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August 24th, 2010 07:00

Consumers need to be able to see and feel a Streak before they purchase!

I have been run around in circles by AT&T and DELL for two days now. 

There seems to be a major marketing screwup here, since it seems that Dell is trying to sell a smartphone with a pricetag (upgrade or new 2-year contract) of $299.

 I do not like being "teased" by the offer of a new product online and then finding out that you must order direct from DELL and in no way shape, or form can you 'just go out and check it out", short of making a formal purchase.  On top of that, the "return" policy is a measly 21 days --If you order it today and it ships tomorrow, plan on 3-5 days for delivery - according to Dell - and I must assume you have to plan for a 5-day return shipment, so a 21 day "trial" turns into a "11 day" test - and I am not sure it is even reasonable that you could adequately test any new device with as many features as this phone has in a week and a half.

I think it would serve DELL right to have the roll-out of this device fall flat on its face.

I cannot understand how they can offer a product but not roll it out nationwide for all to see ... Best Buy, AT&T stores, Radio Shack, etc. -- They would literally blow the doors off of the competition if they just did a "normal" roll-out and treated this device as the game-maker that it appears to be. 

August 24th, 2010 09:00


I chatted at  Dell knowing full well that there was probably no way for me to handle one unless I ordered it.  I told the person I was chatting with that I found everything available online, including a user manual, and that I wanted the chance to see and handle one.  She offered to send me a link to let me see what the phone looks like.

I've seen pictures of people using it as a phone and it looks like it might be uncomfortably big.  I'd like the chance to decide that for myself.

August 24th, 2010 11:00

I guess we can only hope that Dell reviews these "conversations" and takes action. It seems downright SILLY for them to NOT have these in stores, when their competition is so easily available in so many stores (Iphone=BestBuy, WalMart, RadioShack, AT&T Stores, etc...)

I would THINK they would want to be sure to reach their market - they are really messing this up BIG TIME.


2 Intern


370 Posts

August 24th, 2010 16:00

Hi Folks,

Totally understand your concern about not seeing the Streak in person. That decision is up to AT&T. Right now, we have no confirmed plans from them on showcasing the product in their stores.

I've got a test unit and average sized hands (size 7 ring finger). If I were going to use the phone function, I'd rather get a bluetooth headset than hold it next to my ear. Keep in mind, we are marketing this as a tablet first, phone second. My husband, on the other hand, has big hands and a big head (don't tell him I said that) and he is just fine using the Streak up to his ear.

I realize the 21-day return period may seem short, considering shipping time, etc. That is our policy. However, if you have any issues getting a return honored or have extenuating circumstances which prevent your return within 21 days, please PM me your details and I can assist.



August 24th, 2010 17:00

Thanks Amy.

Like your husband, I have the big head but not the big hands, and I promise not to tell.  ;)

In my case, I have time.  My current contract is up in November so I have until then to find one that I can check out.   If that doesn't happen I guess it will be an iPhone 4 in my future, unless another solid competitor comes along.  I suppose I could end up changing my mind and buying one on the basis of the reviews at that time.

AT&T's decision is going to make this a tough sell.

31 Posts

August 24th, 2010 20:00

Hi Folks,

Totally understand your concern about not seeing the Streak in person. That decision is up to AT&T. Right now, we have no confirmed plans from them on showcasing the product in their stores.

I understand Dell & At&t are involved in some major legal issues about this device and maybe all your devices, as of tonight no Dell product is available for sale on the At&t site.

But, I won't buy directly from them anyway, so why not make it available through Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Wirefly, Amazon, etc.  I'm easy but cheap:emotion-5:  I have been watching this device since January, still belong to 5 Dell Streak forums including this one. My contract with At&t has been up since April, so I could change providers too.

I do believe it is a mistake for Dell to sell this as a Tablet first, phone second. It really isn't that much bigger than an Evo, Droid X and a few others, but it is no where near the size of an Ipad. It is sold on a Carrier service plan like a phone and that is the only way Dell can sell it and be successful at it, subsidized like any other phone.

I also don't think it is too big, it would easily fit in most pockets. Now my Samsung Tablet cardboard cutout is big :emotion-8:  I took the picture and printed it out at full size and then used packaging tape to attach it to cardboard that is folded over 3 times to give me about the same thickness. I have been carrying it around in the pocket for 2 weeks trying to figure out if it is "pocketable". I have to say, not in a traditional sense, it will fit in my motorcycle jacket pockets and cargo pants, but not in a jeans pocket.

