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2 Intern


370 Posts


September 14th, 2010 15:00

UK Streak 2.1 Update – Reported Issues and Concerns

Hi Folks,

First, thank you to everyone who submitted their issues, questions and concerns regarding the recent Dell Streak Android 2.1 Update on this forum.

It has taken some time to collect everything from the various posts and I really appreciate your patience while this was being done.  As of Sunday night, the list below was submitted up the chain and I'll be working with the team to investigate the specifics. You'll notice that there are a few items with some possible solutions highlighted. (By the way, thank you to those customers who submitted these workarounds or solutions. That is what this forum site is all about!) Special thanks also go out to @tmedhurst for collecting a list of submissions via Twitter.

Many of these items have already been reported to our call centers and I hope to have some additional information shortly.

If you have any issues, questions or concerns which are not listed below, feel free to reply to this thread. Please include specific details, where you purchased your product (UK, France, Germany) and from whom you purchased your Streak (direct from Dell or from O2).

I will post back and keep this thread updated as we address items.

Thank you again!



Social Media Customer Feedback Following 2.1 Update






Phone keeps freezing

Regular unfixable crashes / screen freezes. have to remove battery to reset   

irregular crash where pressing home button when on homepage causes vibrate to engage constantly, have to remove battery to reset

BIG BUG on my phone:  twice today the end call button has ceased working and so I have had to take the battery out to stop the call.

Phone slower

Moving icons in Quick Select panel causes restart

Animations such as fade in and out jumpy not smooth like in 1.6

The upgraded unit shuts down on its own (in pocket, on my table and in the middle of conversations) and the power button becomes unresponsive. Only solution is to remove and reinsert the battery.

Keep getting error message... 'The application Messaging (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.

Vibration notifications not working on any of the default apps, email, sms or calendar

Really sluggish performance

Power button sometimes ignored, sometime switches off streak (when pressed quickly)

Folders sometimes refuse to open (only reboot fixes this)







Wants old keyboard back with numeric keyboard to the side; entering text is less accurate; no cursor to show where user is editing; text disappears from boxes; no arrows on keyboard to allow accurate editing, haptic feedback vibrating to suggest a key was pressed but no letter actually inputted; no way to force keyboard open by pressing the middle key and no hide button now; Please give us back the original keyboard that shipped with Android 1.6 on the Dell Streak. Give us the option to choose between the new keyboard and the old keyboard from within the "Input Method" menu. One of the main reasons I chose the Dell Streak over the Apple iPhone was because of the unique keyboard it offered. This has now been replaced by a keyboard that is inaccurate and not speed type friendly. I personally had achieved around 60 words per minute with the older keyboard by typing with multiple fingers on one hand.

There is no directional keypad/buttons on the Dell Streak, and the Old Keyboard at least had a left and right cursor keys. For example, You try selecting the exact location you want the cursor to be in for editing text by using your finger on a touch screen where characters are as little as 1.5mm wide without directional arrow keys to adjust the cursor position and tell me you can achieve this with the new Dell Streak keyboard.

It is also impossible to go down a line when the line you want is not visible and by no means accessible without some form of directional control button, i.e. a keyboard with arrow keys on it. This is now a common problem when editing text in a text field that only shows a portion of text and is not scroll-able without directly scrolling the cursor using cursor keys.

This is a huge problem and needs some sort of solution that doesn't involve the user purchasing a 3rd party keyboard app when the phone was originally equipped with such a tool before the android 2.1 update became thrust upon us.

The original Android 1.6 Soft Keyboard had everything onboard to solve any of the above issues with cursor movement, whereas the new keyboard doesn't even have a cursor key. This old keyboard needs to be packaged up as a free download to Dell Customers in the form of a Software APK package that we can add to the dell streak.

Keyboard is not as responsive as before.

Hate the new keyboard; not as accurate as it once was; the old 1.6 keyboard really set the Streak apart from the Iphone.

PLEASE can we have the numeric keypad back, maybe as an option in settings




Intended feature of the O/S update. Customer -requested feature.


