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This post is more than 5 years old


November 23rd, 2010 23:00

Dell Venue Pro -- Issue Status

 Update Dec7 9pm: Marked resolved a few top issues, updated bluetooth section, and dell customer service response

  • Top Issue(resolved): Secure WIFI
  • Top Issue(resolved): Engineering Sample Battery
  • Top Issue(resolved): Camera settings (Note: Not the camera quality issues, but they are trying to fix the quality problems)
  • Top Issue(updated): Dell Service Response, added an update that they are doing better
  • Top Issue(updated): Bluetooth, Calling all bluetooth problem users! Dell needs to know Device Type/Make/Model/Problem, and maybe your twitter name. Make a post here or twitter @dellcares

Update Dec4 2am: Corrected some text and added

  • Top Issue(update): Camera Quality, added note about magenta screen
  • Suggestions(update): User changeable microSD card, clarification on how the SD card is used.
  • Notice: @DellCares have been contacting some early adopters for their contact information. I suspect the release date will be on or after(most likely) Dec 9th, meaning it will be after the 30 Day Return policy and they are working something out specifically for early adopters. Always be careful to ensure its actually someone from Dell though before giving your information

Update Nov30 7pm: Added two pending resolutions, and two resolution notes

  • Top Issue(resolved): SIM Card - Fixed in next release
  • Top Issue(resolved): 30 Day Return policy - We dont need to worry
  • Top Issue(update): Secure WIFI resolution note
  • Top Issue(update): Engineering Sample Battery resolution note

Update Nov26 5am: Added three things @Art_Mighty noted, also 1 additional

  • Top Issue(add): 30 Day Return policy
  • Top Issue(update): Bluetooth problems with some devices on original phone
  • Suggestions(add): SD replacement swap/upgrade
  • Suggestions(add): Flip over for speaker phone
  • MSFT(add): Call History

Update Nov24 6pm: @DellCares, says some folks over there have read over this post, and the "mobility specialists" are going to go over it in detail on Monday (after Thanksgiving). So my guess anyone looking for a replacement or to buy the Dell Venue Pro your going to be waiting at least another week or two. I'll update this post though if I get responses from Dell.


In an attempt to help dell support out with the Dell Venue Pro, I'm making a list of issues with it and hopefully they can resolve these issues before they "officially" release the phone. It would also be great if dell can give a response to each one of these issues so I can keep this forum post up-to-date. Dell please tweet me any responses or updates you would like to this post @xer21

Top issues (5 1/2 issues remaining, 5 1/2 issues resolved)

