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This post is more than 5 years old


October 16th, 2011 18:00

Dell Precision T7500 and Tesla C2050

Hi Guys,

Can someone tell me if the Tesla C2050 will work in a DUAL config on a T7500...


1.1K Posts

November 1st, 2011 22:00

From what I can see from trying to do an online configuration of one with the Tesla GPU and a DUAL graphics config...No it is not possible to order one with that configuration.

November 1st, 2011 23:00

my last post never worked...

What i mean to say was... 2 x c2050 cards and no add in video cards...

can you tell me if this wouldnt work and why wouldnt it work ?

November 1st, 2011 23:00

HI Warren, what i mean to say was can i run 2 x C2050s in a T7500 with no add in video cards....

And if not why would you say not?
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