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This post is more than 5 years old


November 30th, 2013 00:00

Unable to make configuration changes; data device creation failed; Error Msg :: 0x40002515: RDF group 00 is assigned to a director. Static RDF group assignments to directors is not supported.

Good Day Every one!

Guys, I am doing some labs to learn VMAX and stuck up at the initial state of creating the data devices. I request the members to help me to go forward.

Below is what I am trying to do.

create data dev.txt

create dev count=8 size=55242 config=Raid-5 disk_group=2 emulation=fba data_member_count=3 attribute=datadev;

C:\Users\Administrator\Naveen>symconfigure -sid 53 -f "create data dev.txt" -nop preview -v

A Configuration Change operation is in progress. Please wait...

   Establishing a configuration change session...............Established.

   Processing symmetrix 000195901053


     create dev count=8, size=55242 cyl, emulation=FBA, config=RAID-5,

       data_member_count=3 , mvs_ssid=0, disk_group=2, attribute=datadev;


   Performing Access checks..................................Allowed.

   Checking Device Reservations..............................Allowed.

   Validating configuration changes..........................Failed.

   Error occurred while Validating

   Config Change: The request to check config changes failed, see the SYMAPI log file for more info


   Closing configuration change request......................Closed.

   Terminating the configuration change session..............Done.

Logs from SYMAPI

config server msg     0x40002515: RDF group 00 is assigned to a director.

Static RDF group assignments to directors is not supported.

11/30/2013 07:23:50.225   2428 2200     VALIDATE failure: Config Change: The request to check config changes failed, see the SYMAPI log file for more information

11/30/2013 07:23:50.225   2428 2200     Validating configuration changes..........................Failed.

11/30/2013 07:23:50.225   2428   2200 EMC:SYMCONFIGURE iSymConfigChangeCont iSymConfigChangeControl: session_id = 1

11/30/2013 07:23:50.272   2428 2200     Closing configuration change request......................Closed.

11/30/2013 07:23:50.397   2428 2200     Terminating session with configuration server.............Done.

Is it mandatory to have the Gate Keeper devices to perform any config changes?

C:\Users\Administrator\Naveen>symgate list

Symmetrix ID: 000195901053

No GateKeeper devices were found.

C:\Users\Administrator\Naveen>symgate define pd PHYSICALDRIVE28

C:\Users\Administrator\Naveen>symgate define pd PHYSICALDRIVE29

C:\Users\Administrator\Naveen>symgate define pd PHYSICALDRIVE30

C:\Users\Administrator\Naveen>symgate define pd PHYSICALDRIVE31

C:\Users\Administrator\Naveen>symgate list

Symmetrix ID: 000195901053

        Device Name           Directors                  Device

--------------------------- ------------- -------------------------------------


Physical               Sym  SA : P DA :IT  Config        Attribute    Sts   (MB)

--------------------------- ------------- -------------------------------------

\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE28    0120 01G:0  NA:NA  TDEV          N/Asst'd GK  NR       3

\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE29    0121 01G:0  NA:NA  TDEV          N/Asst'd GK  NR       3

\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE30    0122 01G:0  NA:NA  TDEV          N/Asst'd GK  NR       3

\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE31    0123 01G:0  NA:NA  TDEV          N/Asst'd GK  NR       3

C:\Users\Administrator\Naveen>stordaemon shutdown storapid -immediate

storapid                      Told to shutdown

  Waiting for daemon(s) to shutdown.  This may take several seconds.

C:\Users\Administrator\Naveen>stordaemon start storapid

Daemon storapid is already running.

C:\Users\Administrator\Naveen>stordaemon list

Available Daemons  ('

  • ': Currently Running):
  • storapid              EMC Solutions Enabler Base Daemon
  • storgnsd              EMC Solutions Enabler GNS Daemon
  • storrdfd              EMC Solutions Enabler RDF Daemon
  • storevntd             EMC Solutions Enabler Event Daemon
  • storsrmd              EMC Solutions Enabler SRM Daemon
  •     storstpd              EMC Solutions Enabler STP Daemon

  • storsrvd              EMC Solutions Enabler SYMAPI Server Daemon
  • Thanks in Advance!


November 30th, 2013 00:00

Thanks Christopher, I moved it!

