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This post is more than 5 years old


October 9th, 2009 10:00

2145cn scan-to-ftp fails reproducably

I have again trouble with my 2145cn. I had not tried for some weeks to set-up the scan-to-ftp. Now I did and ran into this problem:

Step 1) The first time I scan a document, the 2145cn creates a new folder "DOCJPG" in the specified folder on the ftp server and saves the file as "DOC001.JPG".

Step 2) The second time - I assume - it again tries to create that folder DOCJPG and fails, because it is already there. In any case 2145cn quits with "Network Error". This is clearly not a rights-problem on the server (the new folder, of course, belongs to the specified ftp-user... and I have even manually chmod'ed the DOCJPG folder to 777 on the freebsd machine). The Filing Method is set to "Change Name", so the next file should actually be called "DOC002.JPG". Setting it to "Overwrite" resulted in exactly the same problem.

When I delete the folder, the next time it is back to step 1 and I have one successful scan. The next step 2 fails again etc. etc.

Question: Does anyone know how to avoid 2145cn creating a new folder in the first place? Or should that be unavoidable: How to have the scanner accept that this folder is already there?

Thanks for any hints.

8 Posts

October 21st, 2009 07:00

Many rm -rf DOCJPG later, I would still like to know if others experience this same bug. Or is it just me who does not see how to make the scan-to-ftp work properly? If this is a bug, then this firmware is very seriously broken - Tiffs are garbled, and scan-to-ftp is broken. At this moment I can only recommend to anyone to go for a different model. This printer (or rather its firmware) was released way before its time. This is really unfortunate as it is otherwise a very good machine.

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