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This post is more than 5 years old


October 21st, 2010 01:00

received email addressed to someone else

The EMC EmailXtender user received email message from the Centera archive addressed to someone else.

What do you suggest? Thanx in advance...

70 Posts

October 21st, 2010 08:00

Can you elaborate some more on what you are reporting ?

Are the users trying to open a shortcut and when they open it , they get someone else e-mail ?

Are they doing a search and results are returning emails from other users ?

Is this problem related to a specific type of email like bulk Emails, mass mailers, etc....

Also, what exact Version of EmailXtender are you running ?



70 Posts

October 22nd, 2010 10:00

The error message indicates that a message that was scheduled to be included into a volume is missing from where it was expected to be.

The message was more than likely moved by Antivirus or corrupted.

I would suggest contacting support to resolve this issue as the resolution to this issue usually requires SQL interaction.



October 22nd, 2010 10:00


It seems that we have one missing file, please see the error below.

Could you please help me with this?

Thanks in advance...


Error              :   Missing MsgCenter File

XVLT File          :   4CB47C30355FF9CBBF3FAFDD.xvlt

Msg File           :   E:\Program Files\OTG\EmailXtender\MsgCenter\2010011511084


Msg Size           :   36608

Msg Date           :   Jan 15 2010 - 16:18:08

XVLT File Processed                   : 558

XVLT Read Error Count(Should be zero) : 0

Number Missing MsgCenter Files        : 1

Number XVLTs w/ Incorrect File Sizes  : 0

No Events found!