November 30th, 2013 00:00

Firstly, welcome to the forums, and above all, thank you for being an EMC customer.

Please consider moving this question as-is (no need to recreate) to the proper forum for maximum visibility.  Questions written to the users' own "Discussions" space don't get the same amount of attention and can go unanswered for a long time.

You can do so by selecting "Move" under ACTIONS along the upper-right.  Then search for and select: "Symmetrix Support Forum".

Symmetrix Support Forum

419 Posts

November 30th, 2013 02:00

Naveen, there should be no need to define gatekeepers the storapid daemon process maintains a list of gatekeepers visible to the server automatically.  The error you are receiving doesn't sound like you're being restricted because of GKs.

Sounds like a config issue in the array at the moment.  Is this a lab box?, you may want to have the bin file checked, seems like something is not quite right with the RDF configuration.  Need to get someone to dial in and have a look to see what's going on.

November 30th, 2013 02:00

Thank you Paul As this is a EMC lab box, I have posted the lab admins too, to have look on the issue.

But the storapid log is continuously being updated with the gatekeeper errors below

[2464                Conn-1] Nov-30 10:45:25.801 : [gkmgt_get_array_info()] Array '000192605988' appears to be offline

[2464                Conn-1] Nov-30 10:45:25.801 : Could not obtain info on array '000192605988': There is no gatekeeper device that can be used to communicate with the symmetrix

[2464                Conn-1] Nov-30 10:45:41.822 : [get_random_path()] There are no known paths (up to 2 hops) to remote array '000192605988', or known paths are offline

[2464                Conn-1] Nov-30 10:45:41.822 : [new_get_remote_pooled_gk()] Could not obtain a GK to remote array 000192605988 after 1 attempts

[2464                Conn-1] Nov-30 10:45:41.822 : [get_array_info()] Could not obtain information on array '000192605988': There is no gatekeeper device that can be used to communicate with the symmetrix

[2464                Conn-1] Nov-30 10:45:41.822 : [gkmgt_get_array_info()] Array '000192605988' appears to be offline

[2464                Conn-1] Nov-30 10:45:41.822 : Could not obtain info on array '000192605988': There is no gatekeeper device that can be used to communicate with the symmetrix

[2464                Conn-1] Nov-30 10:45:57.858 : [get_random_path()] There are no known paths (up to 2 hops) to remote array '000192605988', or known paths are offline

[2464                Conn-1] Nov-30 10:45:57.858 : [new_get_remote_pooled_gk()] Could not obtain a GK to remote array 000192605988 after 1 attempts

[2464                Conn-1] Nov-30 10:45:57.858 : [get_array_info()] Could not obtain information on array '000192605988': There is no gatekeeper device that can be used to communicate with the symmetrix

[2464                Conn-1] Nov-30 10:45:57.858 : [gkmgt_get_array_info()] Array '000192605988' appears to be offline

[2464                Conn-1] Nov-30 10:45:57.858 : Could not obtain info on array '000192605988': There is no gatekeeper device that can be used to communicate with the symmetrix

Also could you please spare a few minute to clarify me on the below concern

when i am trying to check the wwn of the local host, it is showing me the name instead of the wwn number. would this be a rename ? if yes, how could i know the real wwn number?

C:\Users\Administrator\Naveen>symaccess list hba

Identifier        Physical Device Path              Symmetrix ID  Dir:P

----------------  --------------------------------  ------------  -----*  \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1                000195901053  01G:0

                  \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE32               000195901053  02G:0

November 30th, 2013 07:00

Guys, I believe something is wrong with the directors, the issue is occurring in case of device creation (both data dev,tdev and bcv+tdev) and mapping. Could you please check and help letting me know if any flags to be set for the directors so that it allows to perform the below operations. Thanks in advance

Recent logs from symapi when creating a masking view

11/30/2013 14:52:34.735 3044 1928 EMC:SYMACCESS iCfgChgSessionStart Starting a local CfgChg session for SID 000195901053, symapi V7.5-1655 (1.0) ucode 5876

11/30/2013 14:52:36.030 3044 1928 Establishing session with Local cfg srvr (000195901053)...Established.

