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28 Posts


May 16th, 2022 11:00

RAID 5 "OFFLINE" - please help


My PE 2900 server  somehow lost power when I was at work a few days ago.
And I have not been able to boot into the OS (Debian 11) since.

I have understood that I can not boot due to that something has happened to the RAID configuration in some way. (Not sure what though.)
But from what I can see, there are three disks that are "missing" and one disk is "ready".

Unfortunately I do not know much about RAID / PERC and I really need your support.

Tried to run DSET (following an online advice) from a Debian Live CD, but I did not succeed.
Also tried booting with "Dell OMSA Live CD" but there were not many options for me to do there, (which I was comfortable with). I have no backup of the disks, so I MUST get this fixed somehow.

I am on sick leave after a stroke and can not afford to leave the disks to a company for help with backups etc.

I really need all the help I can get and even though I have a bad finances, I can pay around $ 50 to the person who helps me get the server back up, or so that I can take a full backup of everything.



28 Posts

May 19th, 2022 07:00

This is what i see when i boot with "OMSA" on a usb-stick.



28 Posts

May 20th, 2022 02:00

I have now downloaded the OMSA version you linked to and i'm going to mage a new bootable usb-stick.

I can't see the images either. Strange!
(I added them again to this post.)



4 Operator


2.7K Posts

May 20th, 2022 02:00

Hello @Guldstrand

The supported OMSA for PE 2900 is the 2.2: You can check the User's Guide: Is this the version you are currently using?

Regarding "Managed Preserved Cache", don't worry about it. It is not necesarry for a retag.

Sadly I am not able to see the images (not sure why, maybe it's an temporary error). But in te user's guide, page 16, you have the steps to run a DSET:

Hope this helps.

28 Posts

May 20th, 2022 04:00

I finally managed to create a DSET-report, and i used to paste all the info.

I really hope that someone can help me to at least take a backup from all the drives.

4 Operator


2.7K Posts

May 20th, 2022 06:00

Hello again @Guldstrand,


Battery needs replacement (SOH Bad). That might explain why the issue was caused when an unexpected power lost happened.

I see no errors on the drives, only a 113=Unexpected sense ond disk PD 0a(e1/s255). But this is not a bad hardware failure.


This is the inventory of disks:


Total Device = 7  

T80: PD  Flags    State Type Size     SATA Vendor   Product         Rev  P C ID SAS Addr         Port
T80: --  -------- ----- ---- -------- ---- -------- --------------- ---- - - -- ---------------- ----
T80: 0   f0400005 00020 00   11177327 0    FUJITSU  MBA3147RC        D306 0 0 00 500000e0194c6632    0
T80: 1   f0400005 00020 00   11177327 0    SEAGATE  ST3146855SS      S52C 0 0 01 5000c50008bf0c45    1
T80: 2   f0400005 00020 00   11177327 0    SEAGATE  ST3146855SS      S52C 0 0 02 5000c50008bedc0d    2
T80: 3   f0400005 00020 00   11177327 0    SEAGATE  ST3146855SS      S52C 0 0 03 5000c50008be0915    3
T80: 8   f0400005 00020 00   088bb939 0    HITACHI  HUS153073VLS300  A598 0 0 08 5000cca00519fc91    4
T80: 9   f0400005 00020 00   088bb939 0    HITACHI  HUS153073VLS300  A598 0 0 09 5000cca00519fbf5    4
T80: a   00400005 00020 0d   00000000 0    DP       BACKPLANE        1.05 0 0 0a 5001e0f0193e7500    9
T80: ff  00400005 00020 03   00000000 0                                   0 0 ff                0    0

Is this the same configuration you used to have? If so, you can proceed with retagging with this configuration.

Can you go ahead and try the retagging?


28 Posts

May 21st, 2022 08:00

Ok, i understand. (i think)
Where can I get a new original battery as cheaply as possible?
And how do I know if the raid /perc 5-card itself is ok?

If I continue with this setup for a few more years, maybe I should replace the faulty fan as well? No. 4
There are six hard drives, the seventh is the usb memory.

I'm 85% sure that the hard drives are in the right place. What can happen if 1-2 hard drives are in the wrong place?

28 Posts

May 22nd, 2022 02:00

I have not tried to do any re-tag yet, but I saw this (see attached images) when I TESTED to create a new raid (without saving anything).
It seems like only four out of six hard drives are found? And it is precisely these hard drives that stand as "missing" in the current raid/configuration.

Should I clear the old raid/config or what do I need to do before I can start re-tagging?


I really do not want to do anything wrong, so that's why I want to double check everything with you first before I continue.





4.1K Posts

May 22nd, 2022 22:00

Hi, clear the old raid/config  -> Yes by doing this you should be able to RAID configuration on all 6 disks. But please do back up your data first.             And how do I know if the raid /perc 5-card itself is ok? -> We need to see the TTY logs or check OMSA.                                                                                

28 Posts

May 23rd, 2022 07:00

As I was clear in the beginning, there are no backups and I can not take any backups at this stage.
And I have already posted a link to a log file, created in/by DSET.

I'm 85-90%% sure that the hard drives are in the right place. What can happen if 1-2 hard drives are in the wrong place?



8.8K Posts

May 23rd, 2022 10:00



Retagging a Virtual Disk with the drives in the incorrect order, or not the same configuration, can corrupt the data. The reason being is the parity strip and data are expected to be in a certain location on each individual drive, and isn't in the same location on each drive, so when it has a drive in the wrong location it will break the parity across the drives and damage the data. 


What I suggest is that you upload the dset report to upload . dell . com and then private message YoungAh and myself the svc tag you used to upload it, that way we can locate and retrieve it.  We can look over the logs and see if we can locate anything that could assist in identification. 


Another suggestion is to take the drives to a 3rd party data recovery company to save the data, as anything we do going forward risks the data. I include this so that you can make an informed decision on how you want to proceed. 


Let us know.



28 Posts

May 24th, 2022 05:00

OK I understand.
But I can not use the support form on the page you wrote. (See picture)
And unfortunately, I can not afford to take the disks to any data rescue company right now.

The entire DSET log / report can be found here:



28 Posts

May 24th, 2022 07:00

Well, I HAVE moved around the hard drives, at the request of another guy, to see if there was anything wrong with the hard drives or the controller. But I'm pretty sure all the hard drives are in the right place again.

Shall I continue?
So you could not find any major errors in the log?

28 Posts

May 24th, 2022 07:00

Ok! Will it help anything if I can boot with OMSA? Or should I just continue with re-tag?



8.8K Posts

May 24th, 2022 07:00

Majority of what I see is sense key 6-29-01, which is a Unit Attention - POR occurred report. A POR is a power on reset, but that is the extent of what I am seeing. 


Let us know how it goes.





8.8K Posts

May 24th, 2022 07:00





You can access OMSA and see if the hardware log shed any new light or usable information, or if you chose you can go ahead with the retag. 



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