I am still hoping Dell finds someway to actually make the Streak available (in red preferably, one in pink for the wife would be nice too), but I am not holding my breathe.



August 29th, 2010 15:00

Yes, I have been looking at the Dell Streak and contacting Dell too about buying a new, innovative product, sight unseen (that is unheld).  I am an existing ATT customer, eligible for an upgrade so what do I do?  To buy it on-line with Dell, I would have to switch my service from my existing cell phone to the Streak, I believe.  Then if I get it, then return it, would I need to reinstate my old cell phone to service?  It may be easier than that, but the bottom line is I will wait until I can get my hands on one before I decide if I will buy it.  Maybe the roll out of the Dell Thunder will be better??  Maybe I'll wait for that one....

August 30th, 2010 21:00

OK ... If AT&T will not play, what about other retailers that are used to market your products and AT&T phones???

Best Buy, Wal-Mart and Radio Shack come to mind within this caregory

Marketing as a tablet first and phone second is a BIG, BIG mistake. This is, after all, a phone replacement for most of us -- I am not looking to buy a tablet PC, I am looking for a more versatile replacement for my current cellular PHONE. 

I am trying REALLY, REALLY HARD to do a side-by-side comparison with the Iphone4, which is also a larger-than-normal phone -- Iphone is only a little smaller than the Streak - the STREAK seems to be a little thinner than the Iphone4

 Why is DELL making this so much harder than it needs to be?? I will re-state what I have said before ... You (Dell) seem to be driving business AWAY from the Streak and TO APPLE (Iphone4), on purpose.  That does not sound like a sound marketing strategy to me!

$300 (for an upgrade) is a steep price to pay, and you get a tiny window (11 days) to evaluate the STREAK in the first place, then you have to ship it back (would be easier if a return to a store was allowed!) if you decide you don't like it -- THIS CONCEPT IS PATENTLY INSANE!

I am having a really rough time justifying an upgrade to your phone - which I really think I would be happy with, at first glance... but why should I take the chance if I can't even see or touch it before I buy?  Another thought might be for DELL to allow a 'try it before you buy it" trial period, where the phone COULD be returned to the retailer without penalty within the 21 day period (beginning the day the shipped phone arrived (not the day you ship it out).  If you want to make an impact with the consumer, market it differently - OR -- why are you AFRAID that the public WILL NOT LIKE the STREAK?


September 24th, 2010 09:00

Too Little too late.  

I ordered my Droid smartphone this morning, and I DID NOT try to deal with the insanity from Dell.  

It is unfortunate but a fact of life that if you do not take care of your customer they will find someone that will take care of them. I settled for the Samsung Capitvate Android from ATT (Which I ordered through with considerable savings!!).

As a consumer, I have voted with my feet and gone elsewhere for my new phone. Dell needs to wake up if they want this phone to be a comparative phone in the market - Dell is shooting themselves in the foot on this one ...


September 24th, 2010 09:00

Too Little too late.  

I ordered my Droid smartphone this morning, and I DID NOT try to deal with the insanity from Dell.  

It is unfortunate but a fact of life that if you do not take care of your customer they will find someone that will take care of them. I settled for the Samsung Capitvate Android from ATT (Which I ordered through with considerable savings!!).

As a consumer, I have voted with my feet and gone elsewhere for my new phone. Dell needs to wake up if they want this phone to be a comparative phone in the market - Dell is shooting themselves in the foot on this one ...


6 Posts

September 25th, 2010 23:00

Dell has been anything but honest and forth coming about the Dell Streak,

lying multiple times about release dates instead of being straight with people, etc., etc.

PR for the Streak has been aweful or put another way = nearly none existent.

Anyways back to topic,

here is some good news for you that was released two days before your post,

answering your post,

that Dell couldnt be bothered to answer directly to:

Granted it's not a firm date and time,

but next month Best Buy will supposedly be carrying the Streak according to head honcho Dell CEO Michael Dell...

we shall see...


I swear I know more about the Streak than most anyone at Dell.

When I talk with someone at Dell they come away knowing something new about the Streak

and I come away frustrated about Dell's incompetence...

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