*One customer tweeted possible step to improving keyboard performance was to perform screen calibration. Instructions found in the DellTM Streak Security and Software Reset Guide here.

Non-O2 Customers Rec'd False Updates

rec'd update message and it appears to upgrade the phone, but customer is still left with 1.6

Unable to run update (unlocked UK Streak) from Dell; now have 1.6 w/random flashing keys;

Just sat through best part of a 90Mb update for a non-O2 Streak (so bought direct from Dell UK, on Vodafone) - restarted but still 1.6



Amy will reach out and collect svc tags from these folks.

Non-O2 customers were not supposed to get the 2.1 update.

Wallpaper/Home Screen

Dislike new wallpaper; preferred the way the "rooms" (pages) could be used to separate out 'business' & 'leisure' functions


PLEASE can we have a portrait set up for the home screen - NO ONE surely holds the Streak in such a manner??!! It's a tool to work with not a gimmick!

I can't have full-frame wallpapers made from my own pictures anymore

Selecting certain live wallpapers causes device to soft boot from the o2 screen

Very hard to move icons and delete them on launcher

Wallpaper crop region on gallery wrong shape when setting wallpaper from photo

Widget menu very slow on home screen

Live-Wallpaper selection will not switch to portrait orientation.

No control over number of 'home screens' - not a complete deal breaker but why take that away?

Dragging an item from the Apps menu to the desktop no longer creates a shortcut (it did in 1.6)

Uninstalling an app which has a shortcut in a launcher folder leaves the shortcut there to the app that no longer exists















Get front and back camera

Settings Tray in new Camera app is difficult to operate and obscures view

Extremely slow shutter speed

No self timer on camera. Have to use CameraFX now.

When you take two or three photos in a row only the first picture will be saved when viewing back in gallery. Also where the hell has the front camera/camcorder option gone

Front camera missing from Camera App


Front camera option not supported by the update.

More to come on this feature soon.

WMV Playback

Want to play wmv files;; lost WMV support

Won't play WMV/WMA files



*One user resolved by downloading 3rd party app - arcMedia.

Keys Flashing

back", "menu" and "home" keys flashing 3/4 times after each minute or so



May be related to non-O2 UK/EMEA customers who bought from Dell Direct.

Amy will reach out and collect svc tags from these folks.


Wi-Fi 2.4GHz

In the UK we are allowed to use Channels between 1 through 13. Dell Streak running Android 1.6 could see all of these whereas Dell Streaks running Android 2.1 will only see channels between 1 through 11. Most of our infrastructure uses the two channels (12 & 13) above 11 because of interference problems from surrounding networks as defined by our site survey. We cannot reconfigure our network infrastructure to use channels below 11 as it reduces data rates too much because of the saturation from other network traffic. Dell Streaks internal hardware could support all of these channels but the software has removed this functionality. The Streak will also not always automatically reconnect to networks between channels 1 & 11 and to get it to renegotiate a connection Wi-Fi has to be turned off and then back on again on the phone.

Can't connect to Wi-Fi anymore

Not possible to Add a Google Account (Gmail) beyond the first configured. After timeout the error message "You don't have a network connection." is raised - despite having Wi-Fi connection and being able to read first Gmail account fine.

Wi-Fi not always re-authenticating after resume.

Will not connect to work Wi-Fi, gets stuck requesting IP address. Other 2.1 devices work fine

Gmail account linking doesn't work over WIFI, only 3G (O2 know about this)












*Possible solution suggested by another user:

Turn wireless off and login into Google via phone data connection.

You can then turn wireless back on and it all works.


