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1 Message


July 21st, 2021 12:00

Update drivers/ BIOS/ firmware as a non-admin user

Hello everyone,
I have installed Support Assist for a small fleet of devices for which I am an administrator. As an administrator, I have no problem installing updates. However, it is not the same experience for a user without administrator privileges. Is it possible to grant administrator privileges to the user only for Support Assist? Is there a solution to run and install updates as a non-privileged user?
Thanks for your help!

1 Rookie


41 Posts

November 7th, 2022 11:00

The problem with doing this is that when an update comes out for Support Assist, it will NOT run. Clicking "Yes" to the update notification, or clicking on the "Update available" link in SupportAssist just crashes/closes the program and the update never runs. Doubly frustrating because SA won't properly check for updates if the software is outdated so it becomes essentially useless.  

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