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This post is more than 5 years old


December 28th, 2009 09:00

Studio 17 laptop delayed for the 3rd time and counting....


I must be a glutton for punishment because no matter how many times I have bad experience's with Dell, I end up coming back for more...


I placed an order on the 11th of November for a Studio 17 complete with 1080p screen and i7 820qm processor.  I was given a delivery date of 12/11/09.  I though it was a bit strange that a company the size of Dell, would need an entire month to build and deliver a laptop, but decided to go ahead with the order anyways, as this laptop seems to have most of the features I'm looking for, at a fairly reasonable price.

I was more than willing to cut them a bit of slack as I knew the i7 processor was/is still pretty new and supply could be a bit low.  Not a huge deal I thought.  I could wait a month....

Having said that, I SPECIFICALLY asked, that if (for any reason) my order was to be delayed, that someone from Dell notify me of the delay via an email or a phone-call (which ever), so that I'd at least know not to miss a day of work to be home to sign for a delivery, that wasn't even going to be delivered that day.


The Dell representative told me it was policy to notify the customer anyways if there was a problem with the order and that I shouldn't worry about it.

On the 11th of December, I got up and checked my email.  No messages from Dell about any delays and no phone calls either.  Their website still had 12/11/09 as the delivery date so I decided to take the day off work to be home when the package arrived.


By 5:00pm that afternoon, it was obvious my order was not going to be delivered. Wonderful.  There goes a day's pay... :emotion-39:

After being put on hold for nearly an hour, I finally get around to speaking to a  Dell rep, who explains to me that the reason my order didn't show up, was because (drum roll please) it had been "delayed" !!!

As if I hadn't already figured that part out for my self.  Boy was I glad I spent an hour of my life waiting on hold, just to be told something I already knew.  


 I was given a new date of  delivery, 12/18/09 - and once more, I specifically asked to be notified if my order was going to be delayed a second time. I  was told not to worry as it was Dell policy to contact its customers and let them know of any any problems.   Apparently, it was just a "slight mix-up" that I hadn't been contacted the first time...


On the morning of 12/18/09, I took the day off to be home to accept and sign for the delivery. (Looking back now, I guess it was my own stupid fault for making the same mistake twice)

Again, the day came and went and nothing was delivered.  Checking Dell's website, I noticed that there was no longer any information in regards to my order.   "Information temporarily unavailable" is all it said.  I called Dell a second time and after 50min, of being on hold, I was told my laptop didn't arrive because it had been delayed.


 No explanation as to why Dell failed to notify me of the delay for a second time.  Once again,  I left my email address and 2 contact numbers for Dell to get a hold of me and practically begged them to at least send me an email and notify notify me if there were going to be any more delays from here on out...

I was given a 3rd and final delivery date.  12/29/09 this time, and told that was an absolute "WORST CASE SCENARIO" date and that I'd most likely receive the laptop "WAY BEFORE THAT..." - Good, I thought.  At least I'll have it before the end of the year.


Today, 12/28/09, I decided to call up Dell and find out if my laptop was ready to be shipped, as the only was I'd get it for tomorrow (12/29/09) was if it was shipped out today.  Dell's website still says "Temporarily no information available" and has been that way for a week. 

It's a good thing I phoned since (not surprisingly) my order was delayed yet AGAIN!  Only this time, instead of giving me another delivery date, I was told to check the Dell website in January 2010 to see if there were any updates on my order and to see if there was any new delivery date.  Wonderful. Dell isn't even bothering to give me anymore delivery dates as apparently, they have no idea when my order will be shipped. 


Had I not phoned them, I would not have known about the 3rd delay and would have missed a 3rd day of work because of it.   How hard is it to send a customer an email letting them know an order's been delayed?  Seriously.  This is just bad customer service.  Plain and simple.


My patience has completely run out at this point and I ask to be transferred to someone who can cancel my order.  I'm then told that I'm not allowed to cancel, since my order is "in production" and that I'd have to wait until it arrives and send it back but that I'd be looking at having to pay "re-stocking" fee's.

