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14 Posts


December 10th, 2019 13:00

Request for help : RP4VM V5.2 REST API


I am creating a script for book marking and failover processes in our lab using PowerShell.

So far my understanding is for any operation on the copy the following information is required.




Question 1

As per REST API guide for  5.2 

Enable image access
clusters/{ clusterId}/copies/{copyId}/image_access/latest/enable

Which clusterId is this? The Production side or remote side where the copy resides?

Question 2

When I try to find copyID using $URL="https:// :7225/fapi/rest/5_2/groups/472133857/state

Invoke-RestMethod -Credential $rpcreds -Uri $URL

My copyUIDs are blank even though the transfer is enabled and everything looks good on the RP4VM monitor in the vCenter.

roupUID : @{id=472133857}
enabled : True
sourceCopiesUIDs : {@{groupUID=; globalCopyUID=}}
groupCopiesState : { @{copyUID=; enabled=True; regulated=False; suspended=False; active=False; removable=True; activePrimaryRPA=2; activeSecondaryRPAsList=System.Object[];

NOTE: This RP4VM environment is not licensed, could this be an issue?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.




675 Posts

January 26th, 2020 05:00

Hi there,

I sent some examples offline, should you have other questions/comments, please reach out.




1 Message

February 17th, 2020 17:00


I have the same problem.



I can't find groupId, clusterId, copyId

I would be grateful if you could give me an example.

Thank you.



675 Posts

February 18th, 2020 01:00

Hi there,

Here's a failover example:


Note that failover (as well as recover production) requires Test (AKA image access) to be performed first.


To get the cluster UID, run:

GET /clusters

To get the group UID, run:

GET /groups

To get copyId, run:

GET /groups/{groupId}/settings


Hope that helps,



April 28th, 2020 02:00

Thank you for the insight. I have a similar issue in trying to get the cluster ID with /clusters. All I return is the cluster name:

{@{clusterUID=; clusterName=NA2-PDVRPACL01}, @{clusterUID=; clusterName=NA1-PDVRPACL01}}

This is not so critical as I can obtain the cluster ID through the CLI and that is static. However, I also need to obtain the splitter ID so I can dynamically check the state of the splitters since we add and remove hosts periodically form the protected cluster. I cannot find where to obtain that information. 

675 Posts

April 28th, 2020 05:00

Take a look at GET /splitters/settings.

April 28th, 2020 06:00

That returns a null for splitter ID:

clusterUID splittersSettings
---------- -----------------
@{id=6691660245944692135} {@{JsonSubType=EsxSplitterSettings; splitterUID=; splitterName=NA1-PROD; attachedUserVolumes=System.Object[]; arrayUID=; singleSplittersInfo=System.Object[]; singleSplitterName=ESX}}

April 29th, 2020 06:00

I misunderstood when you said try /splitters/settings I thought you were looking for /cluster/{clusterID}/splitters/settings which gives the above output. Just /splitters/settings gives this:

{@{clusterUID=; splittersSettings=System.Object[]}, @{clusterUID=; splittersSettings=System.Object[]}}

If I use a format-list on /cluster/{clusterID}/splitters/settings the return is a bit different but still no splitter ID

clusterUID : @{id=5065980402614411360}
splittersSettings : {@{JsonSubType=EsxSplitterSettings; splitterUID=; splitterName=SA1-PROD; attachedUserVolumes=System.Object[]; arrayUID=; singleSplittersInfo=System.Object[]; singleSplitterName=ESX}}

675 Posts

April 30th, 2020 04:00

Can you please attach the full raw output ? and please send over the full call you're trying to run.





June 4th, 2020 06:00

@Idan ,

I am sorry I did not get back to this post. I eventually figured this out I am using PowerShell for the scripting. Here is the script:

$ credential   =   Get-Credential
$ username   =   $ credential.GetNetworkCredential () .UserName
$ password   =   $ credential.GetNetworkCredential () .password
$ credPair   =   "$($ username ) : $($ password )"
$ encodedCredentials   =   [ System.Convert ] ::ToBase64String ([ System.Text.Encoding ] ::ASCII.GetBytes ($ credPair ))
$ headers   =   @ {   Authorization   =   " Basic  $ encodedCredentials "   }
$ comp   =   " /splitters/settings "
$ outfile   =   " .\Splitter Version.csv "
# This section parses the data from the csv and starts to iterate through the sites
foreach   ($ s   in   $ rp4vmcl )   {
     $ cluster   =   $ s.cluster_name
     $ uid   =   $ s.cluster_uid
     $ curl   =   $ s.cluster_url
     $ url   =   "$ curl /clusters/ $ uid $ comp "
# the following captures all the splitter settings
     $ results   =   Invoke-RestMethod   - Method GET  - uri  $ url   - SkipCertificateCheck  - Headers  $ headers
# This part captures the cluster information
     $ cversp   =   Invoke-RestMethod   - Method GET  - uri  $ curl / system / version  - SkipCertificateCheck  - Headers  $ headers
     $ cversion   =   $ cversp.version
     $ outarray   =   @ ()
     $ record   =   [ ordered ]   @ {
         " Site "   =   ""
         " Cluster Version "   =   ""
         " Server "   =   ""
         " Splitter Version "   =   ""
     foreach   ($ id   in   $ results )   {
         $ suid   =   $
         $ surl   =   "$ curl /clusters/ $ uid /splitters/ $ suid /state "
# One more time to the API to get more indepth splitter information
         $ splitters   =   Invoke-RestMethod   - Method GET  - uri  $ surl   - SkipCertificateCheck  - Headers  $ headers
         $ ssplit =   $ splitters.singleSplittersState
         $ i   =   0
         $ ss   =   $ ssplit.count
#now we iterate throught the splitters to get our information
         while   ($ i   -ne   $ ss )   {
             $ key01   =   $ ssplit [$ i ] .osAndVersionInfo.key [ 0 ]
Sometimes the  data  is presented out of order so we validate the  data  is  in  the right palace.
             if   ($ key01   -ne   " Splitter version " )   {
                 $ sver   =   $ ssplit [$ i ] .osAndVersionInfo.value [ 1 ]
                 $ shost   =   $ ssplit [$ i ] .osAndVersionInfo.value [ 0 ]   |   % {$ _.Split ( "   " )[ 1 ]}
             else   {
                 $ sver   =   $ ssplit [$ i ] .osAndVersionInfo.value [ 0 ]
                 $ shost   =   $ ssplit [$ i ] .osAndVersionInfo.value [ 1 ]   |   % {$ _.Split ( "   " )[ 1 ]}
             $ record . " Site "   =   $ cluster
             $ record . " Cluster Version "   =   $ cversion
             $ record . " Server "   =   $ shost
             $ record . " Splitter Version "   =   $ sver
             $ objrecord   =   New-Object  PSObject  - property  $ record
             $ outarray   +=   $ objrecord
             $ i ++
     $ outarray   |   Export-CSV   - Path  $ outfile   - Append
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