11/30/2013 14:52:36.030 3044 1928 Session ID 5338624 (0x00517600)

11/30/2013 14:52:36.030 3044 1928 EMC:SYMACCESS iSymConfigChangeCont iSymConfigChangeControl: session_id = 1

11/30/2013 14:52:36.046 3044 1928 {

11/30/2013 14:52:36.108 3044 1928 map dev 00CB to dir 2G:0 lun=2E9;

11/30/2013 14:52:36.108 3044 1928 map dev 00CC to dir 2G:0 lun=2EA;

11/30/2013 14:52:36.108 3044 1928 map dev 00CD to dir 2G:0 lun=2EB;

11/30/2013 14:52:36.108 3044 1928 map dev 00CE to dir 2G:0 lun=2EC;

11/30/2013 14:52:36.108 3044 1928 map dev 00CF to dir 2G:0 lun=2ED;

11/30/2013 14:52:36.170 3044 1928 map dev 00CB to dir 1G:0 lun=2E9;

11/30/2013 14:52:36.170 3044 1928 map dev 00CC to dir 1G:0 lun=2EA;

11/30/2013 14:52:36.170 3044 1928 map dev 00CD to dir 1G:0 lun=2EB;

11/30/2013 14:52:36.170 3044 1928 map dev 00CE to dir 1G:0 lun=2EC;

11/30/2013 14:52:36.170 3044 1928 map dev 00CF to dir 1G:0 lun=2ED;

11/30/2013 14:52:36.170 3044 1928 }

11/30/2013 14:52:36.170 3044 1928 EMC:SYMACCESS iSymConfigChangeCont iSymConfigChangeControl: session_id = 1

11/30/2013 14:52:36.560 3044 1928 Initiating COMMIT of configuration changes................Queued.

11/30/2013 14:52:45.094 3044 1928 COMMIT requesting required resources......................Obtained.

11/30/2013 14:52:46.482 3044 1928 SID 000195901053: 0x0: RDF group 00 is assigned to a director.

Static RDF group assignments to directors is not supported.

11/30/2013 14:52:53.627 3044 1928 SID 000195901053: 0x40002515: RDF group 00 is assigned to a director.

Static RDF group assignments to directors is not supported.

11/30/2013 14:52:53.627 3044 1928 EMC:SYMACCESS cfgLogSymmwinError SymConfigChangeControl call to cfgControlPoll for Polling failed with code: SWRS_ERR

11/30/2013 14:52:53.627 3044 1928 SID 000195901053: 0x40002515: RDF group 00 is assigned to a director.

Static RDF group assignments to directors is not supported.

11/30/2013 14:52:53.627 3044 1928 COMMIT monitoring failed

11/30/2013 14:52:53.627 3044 1928 EMC:SYMACCESS mapDevicesToPorts Call to iSymConfigChangeControl to COMMIT failed with status: 1536 (The configuration change COMMIT failed. Please see the SYMAPI log file for more information)

11/30/2013 14:52:53.627 3044 1928 EMC:SYMACCESS iSymConfigChangeCont iSymConfigChangeControl: session_id = 1

11/30/2013 14:52:54.267 3044 1928 Closing configuration change request......................Closed.

11/30/2013 14:52:55.562 3044 1928 Terminating session with configuration server.............Done.

419 Posts

December 1st, 2013 01:00


you are getting an error "SID 000195901053:     0x40002515: RDF group 00 is assigned to a director. Static RDF group assignments to directors is not supported."

If you can run

symcfg list -dir all -sid 1053

symrdf list -rdfg all -sid 1053

might give me a clue as to what is going on,   to me there is a config issue in the array right now, but I'd need a grab or EMC reports to check.  If this is causing you an issue, please open an SR with support we'd be happy to look at this in detail.

419 Posts

December 1st, 2013 02:00


apologies I asked for the wrong output,

symcfg list -rdfg all -sid 1053

December 1st, 2013 02:00

Hi Paul,

Here is the output for the symcfg and symrdf commands. As this is lab equipment, I am not able to create the SR.

