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6 Posts


April 13th, 2019 08:00

iDrac DellPEWSMANTools powershell module / New-CimSession - can't create a session

Hello All,

I'm trying to use the DellPEWSMANTools powershell module to remote manage a Dell PowerEdge R730.

All my attempts to create a session have failed.

It's normally as simple as:

New-PEDRACSession -Credential Get-Credential -IPAddress [idrac_ip_address]

But I keep getting the following error:

New-PEDRACSession : The client cannot connect to the destination specified in the request. Verify that the service on the destination is running and is accepting requests. Consult the logs and 
documentation for the WS-Management service running on the destination, most commonly IIS or WinRM. If the destination is the WinRM service, run the following command on the destination to analyze and 
configure the WinRM service: "winrm quickconfig".
At line:1 char:1
+ New-PEDRACSession -Credential Get-Credential -IPAddress [idrac_ip_address]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,New-PEDRACSession

I have access to iDrac via the web interface (username/password are valid).

I have a 404 page when I browse to https://[idrac_ip_address]/wsman
(don't know if I should see something in my browser there but some people online claim that the page should return info about the server).

The New-PEDRACSession function is based on New-CimSession.

Basically what the New-PEDRACSession function does is:

$cimOptions = New-CimSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck -SkipRevocationCheck -Encoding Utf8 -UseSsl

$session = New-CimSession -Authentication Basic -Credential $Credential -ComputerName $IPAddress -Port 443 -SessionOption $cimOptions -OperationTimeoutSec $MaxTimeout -ErrorAction Stop

I also tried to create a session with New-CimSession but it fails as well.

I've been checking lots of Dell documentation about iDrac but I didn't see any requirements needed to make it work neither did I see options to enable in iDrac.

The way I understand it is that it should be quite straightforward. Just as explained in these articles:

<ADMIN NOTE: Broken link has been removed from this post by Dell>.

Has anyone been able to use this PS module? or create a CimSession?



8.8K Posts

April 15th, 2019 07:00


I would suggest with starting by running the following command to restart the services - /sbin/ restart

If that doesn't help then you may try uninstalling and reinstalling any OpenManage tools, as well as the module. 

Let me know what you see.

6 Posts

April 15th, 2019 07:00

Hello Chris H,

I'm not using OpenManage tools at all.

I'm simply trying to create a CIM session from my laptop to iDrac as explained here:


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