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December 3rd, 2015 08:00

question about vmax clone commands


customer asked me to monitor vmax clone when start and finish , do you have any inline command to check it and also symmcli for customer ?




465 Posts

December 8th, 2015 14:00

By far, the easiest way to monitor the clone copy duration is the CLI method already supplied. It's automated and will report on all devices in the DG with a single response / return code. Next easiest is to look at the Unisphere performance data at the device level. Check the "BE reads for copy" metric OR with STP, the "DA reads for copy per sec" metric. You will get historical data using this method.

Inlines does not provide the historical data you are after. Realtime monitoring is required to keep track track of the protected tracks count.

465 Posts

December 3rd, 2015 16:00

Use the "verify" parameter of the symclone command to check that devices are in a particular state. The command will generate a non-zero return code if some or all of the devices are not in the state being verified... Useful for scripting.

for example, to check that a clone with precopy has completed the first pass, use command:

symclone -g clone_dg verify -precopy -cycled

To check a clone copy has actually copied all the data use "verify -copied"

This type of check needs to be done in real time, so the best way to keep a record of clone copy duration is to incorporate the verify into the clone script.

You can see when symclone control commands were issued via symaudit, but cannot know how long the copy took historically via the CLI or inlines. You may be able to get an idea of historical clone duration by looking at the performance data on the devices.

32 Posts

December 7th, 2015 06:00

many thanks !

there are symmwin inlines command , for me , to check the clone copy duration ?

thanks again


cester giacomo

32 Posts

December 10th, 2015 03:00

hi ..many thanks !

just in case do you have some inline command to monitor a clone devices ?

thanks again !



465 Posts

December 10th, 2015 14:00

I'm happy to discuss inlines with you, however the customer community forum is not the appropriate place. Send me an email and we can take it from there or open a post on inside emc.

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