  • Dell is not being responsive and seems unaware of issues
    • Recommendation: Keep the community updated, respond to each issue here specifically and try to provide extra timeline information, let us know what you're doing to fix these issues, we will all be happy then.
    • Update: Hey they are doing better!!! I would say about 65% better, still lacking on "details" and what all they are working on in this list. But they have made a strong commitment to replace the original two models.
  • Camera Quality - Camera is almost unusable when not use in optimal lighting and holding the camera very very still.
    • Pictures are often blurry, red, and preview picture on display before you press capture normally looks better than the actual picture.
    • Dec 4th Note: I attemted to use the camera today outside to take a picture of my tree I put Christmas lights on, I kept getting a ton of magenta shaded lines across the screen replacing parts of the preview image. I tried to take the picture to see if the lines showed in the actual picture but they didn't and the entire image was blacked out. I'm thinking this had to do with the sunlight (not direct sun) behind the tree. I had the settings on "Daylight" at the time. I restarted the camera app and I was not able to reproduce at the time
    • Question: What is Dell doing to correct this?
    • Question: Does Dell have a timeline in correcting this issue?
    • Question: Is this a software issue or a hardware issue?
  • Palm Touch - This is a frustrating problem that appears to be specific for the Dell Venue Pro due to the curved screen
    • If you hold the phone in a grip (not a Death Grip) where you finger tips are on the left side of the phone, try clicking the back button or a button on the left side of the screen, your palm barely touches the right edge of screen because of the bevel, causing it to abort what you want to click, and put priority into what your palm is hitting, normally this is the Backspace key on the keyboard, Enter, or Expand of the App bar
    • Sure any user can avoid this issue by not holding the phone in a secure way. If you lay the phone in your hand your palm does not touch the screen. But if your out and about and someone bumps your arm say bye to your phone.
    • Recommendation #1: Add a nnn millisecond delay to the press of the first few pixels on the edge of the screen (maybe 8px). If a click on the other side of the screen occurs in under that time limit, cancel the first palm touch.
    • Recommendation #2: Ignore the first 5pixels on the edge of the screen, No one puts a button on the very edge of the screen anyways (#1 is best option though)
    • Video: Example: In internet explorer, go to hit the back key, app bar expands, try to hit back again, nothing, again again again, nothing.
    • Question: Will Dell attempt correct this?
    • Question: Does Dell have a timeline in correcting this issue? (Please don't remove the curve though :emotion-5:)
  • Head Phone Jack - Its reported some devices shipped the headphone jack does not fit properly
    • Shipped headphones do not work properly when plugged into the Venue Pro (Mine does not have this Issue)
    • This probably causes a problem with the radio reception, since the headphones are the antenna
    • Question: What is Dell doing to correct this?
    • Question: Does Dell have a timeline in correcting this issue?
    • Question: It's being reported new replacement headphones are different, ear bud style instead of in ear. What is going to ship, and why is it being changed?
  • Ear piece Crackle - After having the device for two weeks the ear piece is crackling often.
    • Appears to happen when you speak into the device with speaker phone off
    • Volume is not all the way up
    • Adjusting the volume very low to avoid the problem
  • Replacement Device Bluetooth - After getting a replacement device Bluetooth audio is not working
    • Users reported audio is not working on the replacement device through Bluetooth, but in the engineering sample it works working fine
    • This may be linked to the WIFI working now?
    • Some bluetooth devices have problems with the original phone. (See: Art_Mighty's comment)
    • [Problem Devices]
      • @douglasG: Motorola S805 headset - Looses connection often when changing WP7 screens, gets confused when using for a phone call.
        • A guess on the first part of this maybe its related to CPU thread priority
      • @douglasG: HP Stereo Headset (model ??) - Same as Moto S805
      • @emed795: 2008 Nissan Altima - Hands free profile connects and pairs, but no audio sent or received
      • @art_mighty: BMW Looses connection, even when bluetooth shows "on"
      • Have a problem device? Let me / @dellcares know! @xer21 on twitter or make post here
    • Question: What is Dell doing to correct this?
    • Question: Does Dell have a timeline in correcting this issue?
    • Question: Is this a software issue or a hardware issue?
  • Secure WIFI - Original model's do not connect to Secure WIFI
    • Resolution: Replacement provided at Microsoft Stores include a fix for Secure WIFI (Warning: See SIM ERROR)
    • Resolution Note: This replacement is no longer available at Microsoft Stores
    • Resolution: This has been fixed in the latest version of the phone that is yet to be released
  • Engineering Battery - Original model's had an engineering sample battery
    • Resolution: Microsoft Stores provided a replacement phone with production batteries and included a free 1year Zune Pass! (Warning: See SIM ERROR)
    • Resolution Note: This replacement is no longer available at Microsoft Stores
    • Resolution: This has been fixed in the latest version of the phone that is yet to be release
  • Camera Settings - When changing the settings in the camera they are not saved properly
    • If you change "Scene Mode" from "Off" to "Landscape", take a picture go back in, you can't turn "Scene Mode" back to "Off"
    • If you exit the camera all the settings are reset
    • Question: What is Dell doing to correct this?
    • Question: Does Dell have a timeline in correcting this issue?
    • Resolution: This has been fixed in the latest version of the phone that is yet to be release
  • Replacement Device SIM Card - It appears everyone who has received a replacement device from the original engineering model the SIM card eventually.
    • The SIM seems to fail and you can no longer make phone calls
    • The SIM card works in other phones just not the Dell Venue Pro
    • People are going back to the Microsoft Store to replace the replacement with the original engineering model that has the Secure WIFI issue.
    • Question: What is Dell doing to correct this?
    • Question: Does Dell have a timeline in correcting this issue?
    • Question: Is this a software issue or a hardware issue?
    • Resolution: This has been fixed in the latest version of the phone that has yet to be released, it was a software based issue from Dell
  • 30 Day Return Policy - The 30 day mark is coming up quick... this is also for Microsoft
    • Whats going to happen if a good replacement device is not provided by Dec 8th?
    • If there is something wrong with the hardware on the next replacement device what's going to happen if we need a 3rd replacement?
    • Resolution: Lionel Menchaca sent a note saying if Dell can't meet our expectations and the replacement window passes 30 days he will ensure we can get a return after the 30 day mark.

