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December 11th, 2013 17:00

Dynamic modelling for Firewall(multiple-vendors) Sessions

Hi folks,

What I am trying to do is to poll some additional oids to get the information for the session counts and session rate for a bunch of firewall devices. This is actually simple if I only have one vendor's device, let's say Cisco. I can create a dynamic model like following:


interface fw_session : ICIM_Instrumentation


     instrument SNMP {

        ActiveSessions = ""


readonly instrumented attribute int ActiveSessions

"Number of active sessions on Cisco Firewall.";


refine interface Firewall


propagate attribute int ActiveSessions

         "Number of active sessions on the device."

         = fw_session,InstrumentedBy,ActiveSessions;



However, I have multiple vendor's firewall in the network, netscreen, fortinet etc.

I could add couple of instrumented attributes and create multiple attributes in the "refine interface Firewall" section,  something like following,

interface fw_session : ICIM_Instrumentation


     instrument SNMP {

        cisco_ActiveSessions = "",

        netscreen_ActiveSessions = "",

        fortinet_ActiveSessions = ""


readonly instrumented attribute int cisco_ActiveSessions

"Number of active sessions on Cisco Firewall.";

readonly instrumented attribute int netscreen_ActiveSessions

"Number of active sessions on netscreen Firewall.";

readonly instrumented attribute int fortinet_ActiveSessions

"Number of active sessions on fortinet Firewall.";


refine interface Firewall


propagate attribute int cisco_ActiveSessions

         "Number of active sessions on the cisco firewall."

         = fw_session,InstrumentedBy,cisco_ActiveSessions;

propagate attribute int netscreen_ActiveSessions

         "Number of active sessions on the netscreen firewall."

         = fw_session,InstrumentedBy,netscreen_ActiveSessions;

propagate attribute int fortinet_ActiveSessions

         "Number of active sessions on the fortinet firewall."

         = fw_session,InstrumentedBy,fortinet_ActiveSessions;


the problem is: personally, I don't think it is nice to have all the three attributes showing up for all the firewalls regardless of the vendor.

I am wondering is there a way in dynamic model we can use some sort of conditional judgement to only create one general attribute

"ActiveSession", but could populate the different value from the instrumented attributes ?

I have tried using the keyword "case", but didn't get any luck.

I am still learning the modelling language, so any comment or help is really appreciated.



17 Posts

January 3rd, 2014 04:00

The standard way of doing this in Smarts is to create a seperate instrumentation class for each vendor. So in your case create a toplevel class fw_session where you put code common to all vendors. Then subclass off this for each vendor, e.g. fw_session_cisco, fw_session_netscreen, etc.You put vendor specific code/definitions in these classes.

Your discovery code will need to know which instrumentation class to create for a given model/vendor.

I think then your propagate definitation in the Firewall class should work unmodified.

13 Posts

January 6th, 2014 22:00

Hi AlanG,

Thanks for your reply. Your input lightened me.

However, looks like most of the general instrumentations ( for example: Memory_Performance ) are complied in binary code, I can only see the specific vendor's instrumentation. The difficult part for me would be how to link the general instrumentation with the specific vendor's instrumentations.

So do you know if there is any code in Smarts installation path I can refer to ?


17 Posts

January 7th, 2014 01:00

There isn't much to it, something like this should work, although I haven't tested it (but it compiles).

interface fw_session : ICIM_Instrumentation {

    readonly attribute int ActiveSessions;


interface fw_session_cisco : fw_session {

    instrument SNMP {

        ActiveSessions = ""


  refine instrumented ActiveSessions;


interface fw_session_netscreen : fw_session {

    instrument SNMP {

        ActiveSessions = ""


  refine instrumented ActiveSessions;



13 Posts

January 9th, 2014 18:00

Thank you very much Alan, I will give it a go.


13 Posts

January 13th, 2014 23:00

Hi Alan,

Sorry to bother you again. I've loaded the dynamic model into the system and also created separate polling classes for these firewalls, but I get null value in IP domain.

I am not sure if I need to touch the discovery drives ( those .import files) under /opt/InCharge/IP/smarts/conf/discovery.

I think I only need to populate values from snmp poll and no need to create objects, so using instrument snmp plus new polling might be sufficient.

I am quite struggling on this one, as the learning materials/documents are very limited. I am wondering if you have experience on this, would you be able to explain this a bit more to me ? I believe quite a few folks on this forum are keen to know the similar stuff as well according to my searching.