C:\Users\Administrator>symcfg list -dir all -sid 1053

Symmetrix ID: 000195901053

           S Y M M E T R I X    D I R E C T O R S

    Ident  Symbolic  Numeric Slot  Type          Status

    DF-1A 01A       1 1   DISK          Online

    DF-2A 02A 2       2 DISK          Online

    DF-1B 01B      17       1 DISK          Online

    DF-2B 02B      18 2   DISK          Online

    DF-1C 01C      33 1   DISK          Online

    DF-2C 02C      34 2   DISK          Online

    DF-1D 01D      49 1   DISK          Online

    DF-2D 02D      50 2   DISK          Online

    FA-1E 01E      65 1   FibreChannel  Online

    FA-2E 02E      66 2   FibreChannel  Online

    RF-1F 01F 81       1 RDF-BI-DIR    Online

    RF-2F 02F      82       2 RDF-BI-DIR    Online

    SE-1G 01G      97 1   GigE          Online

    SE-2G 02G      98 2   GigE          Online

    SE-1H 01H     113 1   GigE          Online

    SE-2H 02H     114 2   GigE          Online

C:\Users\Administrator>symrdf list -rdfg all -sid 1053

Symmetrix ID: 000195901053

Local Device View



Sym RDF      ---------  -----  R1 Inv   R2 Inv ----------------------

Dev  RDev  Typ:G    SA RA LNK MDATE  Tracks   Tracks Dev RDev Pair

---- ---- --------  ---------  ----- ------- ------- --- ---- -------------

0109 0109   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

010A 010A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0115 0115 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0117 0117 B-R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0119 0119   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

011B 011B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0209 0209   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

020A 020A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0215 0215 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1.       0 0 RW  NR   Synchronized

0217 0217 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0219 0219   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

021B 021B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0309 0309   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

030A 030A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0315 0315 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0317 0317 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0319 0319   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW   Synchronized

031B 031B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0409 0409   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

040A 040A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0415 0415 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0417 0417 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0419 0419   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

041B 041B   R2:1    RW NR RW S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0509 0509   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

050A 050A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0515 0515 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0517 0517 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0519 0519   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

051B 051B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0609 0609   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

060A 060A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0615 0615 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0617 0617 B-R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0619 0619   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

061B 061B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0709 0709   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR   Synchronized

070A 070A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0715 0715 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0717 0717 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0719 0719   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

071B 071B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0809 0809   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

080A 080A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2.       0 0 NR  RW   Synchronized

0815 0815 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0817 0817 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0819 0819   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

081B 081B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0909 0909   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

090A 090A   R2:1    RW NR RW S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0915 0915 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0917 0917 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0919 0919   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

091B 091B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0A09 0A09   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0A0A 0A0A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0A15 0A15 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0A17 0A17 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0A19 0A19   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0A1B 0A1B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0B09 0B09   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0B0A 0B0A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0B15 0B15 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR   Synchronized

0B17 0B17 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0B19 0B19   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0B1B 0B1B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0C09 0C09   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0C0A 0C0A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0C15 0C15 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0C17 0C17 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1.       0 0 RW  NR   Synchronized

0C19 0C19   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0C1B 0C1B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0D09 0D09   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR   Synchronized

0D0A 0D0A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0D15 0D15 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0D17 0D17 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0D19 0D19   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0D1B 0D1B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0E09 0E09   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0E0A 0E0A   R2:1    RW NR RW S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0E15 0E15 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0E17 0E17 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0E19 0E19   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0E1B 0E1B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0F09 0F09   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0F0A 0F0A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0F15 0F15 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0F17 0F17 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

0F19 0F19   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

0F1B 0F1B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1009 1009   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

100A 100A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1015 1015 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR   Synchronized

1017 1017 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1019 1019   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

101B 101B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1109 1109   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

110A 110A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1115 1115 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1117 1117 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1.       0 0 RW  NR   Synchronized

1119 1119   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

111B 111B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1209 1209   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR   Synchronized

120A 120A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1215 1215 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1217 1217 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1219 1219   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

121B 121B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1309 1309   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

130A 130A   R2:1    RW NR RW S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1315 1315 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1317 1317 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1319 1319   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

131B 131B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1409 1409   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

140A 140A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1415 1415 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1417 1417 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1419 1419   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

141B 141B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1509 1509   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

150A 150A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1515 1515 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR   Synchronized

1517 1517 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1519 1519   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

151B 151B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1609 1609   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

160A 160A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1615 1615 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1617 1617 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1.       0 0 RW  NR   Synchronized

1619 1619   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

161B 161B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1709 1709   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR   Synchronized

