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This post is more than 5 years old


November 22nd, 2011 02:00

How to list all devices imported into smarts

Does anyone have any idea where I can find a list of the original devices I imported into smarts. I originally imported 229 devices into smarts, I want to check that all are on the system and that all are managed. Im only interested in the original IP addresses that I imported and not any other IP instances found during discovery. I belive the term smarts uses for this is system ?

Once I have found the list I need to make sure that all the devices imported are still managed / active. Ideally I need this in a file format so I can check with my original list (xls)

Using the instance finder, I have to make sure I select all the correct classes, so Im never sure I have selected everything and when I do get the list I cant export this list.

If I use find system I can't use a wildcard value, the global view is saying I have 229 systems but I cant view them.

Any help on where to look would be much appreciated.


November 22nd, 2011 06:00

Hi Bampton,

you can use an ASL script for this. Something like this:


        .. eol

} do {

        foreach item ( getInstances( "UnitaryComputerSystem" ) ) {

                obj = object( "UnitaryComputerSystem", item );

                print( item .

                        "       '" . obj->Name .

                        "'      '" . obj->CreationClassName .

                        "'      '" . obj->DisplayClassName .

                        "'      '" . obj->SystemName .





echo | /opt/InCharge/IP/smarts/bin/sm_adapter -s INCHARGE-AM-PM exportUCS.asl

Or you can use this PERL script:

To identify the needed attributes, you can look at the UCS class details:

echo | /opt/InCharge/IP/smarts/bin/dmctl -b localhost:426 -s INCHARGE-AM-PM getprop UnitaryComputerSystem

IsManaged, SNMPAddress, DiscoveredLastAt, DiscoveryErrorInfo are the usual suspects here.


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