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26 de outubro de 2017 13:00

PowerVault 124T

Boa tarde,

 Solicito auxilio referente a erros apresentados na unidade de backup (PV-124T).

 Segue abaixo logs: 

**** Tape Alert Queue ****

Block 0, 017/017 entries @  26 bytes each, wrap @ 000, erase @ 001
0000: PC: 00046 POH: 01410:52:19 Label:[] Flags:2400000002000000
0001: PC: 00046 POH: 01599:36:06 Label:[] Flags:2400100002000000
0002: PC: 00046 POH: 01599:41:49 Label:[] Flags:0020000000000000
0003: PC: 00046 POH: 01672:34:46 Label:[] Flags:2400000002000000
0004: PC: 00047 POH: 00260:53:45 Label:[000014L6] Flags:2400100002000000
0005: PC: 00047 POH: 00261:04:56 Label:[] Flags:0020000000000000
0006: PC: 00047 POH: 00385:09:50 Label:[] Flags:2400000002000000
0007: PC: 00047 POH: 00431:37:19 Label:[000013L6] Flags:2400100002000000
0008: PC: 00047 POH: 00431:48:32 Label:[] Flags:0020000000000000
0009: PC: 00047 POH: 00503:36:33 Label:[000002L6] Flags:2400100002000000
0010: PC: 00047 POH: 00503:46:51 Label:[] Flags:0020000000000000
0011: PC: 00047 POH: 00617:14:46 Label:[000001L6] Flags:2400000002000000
0012: PC: 00048 POH: 00079:11:24 Label:[] Flags:2400100002000000
0013: PC: 00048 POH: 00079:30:33 Label:[] Flags:0020000000000000
0014: PC: 00048 POH: 00079:34:43 Label:[] Flags:0020000000000000
0015: PC: 00048 POH: 00122:43:30 Label:[] Flags:2400000002000000
0016: PC: 00048 POH: 00199:28:11 Label:[000013L6] Flags:2400000002000000

**** Tape Alert Flags currently set on the Drive ****	None

**** Tape Alerts associated with Cartridges located in the library ****

A tape with no label is located in slot 1

	"CleaningMedia" (11) was set 2 times.
	  Description =	Tape is a Cleaning cartridge
	  Class =	Operational Information
	  Serverity =	Informational
	  Action =	No Action Required..

A tape with no label is located in slot 2, no Tape Alerts logged.
000002L6 is located in slot 3

	"HardError" (3) was set 2 times.
	  Description =	Error while writing data that the drive cannot correct
	  Class =	Media
	  Serverity =	Warning
	  Action =	Unknown.

	"WriteFailure" (6) was set 2 times.
	  Description =	Write Failure
	  Class =	Media
	  Serverity =	Critical
	  Action =	Unknown.

	"CleanNow" (20) was set 2 times.
	  Description =	Drive needs to be cleaned now
	  Class =	Media
	  Serverity =	Critical
	  Action =	Clean Drive.

	"DiagnosticsRqrd" (39) was set 2 times.
	  Description =	
	  Class =	Hardware
	  Serverity =	Warning
	  Action =	Unknown..

A tape with no label is located in slot 4, no Tape Alerts logged.
A tape with no label is located in slot 5

	"HardError" (3) was set 1 time.
	  Description =	Error while writing data that the drive cannot correct
	  Class =	Media
	  Serverity =	Warning
	  Action =	Unknown.

	"WriteFailure" (6) was set 1 time.
	  Description =	Write Failure
	  Class =	Media
	  Serverity =	Critical
	  Action =	Unknown.

	"DiagnosticsRqrd" (39) was set 1 time.
	  Description =	
	  Class =	Hardware
	  Serverity =	Warning
	  Action =	Unknown..

000003L6 is located in slot 6, no Tape Alerts logged.
000013L6 is located in slot 7

	"HardError" (3) was set 2 times.
	  Description =	Error while writing data that the drive cannot correct
	  Class =	Media
	  Serverity =	Warning
	  Action =	Unknown.

	"WriteFailure" (6) was set 2 times.
	  Description =	Write Failure
	  Class =	Media
	  Serverity =	Critical
	  Action =	Unknown.

	"CleanNow" (20) was set 1 time.
	  Description =	Drive needs to be cleaned now
	  Class =	Media
	  Serverity =	Critical
	  Action =	Clean Drive.

	"DiagnosticsRqrd" (39) was set 2 times.
	  Description =	
	  Class =	Hardware
	  Serverity =	Warning
	  Action =	Unknown..

A tape with no label is located in slot 8

	"HardError" (3) was set 1 time.
	  Description =	Error while writing data that the drive cannot correct
	  Class =	Media
	  Serverity =	Warning
	  Action =	Unknown.

	"WriteFailure" (6) was set 1 time.
	  Description =	Write Failure
	  Class =	Media
	  Serverity =	Critical
	  Action =	Unknown.

	"CleanNow" (20) was set 1 time.
	  Description =	Drive needs to be cleaned now
	  Class =	Media
	  Serverity =	Critical
	  Action =	Clean Drive.

	"DiagnosticsRqrd" (39) was set 1 time.
	  Description =	
	  Class =	Hardware
	  Serverity =	Warning
	  Action =	Unknown..

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Nenhum evento encontrado!
