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March 17th, 2017 02:00

R520; Controller Event log: Battery charging was suspenden due to high battery Temperatur

I've got a Problem with an Power Edge R520 (Windows Server 2008):

This are the notice: Controller Event log: Battery charging was suspenden due to high battery Temperatur: Controller 0 (PERC H710P Mini)


Controller Event log: BBU disabled: changing WB virtual disks to WT. Forced WB VDs are not affected: Controller 0 (PERC H710P Mini)

Do we have to replace the battery? What is the type of the battery for the order?

Thank you for your Support.

Benjamin Krähemann Tyco

5 Practitioner


274.2K Nachrichten

March 17th, 2017 07:00

Hi Benjamin,

ja, das kann an der Batterie liegen, muss aber nicht.

Kannst du mir bitte mal das Controller-Log und die ServiceTag von dem System per Mail an DellHilftPro schicken.

Eine Anleitung zum Erstellen findest du in diesem Artikel.



Hi Benjamin,

could be the battery or anything else.

Could you please send the RAID controller log and the ServiceTag to DellHilftPro.

A how to create the log is described in this article.


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