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This post is more than 5 years old


5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts


February 20th, 2009 12:00

Latest Community Update 2/19/09

Last night, February 19, 2009, there was a small update pushed to the Dell Community. The update was in preparation for a larger update that will happen in the spring. The following is a list some of the improvements we made:


     -- Adjustments to improve performance

     -- You'll notice some small UI improvements

     -- Accepted Solutions in Groups


We are now able to extend the conversation to other areas of Dell. Look for places to let your voice be known throughout Dell with our new embedded forums

2.9K Posts

February 20th, 2009 21:00

"Adjustments to improve performance" - And what might these "adjustments" be ??? I've seen NO improvement in performance.

"small UI improvements" - And what might these be ???

Sorry Gina - but this seems to be the same old Dell spin - NOTHING of importance has really been "fixed" - but we now have links to "YouTube", "flickr", etc................. - that will  keep them happy for a while - until they realize that NONE of the IMPORTANT issues have been addressed!!!

BOTH of your polls have resulted in an OVERWHELMING NEGATIVE RESPONSE to the "NEW AND IMPROVED" Dell Community. But of course Dell keeps trumpeting these wonderful "advances". This "NEW AND IMPROVED COMMUNITY" is now over 3 and a half months old - and it is STILL DYSFUNCTIONAL!!! WHEN DOES THIS MESSAGE SINK IN ?????? And now there is going to be a "larger update that will happen in the spring." That nails down the timetable doesn't it - anywhere from March through June!!

But then if Dell doesn't care, then I guess it really doesn't matter does it???


4 Operator


11.1K Posts

February 21st, 2009 11:00

Didn't the switch over happen in early November? So, it's less than 4 calendar months.


Anyway ... I just noticed the new links to the social network sites. Just goes to show what is considered "important" to the powers-that-be isn't the same as what I would consider "imporant". :emotion-42:

2.9K Posts

February 21st, 2009 12:00

"So, it's less than 4 calendar months" - Yes - you're right. I edited my original post to correct this.

What disturbs me the most is the fact that so many of the "senior" regulars have been steadily abandoning this shipwreck. There have been repeated requests for "fixes" to the basic functions and useability of the Community. And Dell Liaisons have repeatedly told us that these requests are "at the top of the list". Well, I think "the list" got lost!

I'm not blaming the Liaisons - they really have no control over what is fixed or when fixes are applied (if ever). I (and so MANY others) can only sit back and watch as this once useful and productive site continues its deterioration into irrelevance.

19 Posts

February 21st, 2009 20:00

This is truly awful, these forums are beyond broken and you cannot get any techincal discussion moving any longer. As I mentioned in another post, my old ID didn't work so I made a new account, but it was (so far) a waste of time as getting any technical discussion about my new Dell Studio Hybrid to be READ let alone answsered is a wasted effort. This is truly "Dunder Mifflin Infinity" and the site has lost it's focus on what this community was good at.

The social networking links are just weak, you guys need to pay attention to what the community is trying to tell you.

2.9K Posts

February 21st, 2009 21:00

Hi bobthegeek,

Your post re. the Studio has probably been read, but as I stated earlier, so MANY of the knowledgeable "regulars" have left this "community", there are many many many questions which are not being answered.

"Looking at the keyboard and mouse it appears to be a Logitech design, can anyone confirm or deny? If so then it's likely Logitech's RF transceiver, which in theory should be able to sync with any Logitech mouse?"

Most of the wireless keyboards and mice shipping lately are indeed Logitech models. Really, the only way you will know for sure is to try one of Logitech's mice and see if it works. Sorry I can't be any more helpful than that.

19 Posts

February 21st, 2009 21:00

Yea, I agree Rebel9, that likely is the only way. But back in the day (like 5 months ago) it would have not only been answered but I'll bet someone would have already tried it and had a list of compatible models. Thanks for the input, it's nice to see something get answered in any fashion these days.

4 Operator


11.1K Posts

February 22nd, 2009 08:00

Remember how the Dell forums used to be? That's how the HP forums are now:  Not saying theirs is perfect, but the organization and layout certainly makes better sense than this social-networking-wannabe that is Dell Community Forum.

19 Posts

February 22nd, 2009 10:00

Well I grow tired of waiting for Dell to respond seeing as how many of you have been at it for a while now with no results. See my signature, Dell Studio Hybrid owners come on over to my new Live group if you would like to build a knowledge base or just hang out with like minded computer owners. So far the Hybrid seems trouble free so this will probably be more about functionality, expansion and fun application of the machine. I'll still come here because I would like to see a change, but so far it appears Dell is ignoring you guys because some marketing person just discovered social networking.

Even if you don't have a Hybrid we can start sub-topics and groups, maybe get some momentum back.

381 Posts

February 27th, 2009 11:00

You're right, Rebel9... I used to love to come here.
Even when I didn't post, I always enjoyed reading,
lurking, and learning. I started coming here shortly
after I ordered my very first Dell... I always like to
learn about stuff, and I was "graduating" to XP from
98! I learned a lot and loved it!

I used to direct customers here to learn things, even
if they did not have a Dell.

But things changed.

I just plain don't like coming here anymore. It has
become cumbersome and tedious.

381 Posts

February 27th, 2009 11:00

And another thing is that are still 2 or 3 of us in the world
who don't do Facebook, Twitter, et al.


7 Posts

March 5th, 2009 17:00

Thank You Gina for the insite.

I don't know the problem with all those negative replys. I guess they didn't figure out that you sell your dell computers as is , and if they have a complain or an issue they should go to a support rep that don't speak english , please let me know if you connect thecustomers from india to usa? just a thought

4.6K Posts

March 6th, 2009 07:00


I don't know the problem with all those negative replys. I guess they didn't figure out that you sell your dell computers as is


You've obviously misunderstood the intention of this thread?  The complaints in here (and in the other thread (a poll) on the subject) are not/have never been about Dell computers?

As the thread title clearly indicates, the thread is about updates to the community forums - which many simply do not like.


And having just joined the forums on "03/01/2009", you likely won't know the reasons for the complaints?

As the original poll (which you may not have seen yet?) shows, many are of the opinion, that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the old forums, and we don't understand why Dell went ahead with this new format/layout.

To rub salt into the wound, it was a decision they took 'off their own back' - i.e. forum members had absolutely no say in the matter at all.

We were /are stuck with this new forum - whether we like it or not... and it's widely accepted that the vast majority of forum members don't like it.


But hey ho.  Tough!  You either grin and bare it - or... as quite a few of the former [experienced] regulars have (sadly) chosen to do... go elsewhere :emotion-6:


Anyways... this thread is a follow-on from that original thread/poll.  It was created to keep us up-to-date on 'improvements' being made to the forums.

But forum members are prefectly entitled to say what they think of the 'improvements'.

7 Posts

March 6th, 2009 13:00

I do know that you shouldn't assume what I do or don't know, but i'm thinkin you don't get the point

19 Posts

March 6th, 2009 15:00

I think your point it taken you just posted it in the wrong discussion.

15 Posts

March 15th, 2009 10:00

What a horrible new forum this is! Why on earth did they have to change it when it was much better as it was... :emotion-8:

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