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This post is more than 5 years old


February 17th, 2011 13:00

How-To Launch RAID management application on DELL Servers from Linux?

So I downloaded it.  Installed it.    But do not understand how to run it.    No DellMGR or anything to execute that looks like the manager interface itself.

February 17th, 2011 14:00

• To start Dell SAS RAID Storage Manager on a Red Hat Linux system, select Applications->
System Tools->Dell SAS RAID Storage Manager StartupUI .
• To start Dell SAS RAID Storage Manager on a SUSE SLES 9 system, select Start->System->More Programs->Dell SAS RAID Storage Manager .
If you are running a Linux based operating system that does not have a GUI I suggest uninstall SAS RAID Storage Manager and install Dell Open Manage Server Administrator (OMSA) assuming the server you are working with supports OMSA. With OMSA you can connect over the network from a workstation by going to https:// :1311
OMSA can be downloaded here:

Installation Instructions:
Extract Files
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and unzip the
package using the following command: gunzip xxxx.tar.gz
2. Untar the package using the following command: tar –xvf xxxx.tar

1. Change current directory to the location where the files were
2. Run the following command to perform an express install:
sh linux/supportscripts/ --express
3. Start the applicable services by running the following command:
sh linux/supportscripts/ start


February 18th, 2011 10:00

That is correct, no CLI support for the SAS RAID Storage Manager or GUI that can be access remote to the server. I just responded to the other thread with the instructions for install OMSA and inclued the command to open the proper firewall port.

847 Posts

February 18th, 2011 10:00

So in the most recent version of this.   The stand alone non gui is gone?  Bummer if so.

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