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This post is more than 5 years old


June 28th, 2010 21:00

Anything Official (or even not) on a U.S. Streak Release Date?

I have been waiting and waiting for the official release of the Dell Streak here in the U.S. for what seems like forever.  I want it to be my first Android phone and also don't want to buy it from my current carrier AT&T (i.e. unlocked).  But it seems like Dell is dragging on the U.S. release for some reason -- why?  I've read all the reviews.  Seen all the video of the users in the U.K. who have had the device and it looks like the device I want -- so when will it be released here in the U.S. ?????


20 Posts

July 27th, 2010 20:00

The Streak will not sale this month!! :(

The 5-inch Dell Streak tablet won't go on sale by the end of July, a spokesman said late Tuesday. That announcement came after Dell earlier in the day mistakenly posted an online message on its Web site that customers could return to the site Wednesday to purchase the device.

"It was a mistake, and we took that information down this morning," said spokesman Matt Parretta in a telephone interview. "I can say definitely that the Dell Streak won't go on sale in July."

I'm sad, my wife says I should look at other devices. She's thinking there must be a serious problem with the device. But a lot of this release date drama could be because of AT&T. We all know they are not really supporting android devices because that's not what a certain company they have a strong contract with wants.

What do you guys think??

Would you believe anything Dell says "Officially" about the release date and pricing of the streak??

If I want one should I just order it from the UK? (although at a much much higher price)

As I had said in an earlier post, I gave up on this phone already and purchased an AT&T Captivate (Galaxy S).  Check out Walmart -- you can save $50 on the price AT&T is selling it for.  I've had mine now for 2 days and it seems to be a great phone.  Yes, I'd love to have had a 5-inch screen, but for 2 days now I've had a 4-inch screen and been happy with Android 2.1 (Eclair) and all the apps I can install and play with (I'm new to Android, so this has been fun).  I got tired of waiting and I sure wasn't going to pay $300 for a vendor-locked phone.  That's crazy.  No phone is worth $300 dollars on a 2yr contract.

9 Posts

July 27th, 2010 23:00

okay dell is pushing the buttons of many ppl. why would dell put this page out by mistake. i dont think its a misstake at all. its  maybe to c what ppl will react to their price on the dell streak at 550 unlocked and 300 at&t conttract. but ii  just  visited the dell site yet aging and under the pre order page sign up where u can read the specs on the dell streak. it still says avalible for purchase in late july. ud think dell is lyeing yet aging or their just dumb enough to not chane it to in late agust or 2011 july. but yes if i dont hear anything of the streak going on those pre order sale im done with it.... im sure most ppl r going to be furious ........ dam i think i have to say dell is really some company.... super great... cant even deliver on time. if u couldnt do it then u should have never aaid late july. 

9 Posts

July 28th, 2010 07:00

DELL = SONY when it comes to releasing phones I guess...................  FAIL

I waited & waited & got fed up......So on 7 / 15 , I went and got the SAMSUNG VIBRANT for TMO( LOVE IT)

So this post will probably be blocked ( I don't really care ).

There are definately other options out there.....screw DELL

9 Posts

July 28th, 2010 13:00

hey okay ppl. now on the dell site under the pre order page where u can click for specifications on the dell streak. okay no right where it use to say avalibale in late july. now sas avalibale for purchase soon..... lol.. dell is getting funnier and funnier this morning it said late july now its saying soon. well how doon is it gana be. like august cant they just say august the when august comes change it to say september. really if it took them this long that box (dell streak) better come with a better os(2.2) lol dell is funny really.

203 Posts

July 28th, 2010 17:00

DELL  gave 1000 Streaks to people running a few miles on the street. Those people could care less about the phone as evident to the ones on EBAY. Come on Dell, there are many end-users on the Forums that could have been private messaged to see if they wanted to participate. Better yet, POP up a message asking if they wanted to participate, rather then disgruntled end-users who love every peice of equipment that DELL makes.

Next time you guys have a beta product to test, ask your community, not a bunch of yahoos that care less.

13 Posts

July 29th, 2010 19:00

Today Dell Agent Sales in chat, said the release is planned in first week of August!!!.....then, will be released on Sunday night of August 1st?.

July 29th, 2010 23:00

im done listening to dell reps there just fealed with lies

13 Posts

July 30th, 2010 12:00

Do you know this commercial of Dell streak?: streak?permissionsChanged=1&groupUpsell=0

73 Posts

August 3rd, 2010 10:00

August 3rd and no word. I guess living in the US has more downsides than I thought. There is a new BB slider/touch screen  phone coming to AT&T August 12th. I'm going to give it a try I think. Loved my BB curve.

15 Posts

August 4th, 2010 01:00

I already got my hands on an HTC HD2 thanks to Dell. The prices are dropping on all the other phones because of the so called expectent release. I love the phone so much I might not get a Streak now and just wait and see what Samsung has to offer. Or anyone else releasing a tablet with phone capabilities.

73 Posts

August 4th, 2010 11:00

I'd seen that HD2 and was wondering what it might be like.

9 Posts

August 4th, 2010 20:00

okay if u guys didnt know by now.. officially the dell streak is now relased in germany... wow and you think the dell streak would have been in the us after the european relase. i think nobody cares about the streak much anymore...the streak officially is on the same course as dells areo phone... but yes maybe africa,australia,new zealand, china will get it before the us.. were dead last aging for product realse. also rumors say korea will be the next country to get the streak.

20 Posts

August 4th, 2010 21:00

okay if u guys didnt know by now.. officially the dell streak is now relased in germany... wow and you think the dell streak would have been in the us after the european relase. i think nobody cares about the streak much anymore...the streak officially is on the same course as dells areo phone... but yes maybe africa,australia,new zealand, china will get it before the us.. were dead last aging for product realse. also rumors say korea will be the next country to get the streak.

Why wait for this thing any longer?  Get a Galaxy S, a Droid, an EVO, a Blackberry Torch or even an iPhone4 ---- we are never going to see this thing here in the U.S. anytime soon.  I gave up and got a Galaxy S (Captivate) and have been enjoying the heck out of it for over 2 weeks now.  Glad I did.  I keep watching the video podcasts talking and reviewing the Streak and it's great -- but they don't know when it will really hit the street.  WHY WAIT FOR THIS VAPORWARE ANYMORE????? Jump ship and run to your next choice in phone and be happy you did!

August 5th, 2010 09:00

Just heard from sales agent:  it will come out later this month or early next month.  Pricing 400 or 500.

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