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This post is more than 5 years old


February 1st, 2017 07:00

What are the "RecoverPoint EX CDP" and "RecoverPoint EX CRR" within the VNXe3200 array use for ?


We have two EMC VNXe3200 arrays, and two RecoverPoint EX clusters making up our RecoverPoint system.

On the our RecoverPoint system, we have loaded up the EX license that is tied to the two VNXe3200 arrays serial numbers. The RecoverPoint system is able to communicate with both arrays. We are able to setup and replicate volumes.


Checking the EMC VNXe3200 arrays Unisphere license page, we see two license line items (named " RecoverPoint EX CDP" and "RecoverPoint EX CRR") related to RecoverPoint EX and they are marked as "not installed". 


Does anyone know what are the " RecoverPoint EX CDP" and "RecoverPoint EX CRR" licenses (within the VNXe3200 array) for ?

Do they provide the same functionality as the licenses within the RecoverPoint system/clusters?

Do they provide additional/complimentary functionality ?

Do they provide alternate set of functionality ?

675 Posts

February 2nd, 2017 01:00

Hi there,

The RP license information and status should be viewed only from Unisphere for RP or RP's CLI/REST interfaces.

This RP license view from Unity's side doesn't provide additional capabilities and currently can be ignored.

Hope that helps,


2 Posts

February 2nd, 2017 07:00

Hi Idan,

Thanks for your answer.

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