I'm so upset right now, it's not even funny.  I have no idea how Dell has become as large a company as it's become with such horrible customer service.  :emotion-40:


Worse yet, now I've come to find out that there are hundreds of posts/threads in regards to Studio 17's breaking down.  Failed mother boards, i7 processors, overheating etc. etc and that many others are in the same boat I'm in and are having their orders delayed again and again. :emotion-8:

I don't even know what to say anymore...


Sorry for the long rant, but I just had to rant...

29 Posts

December 28th, 2009 10:00

I am also waiting for a Studio17.  Mine is a replacement for and Inspiron that is under warranty and can't be fixed.  It seems that those who are getting replacement Studio 17's have no estimated ship date.  I was told by customer service, after being on hold  for at least 45 minutes, first a date of 12/18.  Then a ship date of 12/24.  of course, no computer.  After 4 emails I received a ship date of 12/30. I doubt if that will happen. The order status still does not show an estimated ship date.  We are not alone.  There are many customers still waiting for computers and customer service is no help.  All I want is to be kept informed, but Dell can not do that.  I wonder how many customers they  are going to lose and if business customers are treated the same way.

2 Posts

December 28th, 2009 10:00

I wonder how many customers they  are going to lose.....


I know of at least one for certain, ME!!

Every order I've placed with Dell over the years, has become a more and more frustrating ordeal.  There was at one time, the possibly of a person being able to reach a customer service rep. that could actually speak English.  Those days unfortunately, are long gone. 


I find myself having to repeat everything I say, 2-3 times over, to get through to these people.  Worse yet, I find myself having to ask them to repeat themselves, (just as many times) because I can barely understand a word they're saying.  


I've just about given up, trying to write down the names of the reps I've had to deal with, as their names are usually 30 - 40 letters long and almost impossible for me to even pronounce much less spell. 



Perhaps if Dell put some sort of effort into making it up to customers (like myself) who've had such a bad experience with them, it would at least show that they care about their customers. 


Maybe adding a free "upgrade" of some sort to their order, or a carry-bag  for the notebook, or even a small discount on the price of the original order - you know, SOMETHING!! - at least that would kind of make up for their horrible customer service, but they don't even do that!! :emotion-12:


It's as if they don't give flying hoot, whether their customers are happy or not.  "We don't apologize for anything! Don't like it? Tuff !!! "  - Seems to be Dell's policy and I for one, won't be putting up with it anymore unless they try to make up for it and at this point, I don't even know what they could do, to make me change my opinion of them and continue to do business with them in the future. :emotion-10:


Best of luck with your order though, hope you get it soon.

19 Posts

February 5th, 2010 07:00

Add me to the list. Order placed for Studio 17 with full HD screen on 12/10/09. Estimated dates as follows: 1/8,1/10,/1/17,1/22,1/27,2/8,2/15.

6 Posts

February 5th, 2010 10:00

For anyone that ordered a Studio 17 with this display - 17.3" FHD B+RG LED DISPLAY W/CAM,1745 - I suggest you call Dell and speak to a Manager as Dell is no longer making the Studio 17's with this display. 

I ordered a Studio 17 myself back on December 9, 2009 and I have been waiting ever since. I called Dell, spoke to a manager and lost it on him. Dell is now in the process of checking out all the specs of the computer I bought, checking to see what parts need to be changed (of equal or better quality that are in stock) in the order so that the computer can be finished and shipped to me ASAP.


10 Posts

February 7th, 2010 17:00

Let me know what solution they propose to you, because if they suggest to replace the 1080p screen with the 900p screen, that would be a huge, huge downgrade.

