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March 27th, 2012 10:00

ProSphere information around the version of OS, security, patching.

Hi All,

can some one help me with  fallowing questions  before deploying a Unknown VM into the enterprise environment.

1. where do i find  information around the version of OS, security, patching,for ProSphere before deploying  the OVF / image file.

2. I heard from some one saying the VM's are built with suse linux, if so

   1.does customer have to update using just the vmware update manager(LINUX RPM's).

   2.what is the case if customer  typically builds and qualifies their own OS images(suppose Suse linux) .

3. what are the ports open on these machine ?Would it be a security risk to leave these ports open?

is there a document from emc that has answers to all the above questions?



27 Posts

March 27th, 2012 12:00

Hello Ganesh,

I would recommend you start with the following guides, all are available on Powerlink under
Home > Support > Technical Documentation and Advisories >       Software ~ P-R ~ Documentation > ProSphere >          1.5.

  • ProSphere Security Configuration Guide
  • ProSphere Open Source License and Copyright Information for GPLv3 as Included with a Distribution of SLES 11
  • ProSphere Open Source License and Copyright Information

I hope this helps.

Ryan H.

199 Posts

March 28th, 2012 20:00

Hi, I have some problems on default username/password on SMI provider and prosphere Prosphere SRM VM. I recently deployed prosphere and can't log in SRM VM with root/PS{15)rOSdf    combination.

After installing SMI with SE7.3, I go to the URL https:// :5989/ecomconfig , also failed to log in using the username admin and the password #1Password.

Any comments?

27 Posts

March 29th, 2012 06:00

The default login credentials for the ProSphere UI are:

user:  appadmin

password:  Changeme1!

The password you mention above is to login directly to the ProSphere virtual machines (which we do not advise by the way).  

If by chance you upgraded from ProSphere 1.0 to 1.5 you will want to open a chat with EMC support so we can provide your root password.  For security reasons I cannot post that password here.

Regarding the SMI provider, it appears you have entered the correct credentials.  You may want to open a case with support on that one so we can have a look.


Ryan H.

March 29th, 2012 13:00

So Ryan,

EMC is encouraging everyone to try ProSphere before you buy, but they don't want anyone to log into it?


27 Posts

March 29th, 2012 14:00

Let me clarify.  ProSphere has a browser based user interface.  You simply open your favorite web browser and navigate to https://prospherehostname to login to the UI.  On the backend, ProSphere is made up of 3 virtual machines.  We provide the root password to those vms for security reasons (and encourage you to change it) but the VMs are intended to be black boxes that are not changed in any way.  So we generally don't recommend customers login to the VMs directly. 


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