Suggestions for the phone (9)

  • Proximity Sensor - A tad too insensitive
    • This appears to be a problem not only for Dell Venue Pro but HTC HD7, but I know dell can fix this.
    • When on the phone, it appears the Proximity sensor maybe too insensitive because when you're on the phone with it up to your ear somehow you can accidently click "add call" and "hold".
    • Suggestion: Increase the range of the sensor
  • LED as Flashlight- Sure it uses battery, but so does a regular flashlight
    • We don't have the ability in the App Hub to create an app that uses the LED camera flash as a Flashlight, HTC has a flashlight app on theirs :emotion-18:
    • Suggestion: Make application for Dell venue pro to use LED as flashlight, and provide a flashing(strobe) option in case of emergency
  • Longer USB Cable - Shortest cellphone charging cable ever?
    • The previous cellphone I had has a different USB connector that is 68" long perfect size
    • HTC HD7 has a 49" cable
    • Venue Pro has a 40" cable
    • Suggestion: Give us something between 50-70", I would rather pay an extra dollar or whatever it would cost dell to add this, then be expected to buy a new cable that costs about $20.
  • User changeable microSD Card - Original devices came with only 8gb
    • 8gb is almost useless, I barely put any music on there and I don't have much space remaining
    • We understand that Microsoft useslocks the microSD card to Raid 0 the OSusing built in "Secure"Digital card features (see and, however it's my understanding that if you buy the correct microSD card, even a 32gb one, you can put it in and RESET your phone which causes the OS to be reset and re-stripped over the new microSD card... this should be an upgrade option to the user INSTEAD of having to buy a new phone because we got short changed on a 8gb model.
    • Suggestion #1: Dell should support a user changeable microSD card if the end user follows Dell specific instructions provided by Dell and uses an approved microSD card. The end user is responsible for any lost data they did not backup before the update. Maybe work something out with Microsoft Stores where they can do the procedure for the end user for a $5-10 charge if you don't like the end user doing it.
    • Suggestion #2: Dell should provide a SECOND microSD slot that is user replicable, if they do not want to support the first suggestion.
  • 3 Hardware Buttons - Would be great if these were on as long as the screen is on
    • In the dark its impossible to see the 3 buttons after the background light turns off on them, even though the screen is still on
    • Maybe make an option to turn this extension on or off
  • Volume button feedback - When on a call there is no feedback when pressing the volume
    • Suggestion: There should be 4 different audio sounds played when using the volume controls in a call.
      • Sound for max volume reached
      • Sound for increased volume
      • Sound for decreased volume
      • Sound for no volume (this happened to me a couple times when on the phone adjusting from the crackling I accidently turned the volume ALL the way down and I was like hello? hello? hung up called the person back still didn't hear anything, duh, volume is all the way off!)
  • Camera Preview w/LED - It may be wise to have an option to turn the LED on during auto focus so you can see how your pictures going to turn out when the flash fires
  • SD Replacement Swap/Upgrade - Customers who received the 8gb model when they pick up their replacement they should have a option to swap for a 16gb or 32gb device
  • Flip Over for Speaker - HTC Phones have this, when you flip the phone over so its laying on its front, it automatically switches the phone to speaker phone. Picking it up, it automatically turns off.