12 Posts

February 20th, 2010 19:00

Hi MungieCake; did you ever get your Studio17, still waiting, or cancelled? I ordered one myself two days ago, 2/18/2010 before seeing all of this. The only reason I am reading your post now is because I was trying to find the meaning to several different entries on my order conformation referring to warranty, support, remote access, soft contracts, Banctec, etc. When I had no luck getting a hit on search engines, I saw forums for different laptops and joined. I then saw this forum in Dell and joined to find your post. I first ordered an Insprion17 and the delivery date was a little over 2 weeks, but when I upgraded to the Studio17 my delivery date automatically climbed to almost a month. Hope I don't run into the same delivery problems as you, but now that I am reading other post, I am becoming more worried than just the delivery.  I read in either in this forum or another laptop forum about the Studio 1747s having a throttling problem b/c of the 90W AC-Adapter, but also read the next gen "1749" will fix the problem. I hope either they fix the problems in the 1747 if they are sending me that gen, or that they send me a 1749!  Hope you have been able to resolve your situtition not only for your sake but b/c if things are now ok on your end, then maybe everyone else that I have seen having issues will also be corrected and I have nothing to worry about with mine! Hope to hear ur reply soon... Cheers

19 Posts

February 21st, 2010 05:00

I still have not received my unit. Almost 3 months now. Dell claims a shortage of full HD displays is holding my order up. Other configurations should not face this problem. Customer services is very poor and all responses are read from a prepared sheet. Each time I call I get the same response word for word from the agent. No more Dell's for me and I have purchased quite a few over the years.

8 Posts

March 9th, 2010 12:00


I am a Spanish customer and purchased a Studio 1747 last 02/03/2010. The Delivery date was estimated on 04/06/2010. I have been reading a lot about problems with the Studio 1747 and I hope that this delay is due to they are trying to solve all those issues. I only could stand with waiting this period of time if they finally deliver the laptop in perfect condition. Other case... :emotion-39:

More cases with three months of delay?


March 10th, 2010 07:00

Uh oh.... now I'm worried. I purchased a Studio 17 laptop on 3/4/10 with an est. ship date of 4/2/10.  I thought "Okay, they have to build it, they are a large company, it may take a while."  Now that I've been reading this thread and many more like it, I'm a bit worried if I will ever see my laptop.  On the main "My Account" page, it says N/A under the est. date and that it is in pre production. Anyone with a positive experience out there to alleviate my fears?

19 Posts

March 10th, 2010 07:00

Finally got mine but it took three months.

8 Posts

March 10th, 2010 08:00

Uh oh.... now I'm worried. I purchased a Studio 17 laptop on 3/4/10 with an est. ship date of 4/2/10.  I thought "Okay, they have to build it, they are a large company, it may take a while."  Now that I've been reading this thread and many more like it, I'm a bit worried if I will ever see my laptop.  On the main "My Account" page, it says N/A under the est. date and that it is in pre production. Anyone with a positive experience out there to alleviate my fears?



Only to clarify. 02/03/2010 (dd/mm/yyyy) and 04/06/2010 (dd/mm/yyyy).

I suppose that estimations are different depending on the place where you purchased it from. Hope you recieve it in a month, you lucky! :-) My laptop is in pre-production too since I purchased it. The point is: we should receive the laptops without these issues.


12 Posts

March 10th, 2010 23:00

Don't know how your luck will pan out, but I ordered mine Feb 19th w/an est del of over a month away. I was surprised when I received it on Feb 26th, but I have also seen others complaining of months w/o delivery. My guess is I did not order a 1080p HD screen since I have connected mine to my 50" 1080p TV. I'm not certain if that is the hold up, but seems to be most likely if you will read through other threads. 

8 Posts

March 11th, 2010 01:00


I have not ordered it with full HD display. I have only changed 4GB to 6GB RAM. Did you received any notification about the progress of the delivery?. I have to receive it in the office where I work, not at home. I should advise the receptionist that I'm wating a package...


12 Posts

March 12th, 2010 22:00

I think I had inquired by email to my orginal salesperson stating about  my concerns of the complaints I was reading in the Dell Forums. Soon after, I  received an email that it had been shipped and was given a shipping & tracking number of which I learned was useless for tracking until they received it at the local fed-ex ground. However, I knew it was coming soon since it said delivery was expected within three days. I got it the next day -- by the way, if you r having your system sent to your place of business, you should let the person receiving packages that you r looking for a Dell package. That is if that person does not know you else they could refuse it if not expecting a delivery. Good-luck again. Cheers :emotion-21: :emotion-22:

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