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This post is more than 5 years old


August 12th, 2011 17:00

Dell Streak 5 has reached it's End-of-Life, but what about those of us who still own one?

The question itself in particular may be pretty vague, but I intend to clear that up following this post:

The Dell Streak 5 is an amazing product, sadly Dell has though otherwise (or more or less, the general consumer has thought otherwise after a year or so). With that said, there's a trail of questions I have in my head that just need answering, and at least I hope I am able to receive and answer. 

  1. The product itself is dead, but what does that leave with the rest of us consumers who still own one? I have yet to have a fault with my streak (except for maybe the phone vibrator dying sometimes but that's probably cause of that one time it fell) and with the product unavailable anymore I can only wonder what is to happen to all those service updates we should get for the device.
  2. This one is more of a global question at most, but what are we to expect for the future of our Streaks? Will we ever receive the sacred "Honeycomb" update or even at least "Gingerbread"? The fact the the phone itself was categorized as a "Tablet" should leave either one of those out (but it's a shame to see that most have yet to receive "Froyo".
  3. And finally, will we still receive Dell Customer support for our Streaks, or does the fact that this product isn't being sold anymore also mean we wont be getting customer support?

Well I hope these can all be answered as I know I've asked some of the main questions that most of us have been asking. I also ask that anyone who has questions that I could add to this to ask away as well, as I'll try to update this post with the answers as soon as they've been given :)

Feel free to discuss the current situation as well, the lively-er the thread the better.

78 Posts

August 13th, 2011 18:00

I personally think Dell is planning to move their offices overseas since other cointries get more mobile and tablet devices than we in good ole USA. Whats odd is Dell dropping the streak when other manufacturers are ramping up 5" tablets.  Why is dell reacting so backward?

5 Posts

August 13th, 2011 19:00

From the recent news I've read, it seems that US Market sales for the Streak haven't been hitting their expected quarterly margins, so Dell just quietly ended the mini.

To be honest I don't see why people haven't taken interest in the Streak.  It's a wonderful slate and it easily fit's in my pants (fact being I don't wear skinny jeans, usually just cargos or pants) and  5" is the perfect size to view web pages, not to mention a great view of any Angry Birds playing field as well :)

78 Posts

August 14th, 2011 07:00

I agree 100%.  Now others are releasing 5" screnes and dell will miss out. What I dont understand is why pull it and make nothing than let it stay and make "something".  This is totally backwards

1 Message

August 15th, 2011 19:00

Thanks for starting this thread!

I agree the size, utility, convenience/portability and appearance of the Streak are perfect for everything from web surfing to ebook reading!  It is no wonder that others are getting into the 5 models.

I do have occasional problems with unexpected shutdowns.  They started after I installed 2.2.2, and seem at times to be associated with Wi-Fi operations.  Can anyone suggest what I should do?  (Am I on the correct forum for such a question?)


5 Posts

August 15th, 2011 19:00

Yeah, this is the Mobile Devices forum so questions like that are fine here, and starting threads about certain specific problems can sometimes get the attention of Dell employees.

I've yet to have an unexpected shutdown with my device, though I can recall the wi-fi problems. I have a feeling it's because of the wireless receiver probably not liking some certain wi-fi routers. I own a westell wireless modem/router and for some reason it doesn't like the connection but when i try at a friends house where he has a linksys one all seems to go well.

Another question that's starting to bug me is if whether or not we'll be able to get replacement streaks for those of us that have a warranty on our phones as well.

78 Posts

August 16th, 2011 15:00

Ive not experienced shutdowns or other issues except when I was getting some annoying accuweather error constantly, even when I never used accuweather. Had to reinstall the os file to make it stop

78 Posts

August 16th, 2011 17:00

You are correct!  SO MUCH potential going down the toilet with dell making that heartbreaking decision!  It was the Streak that made me fall BACK in love with Dell! I aint ashamed to say that, lol.  And now he left me "for someone else,rofl".  I doubt too, that we get any more updates.  So poof went my hopes for Gingerbread.   Oh, yep, I knew about the fm radio. Actualy got it to work once but cant get it to do so anymore.

