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1 Rookie


21 Posts


September 25th, 2020 14:00

Alert! iDRAC not responding, rebooting


After installing VMWare OpenManage_Integration 5.1.0, on VMWare 7.0, I tried to update iDRAC firmware. After the console stuck for more than an hour, I restarted my R720.
Since this time, the iDRAC do not seems to respond. I have many error message at boot.

On POST, I can see on top right "Lifecycle Controller Disabled" also having this error message :"Alert! idrac not responding rebooting" 

... And reboot

At this reboot, After memory check, the server reboot and continue tells me iDRAC have a problem, but, at least boot.

After BIOS and RAID check, I have an error "Warning! iDRAC initialisation error"
But I can strike F1 to continue or F2 to run system setup program
- If I hit F2, in BIOS option, under iDRAC Setting, I have: "SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready. The configuration values cannot be accessed."
- If I hit F1, the boot sequence continue and complain again about iDRAC "SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready. The configuration values cannot be accessed."
but if I press F1, the real boot continue.

VMWare is able to boot.
But iDRAC is unacessible, (even no MAC address from switch) and fans never stop, running at ... medium level.

Seems to be iDRAC issue. How can I reinitialise/repair this iDRAC problem ?

Many Thanks,



15 Posts

September 25th, 2020 17:00

Please try these steps:

1. Unplug PSU cables

2. Press the power button for at least 30 few seconds to drain the electricity in the server

3. Allow the iDrac to post before powering server on.

1 Rookie


21 Posts

September 25th, 2020 22:00

Thnaks for the idea, but i tried it and still not working

1 Rookie


21 Posts

September 27th, 2020 11:00

Just remembering something. When you say "3. Allow the iDrac to post before powering server on."..

As soon as I connect power cord to PSU, the server start, automatically.

Also, second thing, when the server boot, I can ear a sound (like an old 8bit game). Is it possible I eared this sound  before, when I was restarting my iDRAC ?

If yes, is that mean the iDRAC try to boot ? 

Is it possible to "view" the iDRAC booting sequence ? by serial port or something else ?




4.1K Posts

September 27th, 2020 18:00

Hi, thanks for your question. We suspect an h/w issue. Idrac failure does not affect OS booting at all but it's just that you won't be able to manage systems through Idrac. Hope this helps and have a great week ahead.

1 Rookie


21 Posts

September 29th, 2020 04:00

Sounds very strange to me that a hardware failure appears right when a firmware update has been done ... (not successfully)

I read at many places I can load again an iDRAC with SD card.( But everywhere, the card reader is inside or at the back of the device. I looked and did not see card reader except at the from of the device. Is the right one ?



3.5K Posts

September 29th, 2020 06:00


you can see here the vFlash media card slot on the back of the system (n. 13)



15 Posts

September 29th, 2020 08:00



3.5K Posts

September 29th, 2020 08:00

Sorry, for the R720 the vFlash media card slot is on the front.


1 Rookie


21 Posts

September 29th, 2020 08:00

Thanks, but my model is R720 not R720xd. Is the SD card reader is on the front or inside ?



3.5K Posts

September 29th, 2020 09:00

yes I confirm

1 Rookie


21 Posts

September 29th, 2020 18:00


As I must admit that a firmware update can irrevocably kill your iDRAC (very surprising and frustrating), seems I must live without the iDRAC. But, how can I solve the 2 major issue of this death:

- Fan always running ?

- Disabling the verification/loading of iDRAC during boot, allowing my server to boot without human intervention. (Press F1 twice during boot process) ?



3.4K Posts

September 29th, 2020 22:00

Hi @Janus_006,


Unfortunately, there is no way to reduce the fan speed after a iDRAC failure. I'm unsure if disabling the F1/F2 prompt on error could help to have the server POST normally on an iDRAC failure error, but give it a try. Go to BIOS > Miscellaneous Settings > F1/F2 Prompt on Error > Disable


Have you tried resetting the iDRAC using SSH?


Let me know how it goes.


1 Rookie


21 Posts

September 30th, 2020 10:00

Hi @DELL-Joey C ,

For the desactvation of F1 in Bios, I can confirm by changing this option, this remove the second notification, but not the first.

This one still present


For the SSH connection, it will be difficult as the iDRAC do no have any IP and also do not broadcast any MAC address.

I don't know if it's related, or can help, but when I saved my modifications, BIOS told me "error on saving ...etc" But all was saved. Important ???

Now, I'm at the point to try connexion via console on iDRAC and hope I can view something. But, as I don't avec DB9 serial, I must wait to receive the one I just ordered.

4 Operator


2.9K Posts

September 30th, 2020 12:00

An image of the message may be helpful.  I'd want to see the full message in context, so as to make sure we understand what's happening. As for the automated reboot and it's associated message, I'm not aware of any way to fix that, except for replacing the iDRAC (which would mean replacing the system board).

1 Rookie


21 Posts

October 1st, 2020 18:00

For now, I'm waiting to receive my serial cable to connect via COM on the iDRAC. I want to see if the iDRAC is alive; maybe in error, but alive.

Personally, I'm still stucked on message "SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready. The configuration values cannot be accessed" I want to verify if the iDRAC is not ready or completely unresponsive. Maybe i'm wrong, but as I can read, serial connection is the inly way I have to connect on iDRAC.

If it's not working, I will reboot machine and give you a complete screenshot/photo of the error message.


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