I don't think Dell has control over these next issues but I find these following usability problems when using the device, these are not show stoppers though like the top issues.

Microsoft Issues (5)

  • Silent Mode - When vibrate is turned on for a form of ringing, you can't turn the phone on silent when using the volume down, it goes from Ring + Vibrate to Vibrate.
    • Suggestion: Before or after Vibrate the Silent option should be provided.
  • Video Transfer - When recording a video with the camera it appears the ONLY way to get the video off your phone besides deleting it is to sync with the Zune Software so then you can email or do whatever with the video. You can't email it from the phone
    • Suggestion: Provide the ability to EMAIL the video, via attachment in the email interface, or an email button in the App Bar
    • Suggestion: Provide MMS attachment ability like Image attachment.
  • Sync - When using the Marketplace, if you try and download the Harvest game, (since we don't have working secure wifi) it says to connect the device to the PC to download the game. However when you connect to the computer it does not seem to do anything besides sync with the Zune Software, and you can no longer use Marketplace, Netflix etc when the phone is plugged into the PC.
    • Suggestion: Allow the user to STOP Sync or exist Syncing on the device so you can use the PC to charge the device, and also use the internet on the PC to download the specified game or for relay of Netflix movies
  • 30 Day Return Policy - The 30 day mark is coming up quick... (See post under top issues)
  • Call history - Calling someone back or Identifying which number called isn't the greatest. When missing a call, if you goto the call log it shows the name of the contact and the word version of the number that called.
    • Some folks may not notice that you can click the phone icon to do a call back (understandable, because it looks like a list item)
    • Recommendation #1: Identify the last 4 digits of the number along with the "Mobile" or "Work" number.
    • Recommendation #2: Identify the last call when you click the contact's info, using a highlight color, or some identifier to show this was the last time this number called and maybe say "6minutes ago" would be nice.

 Hey I even got some for T-Mobile! LOL...

T-Mobile Issues (3)

  • Family Room App - Nice start on this app, I actually came up with a similar idea years back for something like this
    • Why does the Family Room Calendar not insert an entry into the phone's calendar even though it appears to use the same type of fields. It should be able to sync with the phones calendar, I'm not going to keep going in your app for the upcoming calendar events.
    • Make a Live Title to show unread board posts, and unviewed pictures
    • Allow delete of board posts
  • Netflix/Slacker Radio - Uh... stop making duplicate versions of these types of apps with the T-Mobile name on them? Please specify the difference between YOUR "T-Mobile Netflix" and Netflix's "Netflix" what do you do throttle the available bandwidth so the quality is lower?
  • Tethering - Please don't charge for tethering when it comes to WP7, it was free with WM 6.5 saved my ___ a few times when on the road for the laptop, and when Speakeasy was doing Chicago maintance from 1am - 5am and I need to help a client via RDP from my PC. Your already charging $30 a month for data, then $10 for messaging, then ... you get my point, I use it maybe 3-4 times a year only.


Fellow Dell Venue Pro Users, do you have anything to add or see something I'm wrong on here?
Please let me know, and anything you would like added I can review and update the post.

2 Posts

November 24th, 2010 22:00

Dell Issues

Bluetooth -  My DVP is randomly disconnecting from my BMW's bluetooth system, sometimes the call is disconnected.  Also the DVP fails to connect to the car's bluetooth system after the car is started up even tho the blue tooth is "on".  (This has not been a problem with Blackberry's and iPhones connected to the same system.  I'm willing to help provide information, test fixes any way I can)

SIM Card issues - According to the management at the Oak Brook IL Microsoft store and the Tmobile staff at the same mall, several new SIMs were rendered inoperable once inserted into a DVP.   

