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10 Posts


December 27th, 2018 15:00

NagiosCore 4 Configure Open_Manage to check HD's

Nagios Server 4 - CentOS 7

I am trying to identify the best solution for having NAGIOSCore 4 detect the health on the HD's on 3 different hypervisors. I am running into trouble because these are Dell PowerEdge servers, when I login to the Server Manager it will list Failure Predicted: Yes on hard drives that need to be replaced. But Nagios Core is reporting the Global Health as *green* / or healthy as it will not report until they fail. The global health does not trigger Nagios until they actually fail which is nice, but not that nice.

We currently have the open_manage plugin setup on the server (I did not set this up), I have tried looking at the files and tried figuring out how to do this but figured I would ask here prior to breaking anything. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



10 Posts

January 2nd, 2019 16:00

Could anyone provide any insight into how to configure the plugin to accomplish this?

January 3rd, 2019 06:00

Hi Chris,

"Dell EMC OpenManage Plug-in Version 3.0 for Nagios Core" support Monitoring of HDD's and other Server components through iDRAC IP. Please find below product and other related documents download link.

Product and Document download Link

Let us know if you require anymore details.


Thanks & Regards,

Rajshekar P 

10 Posts

January 21st, 2019 10:00

Here is the list of Dell Servers we currently have:


PowerEdge T610

PowerEdge T420

PowerEdge R710

PowerVault R620

PowerEdge NX3300


Will all of these work properly with the new EMC plugin? I have been reading through the .pdf's trying to identify this information.

January 22nd, 2019 06:00

Hi Chris,

Dell EMC OpenManage Plug-in Version 3.0 support only 12th and later generation of PowerEdge servers.

Below models are supported in the list you shared.

PowerEdge T420

PowerEdge R620


Thanks & Regards,

Rajshekar P

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