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September 9th, 2010 03:00

Dell Streak - get some missing functionality back

(Crosspost from O2 forum)

Hello, fellows.

It looks like we may have no luck to have the missing features from Android 1.6 on Dell Streak added to 2.1 So I have started a quest to get some functionality back:

1. Browser. Installed xScope Lite - this is my main browser now. Dolphin HD didn't work in landscape mode, but the developer gave a link to a beta that worked ( Much better tab layout etc than the built-in browser in 2.1. The best thing - these browsers are free (you have to pay a few quid to get more features in xScope but I didn't need them).
2. Downloaded and installed arcMedia to play wmv files. It is free as well, but I haven't tested it yet.
3. It looks like PC Suite is back - new version is supposed to support 2.1 Haven't tested it either because forgot the Streak cable at home (who wants to pay £25 for the spare cable!?).

So what I personally missing:

1. 1.6-style keyboard. Any alternatives with numeric pad being visible all the time?
2. Proper voice dialler...

Any suggestions?


September 9th, 2010 08:00

I rolled back to 1.6 & now I like my streak again. head over to modaco for the instructions


just trying to help..... worked for me.... :emotion-1:



September 9th, 2010 09:00



My suggestions:

Fix the music player, its flat. Doesn't sound right at all. Playing .m4a's its like the equalizer is all wrong. Wish they would add that feature to the music player.

Get the front and back camera back too. Front is handy for making portraits on facebook & twitter.

Don't particularly want to go back to 1.6, already wiped my contacts and data once. Taken hours to add 200+ contacts again.

Thanks, Beani


16 Posts

September 10th, 2010 16:00

Hello, Duncan.

I thought about it but decided to stick to 2.1 for a while. It is kind of a "trade in": 2.1 introduces some good things but removes other features. The question is whether a compromise is acceptable :)) It is like someone gave me a new BMW with better look, more economic but more powerful engine, but 5th gear was removed and radio does not work anymore :) I do like ActiveSync support for multiple accounts, "Dialer One" is a perfect replacement of Dell dialer etc.
To solve the problem with video files,  I have installed a free application "FomatFactory" and started converting wmv into mp4. It is not a solution, it is a workaround, but at least I can watch recorded TV programs in the tube on my way home.
Could not do anything with Bluetooth sound level and voice dialer. Solved this problem in a bit drama way: started using a corporate Blackberry while I am driving home. Bluetooth is good, voice commands work. I am lucky because my corporate BB is on O2 network and corporate contract allows free calls in O2 network. My wife and our son have O2 phones, so I can call them using BB. If I had had a corporate phone in other network or different contract, I would have been in troubles.
So I am going to keep Streak but not because it is good, but because I am :) and I have a corporate phone.



3 Posts

September 18th, 2010 03:00


Ive downloaded arc media app onto streak. still doesnt reconise anything on the sd card.

Could anyone give me sonme pointers ? I can live with this hashed downgrade to 2.1 if I had access to some music.


16 Posts

September 20th, 2010 02:00

Hello, streaking.

Apologies for the late reply, I have updated IE to 9.0 beta on my laptop and I lost ability to post anything here using IE9b. So now I am using Windows XP mode on my laptop :)

I was going to use ArcMedia to play wmv files, not wma. Have to say that it could open wmv files, but it was playing them at 2 fps with desynchronized sound. So I ditched it. Didn't try to find anything to play wma, because I have Blackberry and moved my music there :) That's my solution :(


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