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This post is more than 5 years old

2 Intern


370 Posts


December 15th, 2010 12:00

Streak Froyo OTA Update for O2 Customers

Hi Folks,

I was recently informed that the O2 OTA update for Froyo would be available starting today. I had a customer looking for it, but no luck as of a few hours ago. So I provided him with a manual link for O2 customers. The link appears to be working, if you don't want to wait for the OTA update. Here you go:

If you are an O2 Streak customer, please post here with any feedback on the Froyo update (include whether you used the link above or whether you got the OTA update automatically).



4 Posts

December 15th, 2010 12:00

I have just downloaded the new update. It only took 15 minutes and the new backup process was so easy, even for a non techie person like me. 1st thing I checked for was to see if the front camera was back - and it was - Hooray. Only problem I have found so far is that half my contacts have disapeared and I dont seem to be able to backup to/from the computer via the Dell PC Suite.

Maybe I am missing something and someone can tell what it is.

Thanks for the update


1 Message

December 15th, 2010 12:00

Thanks Amy, Tweeting this to me was a huge help. works great :)

2 Posts

December 15th, 2010 14:00

Since you'll ignore this, like the last time, I'll restate the issues:

1. No WMA support... Again (Do you guys ignore us, you giveth, then taketh away??)

2. Sluggish, again, still if we root it, we can fix your glitch by setting the hardware render mode to 1 instead of 0

3. The notifications bar is gone, thus also has the quick options for switching on/off the wifi/BT/data

4. StageUI looks like 4 year old designed it.  The widgets take up 4x4 spaces, but rather than let you utilise the space left over, you put parts of the widgets on either side, making it look messy, ugly, and something out of a first years programming class.... Actually no, their UI's are usually prettier.

5. And if that damned Dell Sync app pops up just one more time when I pop my cable in for a quick recharge, I'll be sending you my streak, with the words 'NO THANKYOU' engraved over it with the fine tip of a dagger (Easy enough since the screen is easily scratched) I mean hell, can't sync it anyway, the desktop software is atrociously bad, worse than the ANdroid OS


However, I have something positive to say, somewhat anyway, at least it's a marginally better attempt over the 2.1 version, though it looks like you spent more time adding gloss paint to some god awful widgets than to the software, or the customers views.

December 15th, 2010 14:00

First..thanks for the above link Amy!. Facebook & twitter app crashes

29 Posts

December 15th, 2010 16:00


Since upgrading my Streak display is upside down, and doesnt rotate to protrait !!


The only way to fix this is to turn off 'auto rotate' then it is stuck in landscape, although this is the right way round


how do I fix this please?


i used the above link

4 Posts

December 16th, 2010 01:00

After the 2.1 fiasco, I'm going to wait till I read that the upgrade has been successful for the majority of O2 customers.. 

December 16th, 2010 01:00

Hi Amy (and 02 peeps)

I updated the 2.2. last night and it works great, a little bit of tweaking, but thats to be expected I guess.

So was really happy with the new elements in the update. However my battery died overnight - it just needed charging - when I plugged the Streak into power and attempted to turn it on the phone will not go past the "DELL" start up screen, for some reason it isn't connecting beyond that.


I've checked the sim (placed that in another phone to see if it wasn't working or not. It is fine.

Checked the SD card in my sd card reader - that is fine.

I can only suspect there has been a fault in the operating system upload that locks the phone at start up. 

Any suggestions on how I can get the streak beyond this start up screen, is there a a reset button on combination I can process?

I really need answers on this, I need phone for work and ill parent purposes. A speedy response would be appriciated.



2 Intern


370 Posts

December 16th, 2010 09:00

Hi Martin,

Thanks for the feedback. Regarding your backup question, in my original blog, it was recommended that you use the Dell Backup & Restore app to backup your data. Also, one of the changes following the 2.2 Update is that the Dell PC Suite will no longer be supported. The Dell Mobile Sync software will be the new version of Streak sync software and must be downloaded from the Dell support web site.