SD Card - A Larger (or user serviceable) memory allocation is needed,  I only have 1GB left of storage and another 6 GB's of data I want to have available.  Dell should immediately make the 16GB units available at the Microsoft Stores so the existing 8GB units can be upgraded when we're exchanging the "engineering sample" units for "production" versions.

Microsoft 30 Day Return Policy -  Dell needs to work with Microsoft to ensure that units exchanged have a full 30 days from the date of exchange to return units.  Also those of us who have picked up units on the 8th from Microsoft stores will probably see our original 30 days expire as a result of delays getting in new units from Dell.  Please work with Microsoft stores to ensure this wont be a problem for your customers affected by the exchange.

Microsoft Issues

On Device Encryption - I can't connect to my company's Exchange Active Sync service without it

Call history missing phone #'s - If a contact calls me and they use their office number, I can't tell by looking at the call log.

Can't send SMS texts from non mobile numbers - I have several contacts that have multiple cell phones.  I can only SMS one number per contact forcing me to create multiple contacts for the same person so that I can SMS different number for them.


17 Posts

November 26th, 2010 06:00


I'm not sure what you mean by "On device Encryption", my email server requires ssl for outgoing and incoming seems to work fine for me.

Also I didn't include the issue you have with multiple mobile numbers because this seems to be a rather special case... I'm guessing anyone who has multiple mobile #'s has an identity crisis, and its probably best to have multiple contacts for that person :emotion-8:


2 Posts

November 26th, 2010 08:00

How is having multiple numbers a special case? That's the norm, not the exception. Are people supposed to set up multiple contacts for the, at least, 10-20 people they deal with on a daily basis for business, much less entire organizations? Think not.

I've only heard of two cases of it, but the device entering a power cycling state is a problem, albeit apparently rare. Mine was initially blamed by MSFT on swapping the SD card (which worked fine for a week, thanks) whereas in the other case, the card wasn't swapped. Mine did not recover, but the other case did. My initial phone was not an engineering unit.

17 Posts

November 26th, 2010 15:00

.net nate, do you have a good case where you have multiple mobile phone numbers for 1 person? Except for a cellphone salesman. I don't know any business people who carry two+ cellphones daily and if they did I would think they would only give you 1 of the numbers like a personal and a business# not both.

Can you provide more details on the power cycling? The only problem I had was twice when accessing the Marketplace installing large games like earthworm jim, the screen appeared blank but the 3 button lights were on, I had to remove and put back the battery to get any response from the phone. That would be a OS or marketplace app issue I'm guessing.

17 Posts

November 26th, 2010 15:00

I made 5 contacts, all with mobile numbers, linked the 5 contacts to one contact (so now there is only 1 contact), I was able to add all 5 phone numbers to an SMS


2 Posts

November 26th, 2010 16:00


The On Device Encryption:  This is pretty well documented and annoying (References).

The servers at work require Outlook/Exchange information on the phone be encrypted after it gets there not only during transit.  EAS service has a policy that checks for this and rejects connecting devices that don't comply.  The sad thing is that this is supported on the iPhone and Windows Phone 6.5, but not in Android and not in Windows Phone 7.0.    

As for the cell or pager per contact problem, I don't want to speak for any personality or technology displacement issues some of my contacts may have.   :)  

I know that my blackberry handled this beautifully, my DVP, um not intuitively.  But I think your "solution" will work but it's not as elegant as providing a simple menu option to send a text to any number.

17 Posts

November 26th, 2010 17:00

@art_mighty, so your request isn't so much "allow to send txt to multiple numbers on same contact" but instead, "allow multiple mobile phone entries per contact"?

November 30th, 2010 14:00

xer21, Art_Mighty and others: Wanted to say thanks for your efforts here. Me and several others on the Dell team will work to keep you informed. At this point, I can say that the SIM card issue was a Dell software issue that has since been fixed. All new units will not be affected by it.

