate structure doesn't seem to make them accountable to the customer.  The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.

My new computer worked great right out of the box, is fast, and has great features.  I only wish this had happened from the beginning!

1 Message

February 23rd, 2010 06:00

I have a complaint.  On my application, Dell Support Center, there was advertised a program, Dell PC Tuneup.  I decided I needed a utility program tailored to my computer, so I tried to buy it online, clicking on the link in my Dell Support Center.  The link did not work, so I tried chat.  I got someone who did place my order for me.  I asked why it was not available as a download, and I was told that it simply was not available for download.

What I actually received was CA PC Tuneup Plus from Computer Associates.  I assumed that this was the "Dell PC Tuneup" that was referenced, so I installed it.  I have problems with this program--it crashes, and it is not vey friendly to use.  Tonight, I see that the link is again on my Dell Support Center, and when I click on it, I am able to download and buy the DELL PC TUNEUP.  I have turned in a "wrong item" complaint.  I have done this once before, but it was ignored.  I want to see if Dell will own up to the mistake, which is plainly shown on my purchased software, and make it good.

2 Posts

February 23rd, 2010 10:00

It was after I installed CA PC Tuneup plus that I started having so many problems. I couldn't get it installed so I called Tech Support, he installed it for me and after that neither of my printers worked from this computer. I keep trying to make them understand that something went wrong when they were "tuning up my PC", but instead they told me I needed to upgrade to Windows 7 and after that the printers would work just fine. Well, I ordered it and I'm going to be really upset if the printers do not work.

Was Dell PC Tuneup less expensive the CA PC Tuneup? I think I would have been better off to download from Dell. Now I'm afraid to install the Tuneup program on my other computer.

2.2K Posts

March 5th, 2010 06:00

Be aware that most big boxes would also charge for the type of help you sought....

Someone here may be able to help, though.... Start a new thread in the appropriate sub forum.....

5 Posts

March 5th, 2010 06:00

After reading a number of these comments, I now believe my issue with Dell is rather small. I did receive my home computer a few days ago, and it was on time. I called in because I could not find my e-mail software, or set it up to receive. I am a user only, and know little about the inner workings. The initial recorded voice informed me that my warranty had expired, and that I did not rate any support. After finally reaching a person,  Dell advised me that I would have to pay them for this help. This is my fourth new dell in 12 years. I was always able to call them with any issue, and they would stay on the line with me until my system was workin satisfatorily. No more Dell units for me! At least if I buy from the local "big box", I can go to them for set-up help.

5 Posts

March 5th, 2010 09:00

Thanks... I put one out there, but I know nothing about sub forums. No answers yet.

4 Operator


9.4K Posts

March 5th, 2010 10:00


Has anyone helped you with this yet?  Which email program are you trying to install?

2 Posts

March 5th, 2010 11:00

REPOST, original was posted and then pulled by the moderator here.  My language was inappropriate for Dell's forum rules, so I've edited this post to make it compliant.

Another completely dissatisfied long-time Dell customer chiming in here...

FOOD FOR THOUGHT DELL: If it takes 3 times as many transfers to get your end users to the correct person to speak to when calling in on a tech support issue, are you really saving money by outsourcing to shoddy foreign support firms?

Here's the bottom line, I've been buying and supporting Dell products since 1998. The support just keeps getting worse and worse, it's an absolutely infuriating mind-numbing experience trying to call Dell anymore for ANYTHING. I'm at the point now where I don't even want to buy from them anymore or deal with them in any way. I'm just sick of it, this has been going on for years and Michael Dell doesn't give a (EDIT) "care" You gutted hundreds of jobs here in the Austin and Round Rock area to make a temporary profit, and look what it got you fools! In a way I'm actually kind of glad you (EDIT) "draw through a straw" so bad now, it serves you right for being greedy short-sighted pinheads.

Oh well, this post isn't really anything but an opportunity for me to vent because I'm so sick of being jerked around by the brainiacs Dell has manning their support nowadays. By the way, I spent 50 minutes and FOUR phone calls the other day attempting to get an optical drive replaced! No joke, the second guy I spoke to put me, "on hold" and then just dumped me back into the queue. GREAT Latitude support guys, just fantastic! Keep it up, maybe HP will buy you out (then you would only  EDIT "draw through a straw" marginally). In short, please go bankrupt ASAP Dell, you have failed miserably and you clearly have no desire or will to go back to the quality support you were once able to brag about.

5 Posts

March 5th, 2010 11:00

Thanks so much for your reply. To start with, I am not trying to install any program. I mistakenly thought I was buying a unit that would have Outlook, or some comparable e-mail software like all of my other Dell units had. As I stated, no one at Dell would even engage in conversation about this without requiring me to purchase "software warranty" first. I found the same to be true at Microsoft. My local internet provider talked with me, and went through some steps. He concluded that my service does not support "Windows live", which is what this unit has automatically directed me to for e-mail service. I have also been on various forums that address Window 7,  and it's capacity to support Outlook 2007 and other e-mail software. It seems to be the conclusion of most that Windows 7 will not reliably support any e-mail software that manages your e-mail within your own unit. I just want this new Inspiron 580 to deliver and manage e-mail as good or better than my old Dell unit did.  Please give me your advice and direction to get this new Dell computer working for me, and out performing my old one. thanks very much. R S Cincinnati, Ohio

March 5th, 2010 12:00

I am not sure why your computer will not work with Windows Live Mail email software because it is compatible with the Windows 7 operating system and should work with most known internet service providers (ISP).  You could also try to use Mozilla's Thunderbird or even IncrediMail, both of which are pc email clients that manages email from within your unit (pc). Please contact me if you want and I will try to help. Just sign in at this forum and click on contact where it reads reply/contact.

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