Tab layout lacking in built-in browser; had to download 3rd party app

Browser broken; back button doesn't work; selecting links is less accurate; no idea if page is downloading unless you scroll to the top of page; scrolling is worse; some pages not rendered correctly (i.e. eBay watch list on full site); pop-up links fail to show;

Browser Thumbnail view gone

 Scrolling is almost impossible






seems to take forever to find now  for a signal

I have no voice in navigation. In the text-to-speech settings it all seems ok and the "install voice data" is grayed out so I'm assuming it is installed, although maybe incorrectly.

calls going straight to voicemail when connected to gprs

Apps that use Google Maps with the Show My Location feature will crash. The cause is this age-old bug - developers can work around it, but we shouldn't have to:






Battery Life

seems considerably shorter





Screen Unlock

Doesn't always work

Screen can be unresponsive when locked - often when there is nothing on the screen

Sometimes impossible to answer a call - phone rings, backlight stays off - power button turns screen on but cannot unlock




Email Client

Doesn't work

No way to move email messages between email folders in email app.

Mail no longer has the 'select entire folder' option, and no way to tick all items. Similarly, 'ticked' mail items should be automatically unticked after being marked read/starred.

When emailing something from another app -  there is no way to choose which Gmail account to send it from






Music Playback

MP3's stutter when background data is enabled and an email is downloading.

music does not stop when headphones are moved whilst music is playing

Albums start playing backwards - usually when playing is started in music player then return to home page with player there.





not working properly; need to increase distance levels




Music Files

cant load any music  to the SD card that the phone will see .u access the SD card & the music is there but cant access it form the phone ,

going from recently added to albums in music is slow, jerky




Photo Editor

Bring back the photo editor





Seems to be mirrored, from left to right for games like doodle jump (means I tilt the screen left to go right, and tilt right to go left).

Accelerometer is back-to-front in some applications e.g. Doodle Jump




Incoming Texts

texts get received far slower




Reduced screen space

widgets taking up far too much room on launcher





Cannot Restore Old Backups

After 2.1 Update and Installing New PC Suite, cannot restore previous backups and performing a new backup results in 0 bytes.


Per update messaging, users were instructed to backup their data to the SD card. "Anything not stored on the SD card will be erased."

Leaked 2.1 Update Better

the leaked version of 2.1 didn't have these issues



Settings > Manage Applications

Doesn't retain the setting "Filter - Running" and defaults to downloaded - not much use if I can't get to the market place.



Screen Standby

Every now and again, the display will go into a strange mode (that does not appear to be available in any options) where the screen will not shut off properly but instead dims down and locks input functions. The screen displays the correct date and time and the backlight stays on but very dim and causes the battery to be exhausted inside of 4 hours. The only way to get out of this strange standby mode is to power off and restart the Streak. This low light level perhaps maybe advantageous as an option for night driving though.




all contacts lost



Downloaded/Installed Games

all games that were installed to SD have also been lost



Volume Controls

are reversed in landscape mode




level is lower



Voice dialer

does not work



Music Player

 its flat; doesn't sound right




Other related questions:

10 Posts

September 14th, 2010 16:00

Thanks Amy ur sticky is very much appreciated. Thanks also for gathering all these issues together and lets hope we will see some fixes / solutions soon

4 Posts

September 15th, 2010 04:00

Thats a great job to pull all those issues together and its really good to see someone from Dell collate/acknowledge them. Thankyou.

The freeze/restarts has to be the biggest issue to resolve, but the sheer volume of issues suggests that the whole update should be rolled back or replaced. Please give us any updates on how these issues are being investigated and what any intended resolution is.

Is a fixed build being considered ? An early 2.2 update ? The most important thing is to keep us informed and confirm that progress is being made towards resolution.

If nothing else this list being formalised gives UK O2 customers something concrete to point O2 towards when arguing for a swap out to a different handset.

10 Posts

September 15th, 2010 07:00

I agree, thanks Amy it's nice to see someone at Dell acknowledge the issues.

So far it seems that Dell are not doing much to help the customers with faulty phones since the O2 update.The update caused so many issues that the 1.6 roll-back option seems to be the best temporary solution until a more stable update can be released. I read in an earlier thread that Dell say that this can't be done despite instructions on how to being posted on other forums. Surely offering the roll-back to 1.6  to it's customers is better than Dell receiving all of these complaints and bad press and people resorting to using unoficial means to do the roll-back themselves. I am not confident in my abilities in doing the roll-back so I am stuck with a problematic Streak untill Dell sort this mess out.

