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This post is more than 5 years old



October 5th, 2007 13:00

Resetting BCV Information

Does anyone know if there is a way to reset a BCV so that it will not show the STD device name it was paired with after breaking the relationship using a symmir cancel command?

A way to refresh the BCV so it displays N/A for the STD device information in the "BCV Pair Information" section, like a newly created BCV does, would be ideal. If that is not possible, any way to remove/replace the STD device information with something else would be helpful.

Here is an example for clarification. The STD device was 0AA6, and the BCV device was 059D. The symmir cancel was ran to break this relationship and the STD device no longer shows the BCV information.

When I run a symdev show on the BCV it shows this.

BCV Pair Information
Standard (STD) Device Symmetrix Name : 0AA6
Standard (STD) Device Serial ID : Not Visible
Standard (STD) Device Group Name : Not/Grouped
Standard (STD) Composite Group Name : Not/Grouped

I would like it to show something more like this.

BCV Pair Information
Standard (STD) Device Symmetrix Name : N/A
Standard (STD) Device Serial ID : N/A
Standard (STD) Device Group Name : N/A
Standard (STD) Composite Group Name : N/A

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

October 5th, 2007 13:00

that's an interesting question ...have you tried symmir detach ?

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

October 6th, 2007 12:00

AFAIK it's not possible .. At least not with Symcli .. Maybe VTOCing the BCV will help .. But I'm not 100% sure ;-)

Sorry Dynamox .. I don't know any strange exotic symwhatever that handles this :-)

410 Posts

October 8th, 2007 07:00

i think symmir cancel can do this.. :)

410 Posts

October 8th, 2007 07:00

hmm, i take my comment back :)

Cancels the existing internal DeltaMark session between the specified standard and BCV
device(s). Once the DeltaMark session is cancelled, the corresponding BCV device goes
into the SplitNoInc state, and the BCV pair can no longer be incrementally established or
restored. Cancel can also be used to remove any one of the multi-BCV devices from a
multi-BCV set.

Detaches a BCV device from the standard device and disassociates (unmarks) this pair as
the preferred pair when full establish and restore operations occur.

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

October 8th, 2007 07:00

unfortunately it does not clear that field.

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

October 8th, 2007 09:00

The relationship between the BCV and its standard is into the "hidden" area that the DMX will reserve in cache (and AFAIK on disk) when creating the pairs .. As you all know you can have as many as 16 different BCV for every STD but you can have only ONE STD for a given BCV :-) .. That's becouse the relationship between the STD and the BCV is inside the BCV :-)

VTOCing the device will fill the device (the BCV) with zeroes .. but I'm not sure that this will clear the relationship between the BCV and its last STD. As many of you -maybe- already know, when EMC changes a broken disk, all the BCVs on the broken disk will need a FULL establish. The main reason for the full establish is that you need to copy data from STD to BCV. But you also need to refresh the relationship between the STD and its BCV since the "hidden" data is lost and gone :-)

Maybe MRTs2Symm or MLee may help further ... :-)

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

October 8th, 2007 09:00

Please look at Powerlink Support Solution emc94660.

4 Posts

October 8th, 2007 09:00

Well, it looks like there currently isn't a way to do this. I guess we will figure out some other way of managing and tracking these previously used BCV's.

Thank you very much for all the helpful responses.

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

October 8th, 2007 11:00

If someone gave usefull informations or -even better- a correct answer, you can reward her/him with the available points ;-)

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

October 8th, 2007 11:00

I think it's pretty old but still true :-P .. I hope :-)

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

October 8th, 2007 11:00

yeah ..i saw that solution ..2005 ..pretty old, i thought something has changed since then, i guess not.

113 Posts

October 9th, 2007 11:00


Coming in on the flip side...sorry.

There is an internal way to do this in the Symmetrix, but most hesitate to do it unless there is an issue. In your case, you WANT this relationship discarded, etc. Right? There is a table for the relationship that can be cleared, but it is performed via the EMC Support Centre via your local CE or RTS.
What code family are you running? i.e.-5670, 5772?

Do you want or require all relationships discarded or specific? Continuous or scattered?


2 Intern


2.8K Posts

October 16th, 2007 00:00

Sorry Dynamox .. I don't know any strange exotic
symwhatever that handles this :-)

While running some tests I wondered myself if -maybe- removing and giving back the BCV attribute to a volume may clear the STD/BCV relationship.

So I picked up a BCV, run a full establish with a STD volume and split them.
While in split state I took the BCV and converted to unprotected. Symdev, at this point, didn't show the std-bcv relation. But when I added again the BCV flag to the volume, with another symconfigure run, the relation was back again !! :-)

So even removing and adding back BCV flag will not clear the relation between a STD and a BCV :-)


Message was edited by:
Stefano Del Corno

108 Posts

October 16th, 2007 01:00

Hello Stefano,

Sorry, I am afraid I cannot help.....

As per MrTS2Symm our internal "Global Dynamic Assignment Table" tracks these STD => BCV, BCV => STD and Dynamic RDF relationships. Converting from BCV to STD to BCV would not clear this associated entry in the table since the volume still exists.

Your next "test" should be to perform an online deletion (this should remove the deleted Symm Vol # from the GDAT) and volume re-addition but that IS getting a little drastic....

IF this is more than a display issue or a display issue causing concern (without a workaround) then I suggest that the local friendly EMC Support person or the EMC Support Centre should submit an enhancement request :-)


2 Intern


2.8K Posts

October 16th, 2007 01:00

I used my unprotected BCV to test if removing and adding back the BCV flag may help with this issue. I took my unprotectd BCV, converted to unprotected and then added back the BCV flag .. And the relation was still there :-)
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