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2 Posts


August 18th, 2022 00:00

IDRAC9 - deploy OS with SCP import and HTTP share (and kickstart file)

Hi, all

In IDRAC9 I found in documentation it's possible to deploy OS with SCP profile import using the following protocols: CIFS, NFS, HTTP, HTTPS. Do you have any example fro HTTP? Is it possible to upload ks.cfg (kickstart file) with HTTP as well?

For example this snippet:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 x64

  ?????  ????

And general question - is there a preferred way to deploy OS with kickstart via IDRAC and Redfish only? Would be happy to get an example.


4 Operator


3K Posts

August 18th, 2022 05:00

You can refer below link with details on OS Deployment with SCP file 

2 Posts

August 18th, 2022 06:00

Thanks! I've been reading through this doc and found it very useful for installing from NFS - that totally works fine. But I'm interested in using HTTP share and that what I'm looking for and can't find anywhere.

Can just someone that did this at least once to tell me what to fill in those fields for HTTP share?


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 x64

 ??? ks.cfg 


Where to put a URL of image, of ks.cfg, should it be same path or no..


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