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This post is more than 5 years old



October 28th, 2003 13:00

communications error

I too am having the communications error. 

On software/driver installation, the printer will work fine for some indefinate amount of time.  After that, i will get a communications error.  This error will not go away until i reinstall the software/driver.  Then after some time (anywhere from and hour to a day or two), I will get the error again.

I purchased the printer with a new Dell PC, and originally saw the error there.  During troubleshooting with Dell support, i changed usb cables.  Moved the printer to a windows 2000 PC where the error still occurs.  Changed usb cables again.  Exchanged the printer for a new one with Dell.  Error still occurs.

I have tried everything from restarting the print spooler service to every possible on/off situation between printer and pc.  Nothing seems to cure this aside from reinstalling the software/driver.

If any of you have gotten rid of this error please let me know.  This is just getting frustrating.

7 Posts

October 28th, 2003 13:00

Also of note.

Whenever this error occurs, i get this in the event log:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Print
Event Category: None
Event ID: 61
Date:  10/28/2003
Time:  9:27:19 AM
The document Test Page owned by faulkner failed to print. Win32 error code returned by the print processor: 183 (0xb7). 

7 Posts

October 28th, 2003 14:00

More troubleshooting:

same event as above, but with this description:

The document Test Page owned by mlaurie failed to print. Win32 error code returned by the print processor: 535 (0x217). 

At a command prompt, if I type in "net helpmsg #", it shows me what the codes are.

183 = Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

535= There is a process on the other end of the pipe.


Just posting this in case it helps at all.

6 Posts

October 28th, 2003 16:00

I know your pain. 

I continue to keep trying, though I don't understand why.  I tried all the suggestions I could find in this section of the forums. 

I looked into BIOS upgrades, and SiSoft Sandra, and even found the Dell Diagnostic tool on my drivers cd, and used that.

Sandra, the diagnostic tool and my device manager all swear to me that the correct drivers are installed, and that the device is not only working, but connected.  As far as I can tell, my printer -should- be able to communicate with my computer.  I've tried changing every type of language/data format as well (LEMF, RAW, TEXT, etc.).

I'm at the end of my rope, and I'll be contacting Dell to see about a new printer.  I just can't fathom why it will do everything but print.  But it seems that using Win2k seems to help things along more than using WinXP, so you've got it better than I do, at least. 

Sorry I couldn't offer you good news.  Hopefully it's really just this printer and a new one will solve everything. 

Edit: Have you entered your error codes into the Windows Support Knowledge Base?  I find many many answers to some odd problems there, their error documentation is pretty comprehensive.  The Dell Knowledge base might have your answer as well.


Message Edited by Kahli on 10-28-2003 01:37 PM

7 Posts

November 5th, 2003 21:00

I think I am getting closer to finding the cause of some of the communication errors, although I do not know why it is happening yet.

It seems that soon after i join a domain I will get these communication errors.  Also of note, when i get the errors, i also get some DCOM errors in the event log such as:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: DCOM
Event Category: None
Event ID: 10004
Date:  11/3/2003
Time:  8:48:50 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: FAULKNER
DCOM got error "Overlapped I/O operation is in progress. " and was unable to logon .\DLBJ_FAULKNER in order to run the server: {449DCC80-28F9-4433-9638-4FD10E345DB8}

These errors really make no sense to me, seeing as how I am only trying to print to a local printer from a client machine. 

Will post more as I get more information.

1 Message

November 7th, 2003 23:00

I installed two of these printers this afternoon.  Both installed with no issues; printed test pages from Windows and the Dell install program.  During this time I was also adding these computers to the Windows 2000 domain and I switched the local user accounts for domain accounts.  While doing this I noticed that there was a DLBJ_ComputerName account in the Local User list; the description showed "Account for the Lexmark...."  I thought it was for diagnostics like the other accounts for Dell and Microsoft support.  I do not like extra accounts on the computer, so I disabled the account figuring I could activate it later when needed.

Then I started getting the "Communication Not Available" error.  Since this very informative error message said the printer cannot communicate with the computer and to check the USB cable, power cable or restart the computer; I did not suspect that disabling the account would have caused this problem.  I brought one of the printers home to continue troubleshooting.  After reading your last post about the account my brain finally realized that the error had nothing to do with computer to printer communication, but rather software to user communication.

With the account enabled the printer works perfectly and with the account disabled the incredibly useless error message appears.  I noticed in the Task Manager that the printer service spawns a new task using the aforementioned account to send the print job to the printer.  So rather than use the SYSTEM account it uses the account created during the install.

Check your Local Users for this account and make sure it is enabled.  Maybe in the future Dell (or Lexmark) will create a printer service that does not require a special account to send print jobs to the printer.  At least they could fix the error to reflect the actual security issue rather than send people on a wild goose chase.

7 Posts

November 12th, 2003 17:00

This is exactly the cause of the problem.  Thanks for your time/effort in figuring this out and also for posting it here.

Creating a local account to print is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen.  This printer is basically useless to me because of it. 

 I have some domain password/login restrictions that I cannot change.  The only way to get around this for me would be to insert a password variable into the driver.  Seeing as how I don't have the code to do this, I have a an extra bulky dust collector.

Thanks Dell/Lexmark.

1 Message

December 19th, 2003 16:00

How do you do that. I am having the same problem and I can't find a way to make the printer work. Can someone please help me.
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