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This post is more than 5 years old


June 28th, 2010 21:00

Anything Official (or even not) on a U.S. Streak Release Date?

I have been waiting and waiting for the official release of the Dell Streak here in the U.S. for what seems like forever.  I want it to be my first Android phone and also don't want to buy it from my current carrier AT&T (i.e. unlocked).  But it seems like Dell is dragging on the U.S. release for some reason -- why?  I've read all the reviews.  Seen all the video of the users in the U.K. who have had the device and it looks like the device I want -- so when will it be released here in the U.S. ?????


9 Posts

August 5th, 2010 09:00

LOL, wow you guys are still waiting for this release in the US ? I got so fed up waiting , I just moved on... Dell really dropped the ball on this one.

Well good luck people

Proud Owner of Samsung Vibrant ( Galaxy S )

August 5th, 2010 16:00

Sales agents know nothing i talked to one monday and he said 100% positive it will come out this week unlocked $429.99 so i have talked to more then 8 dozen reps since october 2009 and each time get a different story so to talk what they say with a grain of salt

August 5th, 2010 18:00

Do you think it is to late in the week for it to come out this week?

August 5th, 2010 21:00

After all this 2.1 getting released on the O2 next month in the uk i think that we wont get it til septemeber witch sucks for me as a college student waiting to purchase this to type my notes i have already gotten a bluetooth keyboard so im really upset but hope they push this thing this week witch is HIGHLY UNLIKLEY!!!!!

5 Posts

August 6th, 2010 09:00

Dell, you've officially been beaten to market and priced out by, TARGET!  Seriously guys, your window is almost shut, and $299 isn't going to cut it anymore.  Beat the IPhone price for AT&T phones, give it froyo, and release it in the next week, or you're done.  And at this point, half this threads subscribers have already upgraded to something else, so you're in your last possible second right now.

Launch or get off the platform.  Your rocket is just getting in the way now.


August 6th, 2010 18:00

I filled out a review of the streak approximately on the first of August. I gave it one star and said I was not happy because I am yet to recieve my streak. I put my location as Illinois.

Can you believe that someone at dell sent me an email wondering how they could help me with my order. They wanted to know my order number, customer number, and device service id.  Apperently they are either unaware where Illinois is located or they don't relieze the streak still hasn't been released here or they are just stupid.  I will let you all decide the answer to that one.

Way to drop the ball dell!!!

2 Posts

August 8th, 2010 21:00

Unbelievable, the dell company did this thing. At first said it will be released in the late of July and let us to pre-sign. Now, it is near the mid of August. The "Coming Soon" has existed so long time. I do not know how to understanding the "Coming Soon". Is it one week, one month or one million years? If you are not ready, please do not say it is coming soon. What do you want to do? Do you understand what is the meaning of "Coming Soon".  There are so many customers complained about that. But no any reply form the company. You think you are the only company to do the MID to do the smart phone or to do the Andriod phone?

In fact, there are many companies do those device. And you are not the best one. Considering you attitude, the response to customer and the great mistake of the streak release, we really suspect your capability for the future firmware upgrade.

I am so angry to write so many words. I feel i am be cheated.  I decided to buy one Sumsung i9000. It is much better than streak\ except the screen size.

I know you maybe want to upgrade the streak released in the us to andriod 2.1. But please do not say it will coming soon, when you are not ready. You are a big company, please treasure your reputation if you think you have the good reputation.

Dell the great company ,a really great company.

9 Posts

August 10th, 2010 06:00

All of you should ban together and Boycott the Streak............ Dell Blows



Proud owner of the Samsung Galaxy S ( Vibrant )

5 Posts

August 10th, 2010 13:00

Then its official, I will not be getting this, nor will anyone I know who was waiting.  Pricing this $100 over all the other competitions devices just eliminated you from the market.  Add to this the frustration you put us through announcing presales, postponing sales, not giving us any info at all, and we all now officially feel like tools for waiting the extra two weeks.  Sorry Dell, but youhave nobody to blame but yourself for this failed launch.  Its too bad to, we were still holding out hope. 

2 Intern


370 Posts

August 10th, 2010 13:00

New updates for US customers: Official pricing, carrier, order details and more here on @Direct2dDell:




2 Posts

August 10th, 2010 17:00

Crazy price. I think many pre-sign will cancel their orders.

20 Posts

August 10th, 2010 18:00

New updates for US customers: Official pricing, carrier, order details and more here on @Direct2dDell:




If this is the "Official" information, let me be one of the many to say that is "Officially" a joke.  Android 1.6 with a "promise" to upgrade to 2.2 later this year?  For $299 I should at least have 2.1 out of the box.  I will have to admit, I was really hot for this device, but after all the delays I am glad I jumped ship and went to Walmart and purchased a Galaxy S (Captivate) for $150 with a 4-in screen and Android 2.1 on it.  It's not 7inches, but it's been in my possession since mid-July and right now you can't even give an expected ship date still with an August 12th order window.  Just a "we'll work through the orders quickly".  That is not customer service people.  I have 2 Dell computers at home (typing this message from one now) and I'm not certain at the moment if I'll be purchasing any more given this type of customer service.  I think everyone that was interested in the Streak should go out and purchase a different Android product -- there are plenty out there that are available at the moment.


31 Posts

August 10th, 2010 22:00

Sadly after following this device since January, Dell has decided they don't want me to buy it. After releasing the device in the UK FREE w/contract today the official announcement is made that we are going to be taken to the cleaners if we really need this device.   I must assume you have very low suppies and therefore expect to make a premium on each unit.

I can only hope one of the re-seller reduces the price or Dell reduces the price once their launch fails.  I am still looking for Red, but I might just have to move on and look forward to the Samsung Tablet announcement, which might happen tomorrow :emotion-2:

Not where I expected to be 6-8 months ago. I have been visiting my 5 "Streak" forums everyday for the last 4 months. What a sad ending.  If nothing else, I hope Dell learned something about releasing a product from their mistakes.


9 Posts

August 11th, 2010 21:00

anyone out there know if tomarow the dell goes on pre sale, will it be sent for shipping when i order it? or will it ship friday? becus i wanted to get one day shipping, lol i didnt want to ask dell reps becus cleary ordinary ppl know more than than them lol.

31 Posts

August 11th, 2010 21:00

Anyone's guess is as good as your's. They have handled this release so poorly, no one knows. I wouldn't expect it before Monday, at best. Their website seems to say that shipping starts on Friday. Another rumor is that Dell is doing a Google and only selling it directly, a huge mistake that they should have learned from Google's failure.

But, right now nothing would surprise me, they may even wait to build the device after you order it and deliver it something in October :emotion-4:


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