170A 170A   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1715 1715 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1717 1717 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1719 1719   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

171B 171B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1809 1809   R1:1    RW RW RW   S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

180A 180A   R2:1    RW NR RW S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

1815 1815 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1817 1817 B-R1:1    RW RW RW S..1. 0        0 RW  NR Synchronized

1819 1819   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

181B 181B   R2:1    RW NR RW   S..2. 0        0 NR  RW Synchronized

Total -------- --------

Track(s) 0        0

MB(s) 0.0      0.0

Legend for MODES:

M(ode of Operation)   : A = Async, S = Sync, E = Semi-sync, C = Adaptive Copy

D(omino) : X = Enabled, . = Disabled

A(daptive Copy)       : D = Disk Mode, W = WP Mode, . = ACp off

(Mirror) T(ype)       : 1 = R1, 2 = R2

(Consistency) E(xempt): X = Enabled, . = Disabled, M = Mixed, - = N/A


December 1st, 2013 10:00

Hi Paul, No problem

Here is the output

C:\Users\Administrator>symcfg list -rdfg all -sid 1053

Symmetrix ID : 000195901053


Local Remote Group RDFA Info

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

December 1st, 2013 11:00

it got cut off ( you replied via email not direct on the forum right ? )

December 1st, 2013 22:00

correct dynamox, earlier I had replied via email.

Here is the output

C:\Users\Administrator>symcfg list -rdfg all -sid 1053

Symmetrix ID : 000195901053

S Y M M E T R I X   R D F   G R O U P S

Local Remote Group RDFA Info

-------------- --------------------- -------------------------- ---------------

LL Flags   Dir Flags Cycle

RA-Grp  (sec)  RA-Grp SymmID       T Name    LPDS CHT  Cfg CSRM  time  Pri

-------------- --------------------- -------------------------- ----- ----- ---

  1 ( 0)    10   1 ( 0) 000195901054 S RDFDVG     .X.. ..X  F-S -IS-     15  33


? : Unknown

  Group (T)ype      :  S = Static, D = Dynamic

  Director (C)onfig :  F-S = Fibre-Switched, F-H = Fibre-Hub

G = GIGE, E = ESCON, T = T3, - = N/A

  Group Flags       :

      Prevent Auto (L)ink Recovery : X = Enabled, . = Disabled

      Prevent RAs Online Upon (P)ower On: X = Enabled, . = Disabled

      Link (D)omino : X = Enabled, . = Disabled

      (S)TAR/SQAR mode : N = Normal, R = Recovery, . = OFF

: S = SQAR Normal, Q = SQAR Recovery

      RDF Software (C)ompression        : X = Enabled, . = Disabled, - = N/A

      RDF (H)ardware Compression        : X = Enabled, . = Disabled, - = N/A

      RDF Single Round (T)rip : X = Enabled, . = Disabled, - = N/A

  RDFA Flags        :

      (C)onsistency : X = Enabled, . = Disabled, - = N/A

(S)tatus      : A = Active, I = Inactive, - = N/A

      (R)DFA Mode   : S = Single-session, M = MSC, - = N/A

      (M)sc Cleanup : C = MSC Cleanup required, - = N/A

419 Posts

December 3rd, 2013 23:00

mmm..  Ok, the config changes are complaining about RDFG 0 which is the only one you have configured.  Your RDFG is of type static according to the output.  Based on the director numbering here I'm assuming you are using VMAX10K. According to the SRDF guide Static SRDF groups are only supported in SRDF for VMAX 40K, VMAX 20K/VMAX,

DMX solutions.  So Static SRDF groups are not supported for your config.

So I guess the restriction you have run into is based on this incompatibility.  To correct I would suggest your CE assist with loading a new VALID binfile,

You may be able to create a new RDFG  which will be dynamic and do a movepair operation, to the new group in this instance you could then try to delete group 0 yourself which should result in a valid bin.  -- If this doesn't work your CE will definitely need to intervene here. 

Not sure how you could have got to this state, perhaps restrictions changed since initial bin file was loaded and now Software checks prevent the change.  Would need an SR for this. 

Hope this help.

December 6th, 2013 01:00

Thanks Paul. I appreciate your help and time to explain me. My lab session got completed and I wasn't able to further. Thanks again

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