What I've done so far:


1. Dynamic model


interface fw_session : ICIM_Instrumentation {

    readonly attribute unsigned ActiveSessions;


interface fw_session_cisco : fw_session {

    instrument SNMP {

        ActiveSessions = ""


  refine instrumented ActiveSessions;


interface fw_session_netscreen : fw_session {

    instrument SNMP {

        ActiveSessions = ""


  refine instrumented ActiveSessions;


interface fw_session_fortinet : fw_session {

    instrument SNMP {

        ActiveSessions = ""


  refine instrumented ActiveSessions;


refine interface Firewall


propagate attribute unsigned max ActiveSessions

         "Number of active sessions on the device."

         = fw_Session, InstrumentedBy, ActiveSessions;



2. Create 3 new polling classes for 3 different vendors firewalls and associate firewalls with them, below is an example for fortinet firewalls.



*  fortinet_fw_setting.asl




default loglevel      = "warning";


* These are overridden by the Setting every time the START rule is

* invoked.


default SettingClass  = "";

default SettingName   = "";

default ElementClass  = "";

default ElementName   = "";

objectFactory       = object("ICIM_ObjectFactory", "ICIM-ObjectFactory");

topoManager       = object("ICF_TopologyManager", "ICF-TopologyManager");

icimMgrObj          = object("ICIM_Manager", "ICIM-Manager");

pingerObj             = object(getInstances("ICMP_AccessorInterface")[0]);

snmpPollerObj     = object(getInstances("SNMP_AccessorInterface")[0]);

ruleFileName       = this->ReadsRulesFrom->fileName;

DEBUG                 = TRUE;


    .. eol

} do {

    print("************************* SettingClass: " . SettingClass);

    print("*************************  SettingName: " . SettingName);

    print("************************* ElementClass: " . ElementClass);

    print("*************************  ElementName: " . ElementName);


    prnObj = object(ElementClass, ElementName);

    if (prnObj->isNull()) {



    if (!prnObj->isInstanceOf("Firewall")) {



  if ( prnObj->Vendor == "FORTINET" ) {

    settingsObj = object(SettingClass, SettingName);

    if (settingsObj->isNull()) {




    prnAgentObj = prnObj->getSNMPAgent();

    if (prnAgentObj->isNull()) {



    credentialObj     = create("SNMP_Credentials", "sys-setting-credential-" . string(thread()));


    prnInstrObj       = prnObj->makeInstrumentation("fw_session_fortinet");

    interval          = settingsObj->PollingInterval;

    timeout           = settingsObj->Timeout / 1000;

    retries           = settingsObj->Retries;

    prnInstrName      = prnInstrObj->Name;

    prnAgentAddress   = prnAgentObj->AgentAddress;

    traceSNMP         = 1;

    prnIndex          = 0;

    pollingParamList  = list(prnInstrName,










                                      credentialObj)?  LOG(loglevel), NEXT;

    snmpPollerObj->polling_parameters += pollingParamList? LOG(loglevel),NEXT;

    settingsDriverObj = object("GA_PersistentDriver", "DRV-ICF_ASLSetting-devstat/sys-setting.asl");

    if (settingsDriverObj->isNull()) {

        settingsRuleSet   = object("GA_RuleSet", "RS-ICF_ASLSetting-devstat/sys-setting.asl");

        if (settingsRuleSet->isNull()) {

            settingsRuleSet           = create("GA_RuleSet", "RS-ICF_ASLSetting-devstat/sys-setting.asl");

            settingsRuleSet->fileName = "devstat/sys-setting.asl";


        settingsDriverObj = create("GA_PersistentDriver", "DRV-ICF_ASLSetting-devstat/sys-setting.asl");

        settingsDriverObj->ReadsRulesFrom    = settingsRuleSet;

        settingsDriverObj->waitForCompletion = TRUE;


    gaParameterObj = create("GA_Parameters", "settings-Parameters" . "-" . thread());

    gaParameterObj->insert("SettingClass", SettingClass);

    gaParameterObj->insert("SettingName",  SettingName);

    gaParameterObj->insert("ElementClass", ElementClass);

    gaParameterObj->insert("ElementName",  ElementName);


    if (DEBUG) {







17 Posts

January 14th, 2014 03:00

You need to sub class ICF_PollingSetting. Something like this (but may need tweaking)

interface Firewall_Session_Setting:ICF_PollingSetting {

    refine DisplayName

    = "Firewall Sessions SNMP Polling";

    refine stored SettingKey

    = "SNMP-SESS";

    refine TargetClass

      = "ICIM_UnitaryComputerSystem";

    refine InstrumentationClass

    = "fw_session";

    refine RuleSet

      = "health/firewall-session-setting.asl";

    refine Type

    = POLLING;

    refine defaults

    definition :

                AnalysisMode                    = ENABLED,

                PollingInterval                 = 240,

                Timeout                         = 700,

                Retries                         = 3;


The value of RuleSet should be your ASL for creating the instrumentation and linking to the SNMP accessor. It does not make sense to have a seperate settings file for each vendor, just have one file and create instrumentation based on the value of the vendor attribute.