5 Posts

August 16th, 2011 17:00

Yeah, I get those too, but only when I kill all active tasks. I really wish Dell would also let us remove some of the bloatware on our streaks without me having to resort to rooting the thing. I don't use LOTA and it gets annoying and I've never used that Assistant app. I also remember reading that our phones have an FM radio receiver but we don;t have any official application to actually use it and we need to root our phones if we wanted to do so. There's a lot of stuff I wish Dell would do with the streak, but from the looks of it, it seems as if they don't care. I mean, I even doubt we'll be able to get a firmware update to Gingerbread, let alone Honeycomb. Plus if we actually wish to use Skype in the way it's intended to, we're all going to need to have Gingerbread on our phones installed anyway else all we can do is use the back camera to chat.

5 Posts

August 16th, 2011 18:00

Yup, I hope with the fact that the Dell Streak isn't in development anymore doesn't mean that Dell wants us to "piss off", but sadly from the looks of it they are already telling us that. I just wish a Dell Employee would just help answer the questions I have in the first post, else we're all gonna be in limbo about the future of our Streaks.

78 Posts

August 16th, 2011 18:00

Sorry for the typos. Using a bluetooth keyboard

78 Posts

August 16th, 2011 18:00

They are not even considering giving us a response or some sot of explanation.  Went to their dell facebool pafe and not one word or comment for their streak (former) customers. This is sad. Cant help but wonder wbat are really the underlying factors that prompted dropping ALL of us like the plague?

3 Posts

August 22nd, 2011 14:00

I love my Streak 5 and just cannot understand Dell seemingly determined to continue not supporting this very unique device. Samsung are as we speak developing a 5" Q phone and I guarantee it will be a success and Dell will lose out.... Personally I ditched Android 1.6 donut immediately and have been hanging off DJ Steves coat tails ever since loading his new Streakdroid ROMs, one after the other. Currently on 1.9.1  I am loving all the Ginger goodness it provides. He has decided that Honeycomb after extensive efforts will not port to streak 5 without losing voice so next Viable upgrade will almost certainly be Ice Cream, I confidently predict your Streak 5 will then be the handset it always should of been, DJ Steve willing that is.  As much as the "fantasy rumour" of a twin core Streak 5 excites me, Sony are proving with their new handsets that a single core can be just as effective, given the right ROM to run on it and ICE CREAM will be that icing on the cake.  

1 Message

August 31st, 2011 05:00

I have spent many hours comparing many, many smartphones and tablets... eventually came to conclusion that Dell Streak 5 is the most perfect option on the market. Not too big, not too small!

I waited several months for my current contract to expire, which it did today. About to go sign for Dell Streak 5 and what do I find¿ "Discontinued".

Epic Fail from Dell!!  I would never in my life have considered a product from Dell (as top of the list) if it wasn't for this sleek 5" creation.

Now I fear investing in the phone-tablet because I'm not sure if I'll still receive support and updates for the next 24 months?!  

VERY DISSAPPOINTED because now I may need to settle for one of the other average flippin phones :(

I can tell you that Dell should just have marketed this streak it would have taken off big time, everybody I ask about the streak has never heard of or seen it!

Perhaps Dell should just adopt a new motto like "Viva Suicide"

Jeeez man how sad!

78 Posts

August 31st, 2011 08:00

EVERYONE I know that has, or wang a Dell Streak are so  baffled at Dells discontinuing the Streak.  Total shock thats not yet subsided.

I really REALLY hope that Michael Dell is hearing the voices of those speaking out about how much superior this phone is over all the other android devices!  Hes got a GOLDMINE in his hands if only theyd remarket it and get a top agency to promo ot right and keep it home in the US!   Im still not believing it is just gone, like that with no consideration to us at all.

Dissapointed totally

3 Posts

September 11th, 2011 08:00

I bought a Streak the second it came out, sixteen months later it is even more relevant than it was when launched. I  have never understood the tech press for not getting behind it as it fulfils so many functions as we all know. Very recently I saw a write up for the forthcoming Samsung Galaxy note where the clearly uninformed reporter remarked that with its 5" plus screen, it was first handset to bridge the gap between phone and tablet?!?!  

I am clearly preaching to the converted here so I will keep it brief. The only reason why I have continued to enjoy my Streak is because of DJ Steve's efforts on updating the ROMs for us. Currently I am running 2.0 Gingerstreak and it is excellent. Dell sadly have no idea how to treat its customers and seemingly do not understand how to market it, it could really have been a big success if they had just supported it more.

I now have a Dell Venue Pro running Windows 7, very nice to apart from the woeful camera. Both handsets look and feel nice and therefore Dell are on the right track, so why shoot themselves in the foot and not update the Streak?  Who knows and that is why I will be buying the Samsung Galaxy Note when it comes out.

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