If you haven't tried it yet, open up the Dell Backup & Restore application and try to restore your data.

Let me know if that helps.




29 Posts

December 16th, 2010 09:00


Since upgrading my Streak display is upside down, and doesnt rotate to protrait !!


The only way to fix this is to turn off 'auto rotate' then it is stuck in landscape, although this is the right way round


how do I fix this please?


i used the above link

December 16th, 2010 12:00

Hello Amy!


As a previously frustrated streak owner after the 2.1 upgrade and sync issue, it's only fair to come back on a say job done!


Sailed through the update process, had to reboot a couple of times to get the back-up completed but I think that was to do with screen time-out issues. Fixed that and it worked first time after.  Like the speed and new keyboard. Will be deleting the stage UI, mostly because I got very used to launching everything off just about one screen with Multicon (which is the best app ever) But thanks to you and the Dell team for making it seamless this time.  I can now watch flash and have full functionaility of the internet in my pocket. Awesome!



20 Posts

December 16th, 2010 15:00


While this is happening,press and hold the 2 volume buttons together,hopefully a menu should come up with one of the options being FACTORY RESET. Use the volume UP button to highlight it and the PRESS THE CAMERA BUTTON.  Should rest itself to reboot.

December 16th, 2010 16:00

I have the same problem on my O2 Streak since upgrading yesterday evening from 2.1 (used the official upgrade, from settings / phone / system update).

When it came back up the display was upside down (so I need to hold it with USB socket to top for the display to be the right way around). I thought it was stuck there, but switching off auto-rotate flipped it back the right way, but now I have no portrait mode.

Experimenting today switching auto-rotate back on - it starts upside down, sometimes with a lot of shaking I can get it to portrait mode (only succeeded a few times), but trying to get it from portrait mode to landscape the correct way around usually fails, about 90% of the time it flips from portrait to upside down landscape even when the phone is carefully held with the top of the phone uppermost. i.e. it doesn't rotate to portrait as easily as before, and it tends to flip from portrait to upside down quite easily.

I posted about his to the O2 blog, where they ask for comments on the upgrade (a perfectly polite post, asking what to do about this) but it hasn't appeared. Perhaps the moderator only allows expressions of pleasure rather than polite questions about problems...

8 Posts

December 16th, 2010 23:00

Oh, how Dell can't take criticism on their updates...

To quote Amy's post:
If you are an O2 Streak customer, please post here with any feedback on the Froyo update

My post which I gave my feedback (good and bad) was deleted because it "violates the Dell Community Terms Of Use" - apparently that Terms Of Use must say "never say anything bad about a Dell product EVER", or "never suggest how to help other Dell users, because we know best"

It's actions like this that drive Dell customers away - especially the Streak owners, because your "customer support" for it has been laughable at best!

Moderators: If this post is deleted, you will lose a Dell customer FOREVER! Amy wanted feedback, so I gave it!

4 Posts

December 17th, 2010 02:00

Hi amy i tryed the link you posted and can i have everything works fine for me as 02 uk


so my front camera has not came back like its done to some other but thats not a big bother for me,

its faster and to be honest it looks better..

so far i havent found any thing wrong with it as i have had a good play around with it


so thumbs up i like it and its all fine


December 17th, 2010 03:00

Hi Amy

I updated OTA this morning (from 1.6, I never installed the 2.1) and backed up as well.  I am getting an error message which I can't get rid off:

'system exception' with the buttons Quit, Copy to SDCard and Report by LOTA.

If I hit any of these there is another error message underneath 'Sorry! The application Calendar Storage (process has stopped unexpectedly.  Please try gain'  with the button 'force close'  When i hit 'force close' the first error message comes back.   I have this all the time and interferes badly with using the streak.  I've rebooted and taken the battery out but it doens't help. 

How can this be fixed?  



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