If you restart your domain with this MODEL then you should have another settings option to apply in the Polling & Thresholds GUI.

13 Posts

January 15th, 2014 04:00

Hi Alan,

Thanks for your help.

Actually I forgot something in the post yesterday ( my brain was not working very well ), I did created another instrumentation which inherit from Connectivity_Polling_Setting, not from Class ICF_PollingSetting. The model is similar with what you have provided. ( I tried to change to Class ICF_PollingSetting, but still no luck ).

Now my concerns comes to be the RuleSet, I have enabled the debug switch in the asl, but everything looks fine.

I also used the new tool comes with the latest release called, I can see the oid in the fw_session.mdl is polled.


Discovery,Performance-Probe,Performance-Fortigate-Health-Driver,.,(discovery/ic-fortigate-health.asl) Discovery of TemperatureSensors VoltageSensors Fans PowerSupplies

Discovery,Performance-Probe,Performance-Fortigate-Health-Driver,.,(discovery/ic-fortigate-health.asl) Discovery of TemperatureSensors VoltageSensors Fans PowerSupplies






But when I went bit further - dump the snmp accessor data out by using  dmctl

dmctl -s IP-AM-PM exec dmdebug --dumpAccessor=DEVSTAT-SNMP-Poller snmp-poller.log

I can see the following problem for the new created instrumentation:


Instance Name: I-fw_session_fortinet-StateOfPlay-FW

Attribute Name: ActiveSessions

Polling Period: 0

Last Polled At: The Epoch

Cached Value:

Last Error: MR-E-NOT-CURRENT_MONITORED-Instrumented attribute ?1? is not currently being monitored by accessor.


Any problem you can see so far ?



17 Posts

January 15th, 2014 04:00

Have you defined any events that use this value? And are you subscribing to those events in SAM?

13 Posts

January 15th, 2014 13:00

No, I haven't, I was trying to see the value for the attribute first, then define events.

Do you mean I have to define events and subscribe to them in SAM, otherwise, the value won't be populated ?


13 Posts

January 15th, 2014 22:00

Added event definition in the model and also create a .import file under /opt/InCharge/IP/smarts/local/conf/icf to subscribe the events.




   subscriptions = {

   { "Firewall", ".*", "HighSessionCounts_Cisco", 77879 },

   { "Firewall", ".*", "HighSessionCounts_Fortinet", 77879 }




I've also tried to change the type of the attribute from int to unsigned according to the model document.

But the value is stilling showing "0".

Now I am lost, as I am not sure what is the next steps to troubleshoot.

Again, I will paste my asl code here. this is the RuleSet for the new polling instrumentation



*  firewall_session_setting.asl




//default loglevel      = "warning";

default loglevel      = "debug";


* These are overridden by the Setting every time the START rule is

* invoked.


default SettingClass  = "";

default SettingName   = "";

default ElementClass  = "";

default ElementName   = "";

objectFactory       = object("ICIM_ObjectFactory", "ICIM-ObjectFactory");

topoManager       = object("ICF_TopologyManager", "ICF-TopologyManager");

icimMgrObj          = object("ICIM_Manager", "ICIM-Manager");

//pingerObj             = object(getInstances("PingerAccessorInterface")[0]);

pingerObj             = object(getInstances("ICMP_AccessorInterface")[0]);

snmpPollerObj     = object(getInstances("SNMP_AccessorInterface")[0]);

ruleFileName       = this->ReadsRulesFrom->fileName;

DEBUG                 = TRUE;


    .. eol

} do {

    print("************************* SettingClass: " . SettingClass);

    print("*************************  SettingName: " . SettingName);

    print("************************* ElementClass: " . ElementClass);

    print("*************************  ElementName: " . ElementName);

    prnIndex          = "";


    prnObj = object(ElementClass, ElementName);

    if (prnObj->isNull()) {



    if (!prnObj->isInstanceOf("Firewall")) {



    settingsObj = object(SettingClass, SettingName);

    if (settingsObj->isNull()) {




    prnAgentObj = prnObj->getSNMPAgent();

    if (prnAgentObj->isNull()) {



    credentialObj     = create("SNMP_Credentials", "sys-setting-credential-" . string(thread()));


//Different vendor using different Insturmentation.  

if ( prnObj->Vendor == "FORTINET" ) {

    prnInstrObj       = prnObj->makeInstrumentation("fw_session_fortinet");

    prnIndex          = 0;


   if ( prnObj->Vendor == "CISCO" ) {

    prnInstrObj       = prnObj->makeInstrumentation("fw_session_cisco");


   if ( prnObj->Vendor == "NETSCREEN" ) {

    prnInstrObj       = prnObj->makeInstrumentation("fw_session_netscreen");



    print("Instrumentation Name is: ".prnInstrObj);


