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This post is more than 5 years old


October 13th, 2008 02:00

Trouble installing Microsoft applications

I get the following error message when trying to install Office XP, small business: 'another installation is in must complete that one first' ... I get this same message at any time when trying to install office XP, Winword, or Excel.  There IS no other installation that I am aware of.  Also when trying to install WinWord I get the additional message: 'Your Operating System is not presently configured to accept this application' Note: I have Windows Vista...recently converted f rom Windows XP....but I don't think that is the problem because others have told me that Windows Word, Excel, etc work equally well in WinXP or Vista.

Some other factor may be involved.  Can anyone help?  Could it be my Windows Installer?  How could I download a new installer?  I am operating a Dell Inspiron530, 250GB HD, 2GB RAM, and Vista OS (which I hate)...I have had nothing but trouble with this new computer and Vista.

1.8K Posts

October 14th, 2008 20:00

Google is your friend.  A 5-second search and top result is straight from the horse's mouth:


If rebooting does not help, try the windows installer cleanup utility:;en-us;290301 

261 Posts

October 15th, 2008 01:00

We have a catch 22: When I try to install Windows Installer Cleanup Facility I get the same message: Error 1500.  Another installation is in progress...You must complete that installation before continuing this one.

Is there a location on the computer where all installations or current attempted installations are listed so that I could eliminate whatever is there and start over fresh?  Most times when this message occurs I am not even aware that I had initiated an installation...or it may have occurred two weeks earlier.  I have restored my system to 10 days previous and STILL got that same message.  The google friend says (in relationto that error message) just to reboot...but that has never worked.  I am still trying other things but am becoming very discouraged with this computer and especially Vista.  I could not even put MSICUU2.exe in the folder of my choice...permission denied...I had to put it where Vista allowed.

1.8K Posts

October 15th, 2008 03:00

Have you tried killing the msiexec process after hitting ctrl+alt+del to bring up the task list?

261 Posts

October 15th, 2008 04:00

Yes, I have brought up Task Manager (with the 3-finger delete).  There was one other attempted installation which I deleted but I STILL got the same error message 'Another installation is in progress, etc etc) when I attempted to install a certain Quicktime application.  It is like I cannot seem to install anything (or UNinstall anything either for that matter) without getting these error messages.  I am at the point where I have to consider reinstalling the OS itself but I am quite sure I will get the same error message if I try to do that too.  I am getting very discouraged.  I also fail to understand why I need permission from Vista to put a download into a folder of my choice instead of where Vista allows me to put it...but that is another matter that is driving me mad.  Like I don't have control of my own computer anymore....sorry for the rant...I am just extremely discouraged.

1.8K Posts

October 15th, 2008 13:00

Read the section titled "contents of the readme.txt file" in this article:


It looks like instead of installing the utility, you need to extract its contents to a folder and run it manually.


See this thread for information on how to extract the contents of the cleanup utility manually: 

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