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May 6th, 2021 09:00

ME4 SSL Cert from CA

have generated key and csr with different specs and gen'd cert from internal CA.  Nothing new.. have done this on dozens of times on other platform.   

uploaded the cert and key to mgmt controller per doc and restarted mc (done both and one at a time)..

see pending cert and key files when ls after put/before restart of MC's.

After reststart, files are gone, but system self cert still loaded when browse to UI.. 

Anyone else have any luck?? 

Have been doing req/cert with SAN extensions, so going to try without as one of few things haven't tried yet to see if the ME4 just doesn't like it.. The me4 doc's so sparse on this topic.


1 Rookie


63 Posts

May 7th, 2021 01:00


Take a look at this guide -

The Dell ME4 and HPE MSA2042 are both re-badged/re-skinned Dot Hill/Seagate AssuredSAN models.

The Admin Manual does a poor job of explaining the required/accepted certificate properties (key size, signing hash algo, file format, etc). But this too is a re-worked version of the Dot Hill/Seagate Admin Manual

Hope this helps.








3.7K Posts

May 6th, 2021 13:00

Hello jfWCCH,


I'm sorry to see the certificate is not loading correctly.  Let me know how your next approach works.


Reference for you in case you don't have it: Installing a security certificate,  Page 155 Administrators guide :


If it still doesn't work we can dig a little deeper.  Please let me know how it goes.

15 Posts

May 7th, 2021 11:00

just what was looking for..

Thank you mc1903!!!

had dug through netapp and ibm since recalled MD's and ibm DS's were rebrands. started on HPE and moved on.. should have kept at it.. the cert chain build and the strip pwd on key did it. Thanks!!!!

15 Posts

May 7th, 2021 12:00

mc1903's post for the HPE doc's of their rebrand of same h/w was what I needed.
Please let you Doc QA folks know.. the docs for the ME4 leave a lot to be desired. On a number of topics on features and configs.. has been an adventure setting this thing up.. SSL cert was the last piece couldn't quite get and now it is done.. going to move to production.



3.7K Posts

May 7th, 2021 13:00

Thank you jfWCCH for the feedback and mc1903 for sourcing a resolution.

1 Rookie


63 Posts

May 13th, 2021 03:00

@jfWCCHI need a favor please...

I don't have access to a ME4 today, but I really need to know if there is an option to enable LDAP user authentication?

Looking at the HPE MSA2050 docs there is, but the Dell docs have little to no mention of LDAP. Not sure if the Dell docs are incomplete or if the ME4 firmware implementation is lacking the feature.

Would you mind checking your ME4 for me?

The location (on the HPE MSA) is HPE MSA2050 - System Settings | Manage Users which has two tabs - Local Users and LDAP Users.

If your ME4 has the LDAP Users tab, could you screen shot it (obv. obscure all config details) and post it back here so I can see all of the config fields?

Also could you tell me the ME4 firmware version you are running, so I have a baseline to reference either way?

This would really help me out of a bind.





3.7K Posts

May 13th, 2021 05:00

Hello mc1903,


It does appear to be removed from ME Storage Manager.

Hopefully jfWCCHI may be able to share.

I'll continue to check and let you know.

15 Posts

May 13th, 2021 07:00

Hi M..

No ldap config in current ME4 UI.. 

funny thing, believe those arrows on top right were to switch b/w tabs as they move between nothing in this current release.  On GT280R008-04

Could just be my memory, but think there was an ldap tab when first powered it up - before f/w update.

I have another one still have to rack and power, if can get to it in next few days (big maybe lol), will let you know if it was present and what release is loaded.



1 Rookie


63 Posts

May 13th, 2021 07:00

Hi JF,

Thank you. I really appreciate you looking.

Whenever you get around to racking the other one and only if you remember, it would be interesting to know if LDAP was present in an older firmware release. I'll mooch through the ME4 firmware release notes to see if there is any reference to it being dropped.







3.7K Posts

May 13th, 2021 08:00

Hello mc1903,


Thank you jfWCCH for the reply.


ME Storage Manager does not support LDAP. Users need to be setup manually through GUI and/or CLI.  The admin Guide will cover user setup.

15 Posts

May 20th, 2021 09:00

Hey M,

FYI:  no ldap option on the factory load on 2nd unit > Version: GT280R006-02

15 Posts

May 20th, 2021 11:00

the other branded versions of the same h/w do Charles.

Would love to know why that was removed if you could find out and enlighten us?


by the way.. FYI for Devs as well:  found a "bug" in UI.. in the notification setup for email, tried to change the sender name and would get error ""Please enter the same value again"

found cli commands, which required inputing the entire string of all settings to get it to accept, but was only way found I could update the name.

15 Posts

May 20th, 2021 11:00

fyi.. I looked for the cli options on others rebrands and tried just to see if maybe was a way around.. commands not recognized on ME4.. 



3.7K Posts

May 20th, 2021 11:00

Hello jfWCCH,


I sure it was a decision by Dell Engineering and I'm not privy to the why and why not but I will inquire and let know what information is provided when the engineer replies.



3.7K Posts

May 20th, 2021 13:00

Hello jfWCCH,


That was quick and as I suspected there is no reason provided for why LDAP is not included. 

I have made a feature request to the engineer. Whether it gets implemented or not I would not know unless it comes out in some future version.

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