I'm still digging into details to understand how we can fix existing units. When I have an update on the SIM card fix or any of these other topics, I'll make sure we keep customers informed on this thread, on the Direct2Dell blog and the #dellvenuepro hashtag on Twitter.

Just so everyone sees it, here's my earlier post on the Wi-Fi issue and the batteries that were mis-labeled as engineering samples. And here's an overall Venue Pro update where I discussed the launch delay, and acknowledged other issues we're looking into like camera image quality, camera settings, certain headdphones not fitting in the headphone jack, and not swapping out microSD cards.

Know we've got more work to do, but as I said, I do appreciate you continuing the discussion here.

Thanks again,


November 30th, 2010 14:00

One other point I meant to clarify: Windows Phone 7 is not designed to connect to a non-broadcasting protected network. If the network is broadcasting, Windows Phone 7 supports connecting to a protected network. This is a function of WP7, not a shortcoming with the Venue Pro's Wi-Fi functionality.

2 Intern


370 Posts

December 3rd, 2010 13:00


To echo Lionel's reply, we really appreciate your feedback here. We just wanted to give you an update that action items are being assigned and taken internally on these issues.  We will continue to keep you posted as new information becomes available.

For all the early adopters, we appreciate your feedback and patience while we work through these issues. Please be reassured, your participation and customer experience have been noted and we are committed to ensuring the right outcome for you.



2 Intern


370 Posts

December 7th, 2010 15:00

Venue Pro Issues Update

Hi Folks,


We just wanted to share the latest status on the issues reported here. 


We have a software fix that corrects the camera settings issue, the original Wi-Fi issue, and the SIM card issue. This fix will require a product exchange. We are still working out the details on how best to do this.  

Regarding the camera quality issue, we are actively testing a new firmware revision to improve. More work needs to be done. When we have more details to share, we will.


Our teams have done more testing re: Bluetooth. A couple of general questions for the community:

·         What device are you pairing the Venue Pro with?

·         Have you tried to pair this device w/another phone?


Thanks again for your feedback. We’ll share additional details as they become available.





1 Message

December 7th, 2010 16:00

Thanks for the update!

In regards to the bluetooth issue I'm using the built-in hands free system in a 2008 Nissan Altima which only supports the hands free profile. I know it's paired and connected correctly as WP7 says it's connected and I can see device status status like battery and signal strength in the car's GPS console. However there is no audio being transmitted over the bluetooth link in either direction, meaning I can't hear them and they can't hear me.

Both the Dell Venue Pro engineering sample and it's replacement that has the SIM issue exhibit this behavior. I've also tried paring two other different phones, a Motorola Razor and a Motorola Zine, both of which work perfectly fine with the built in hands free system in the car.

December 7th, 2010 16:00

Thanks for the update Amy.  Regarding my bluetooth experience:


Motorola S805 headset: used heavily on other phones and PC's without issues.  On my DVP it frequently looses connection when I move between WP7 screens. Resolved by a quick disconnect/reconnect on the Bluetooth settings page. Gets confused when I try to use S805 for a phone call.

Microsoft SYNC 2.1 (Ford Touch): Bluetooth connection seems to work better than it did with my BlackBerry Bold!

HP Bluetooth Stereo Headset: ditto S805 behavior

Dell E5400 Laptop: Flawless connection

Dell Tower PC (can provide details if needed): Flawless connection

HP enterprise laptop (BT 1.x, several years old): Flawless connection




18 Posts

December 8th, 2010 10:00

Are these software changes going to be applied to any units that were ordered and are currently awaiting shipment?

17 Posts

December 8th, 2010 10:00

CB55555, I'm going to say yes, all new/replacement dell venue pro's will have the already marked resolved changes on their phone by default. They may sneak more in or they might do a firmware update after more devices are shipped. If something is broken when the updated model comes out I'll update this post.

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