//    prnInstrObj       = prnObj->makeInstrumentation("fw_session");


    interval          = settingsObj->PollingInterval;

    timeout           = settingsObj->Timeout / 1000;

    retries           = settingsObj->Retries;

    prnInstrName      = prnInstrObj->Name;

    prnAgentAddress   = prnAgentObj->AgentAddress;

    traceSNMP         = 1;

//    prnIndex          = 0;

    pollingParamList  = list(prnInstrName,






// instanceName oid





                                      credentialObj)?  LOG(loglevel), NEXT;

    snmpPollerObj->polling_parameters += pollingParamList? LOG(loglevel),NEXT;

//add more debug

   if ( DEBUG ) {

   print("snmpPollerObj = ".snmpPollerObj." prnAgentObj = ".prnAgentObj." prnInstrName = ".prnInstrName." prnIndex = ".prnIndex." CredentialObj = ".credentialObj);

   print("Polling Interval=".interval." Timeout=".timeout." Retries=".retries);


    settingsDriverObj = object("GA_PersistentDriver", "DRV-ICF_ASLSetting-devstat/sys-setting.asl");

    if (settingsDriverObj->isNull()) {

        settingsRuleSet   = object("GA_RuleSet", "RS-ICF_ASLSetting-devstat/sys-setting.asl");

        if (settingsRuleSet->isNull()) {

            settingsRuleSet           = create("GA_RuleSet", "RS-ICF_ASLSetting-devstat/sys-setting.asl");

            settingsRuleSet->fileName = "devstat/sys-setting.asl";


        settingsDriverObj = create("GA_PersistentDriver", "DRV-ICF_ASLSetting-devstat/sys-setting.asl");

        settingsDriverObj->ReadsRulesFrom    = settingsRuleSet;

        settingsDriverObj->waitForCompletion = TRUE;


    gaParameterObj = create("GA_Parameters", "settings-Parameters" . "-" . thread());

    gaParameterObj->insert("SettingClass", SettingClass);

    gaParameterObj->insert("SettingName",  SettingName);

    gaParameterObj->insert("ElementClass", ElementClass);

    gaParameterObj->insert("ElementName",  ElementName);


    if (DEBUG) {








17 Posts

January 21st, 2014 09:00

When I was having issues recently it seemed to be resolved by exporting and subscribing to events using the instrumentation, but it seems that's not the problem here.

I guess the error message must mean that the OID is not linked to the SNMP accessor, which would suggest a problem with your settings script. What did you use as the template for your script? I've used rules/health/fs-setting.asl in the past with success. I just take a copy and make the fewest changes possible to make it work with my classes.

13 Posts

January 21st, 2014 13:00

Hi Alan,

I was thinking there might be something wrong with the ruleset, however, when I enabled the debug in topomgr.conf, I actually can see that the rule was parsed successfully and no error message at all. The template was from one of the old dynamic training document - provided by EMC support.

But I do see some errors complaining can't find the property "ActiveSession", I checked the refined instrumentation for Firewall, the spell is correct, when I get into office, I will post the detailed error message found in IP domain log file.

Thanks for your input, appreciate that.


13 Posts

January 27th, 2014 15:00

Hi Alan,

I checked all the configs and dynamic model files, finally, I located the problem.

There was a typo in one of propagate lines. But without enabling the debug switch in topomgr.conf, I would not be able to find this. I focused on the hard part, but didn't pay enough attention on the simple stuff.

I will post the detailed solution here when I get a chance.

I appreciated all your help in this case.



July 25th, 2018 18:00

Hi Hubery, Still Waiting for detailed solution

August 6th, 2018 17:00

Thanks for great example,

interface CheckPoint_Session_Setting : ICF_Setting {

        refine stored DisplayName

                = "Check Point Threshold Setting";

#pragma Uses Propagation

        attribute int [0 .. 100000] ActiveSessionsThreshold

                        "Check Point Connection Monitoring threshold."



refine interface CheckPoint


propagate attribute unsigned max ActiveSessions

         "Number of active sessions on the device."

         = fw_session,InstrumentedBy,ActiveSessions;

propagate attribute unsigned max ActiveSessionsThreshold

          "Session table utilization percentage threshold (%)."

           = CheckPoint_Session_Setting, InstrumentedBy, ActiveSessionsThreshold;

event HighSessionCounts_CheckPoint

"Indicates when reached to Max Sessions"

=    ActiveSessions > ActiveSessionsThreshold;

export HighSessionCounts_CheckPoint;


i was trying to access  threshold variable  "ActiveSessionsThreshold" in Class "CheckPoint" but do not know why it is not getting populated while i was getting value for "ActiveSessions"

can you please help to debug? or do i need to add something asl as well?

No Events found!