Why are Dell letting their customers get so upset about this when most of us would be happy to go back to 1.6 until the issues can be resolved? At least then we will have a usable phone. Please Dell offer the roll-back to 1.6 option.

3 Posts

September 15th, 2010 11:00


I have the sim free Streak and did the ROM update to install the leaked 2.1, which worked like a dream. Two weeks Iater I did the OTA to official 2.1 and it was rubbish, my streak was slow and non-responsive. I searched everywhere to try and get my device to factory 1.6 but it wouldn't work (just told me I was on a newer version).

I then checked and saw the OTA was build 8023, after a quick google search I found 8105 ( I download to my pc and did the usual update.pkg on the SD card (instruction on the web). I was back up and running although I needed to re-install all my apps, as I couldn't back on the PC Suite :(  

I have to say I think this device is amazing, I was toying with getting an IPad (WiFi + 3G) but was put off by the separate data contract. The 5" inch screen is perfect for reading news updates, Internet pages and documents (word, excel, pdf) and it's a phone to boot (or as my friends rib me - a big phone)

Hope this helps and gets everyone back to enjoying their streak as much as me.



10 Posts

September 15th, 2010 12:00

Maybe Dell could offer the leaked 2.1 as an option as it seems to be better than the official update?

10 Posts

September 15th, 2010 13:00

Yes athough not as many issues as some people on here. Things like the g sensor, the battery life, the device crashing etc. I am not tech savvy enough to attempt reverting back to 1.6 or the leaked 2.1 but for me this would be the best interim solution. For now I am back to using my Sony Xperia X10 mini wich has been a great little phone. Maybe I should have gone for the full size X10, at least they still all work.

3 Posts

September 15th, 2010 13:00

Depending on which web site you read it was O2 who pushed the official. I guess with Dell releasing the ROM code as part of GPL agreement, we'll see more developers striping out the apps not needed (touchdown is a waste for me as I use Google mail, contacts, calendar etc and would like to remove it.). One of the other benefits to the Streak for me is it's Android based and not locked down like the apple OS versions.

I am searching daily for 2.2 news (Nov was earliest).

Are you having problems with yours?

8 Posts

September 16th, 2010 06:00

Issues found since update to 2.1:

Wifi signal doesn't connect properly when re-entering wifi zone - e.g. turn wifi on at home, connects, leave area to go to car, return to wifi area and it never re-connects, only solution is to disable wifi and re-enable it

Phone won't always unlock (annoying when answering phone) - solution is to either press power button twice (once to turn off, once to turn on), or to hold down Home button for 1-2 seconds

Loss of data networks - at times in data strong areas, the 3G, EDGE, GRPS symbol vanishes from the status area, and won't return until phone is reset

Screens don't hold as many icons as they used to - I used to get 7 or 8 by 5 icons across the screen, not it only allows 6x4, and widgets appear to take more space

Screens always active, even if no icons/widgets - I used to have 4 home screens, and all populated, now I'm "forced" to have 7, even if nothing is on the screens

GMail settings broken - I ended up with 2 GMail Icons, one for a non-connecting Gmail, one for my setup Gmail account

Accelerometer "broken" - games which rely on the accelerometer (like the tilt games) are now broken when they used to be incredibly sensitive

Battery life now much reduced from previous usage

Home screen backgrounds now not settable per screen (what is this, an iPhone? ;-P)

Keyboard sensitivity is horrible - old keyboard was fantastic, but new one is unresponsive, and unreliable

Layout in certain applications is now screwed up - certain applications (like Robo Defense) appears to believe that the screen size is "Small" for icon placement, so Streak 2.1 appears to be reporting the screen size incorrectly

Streak Facebook app is missing - the old Streak Facebook app was nice and simple, now it's reverted to the default Android Facebook app

Connectivity widget is not as good - the old Streak connectivity widget was small and easy to use, the new one is HUGE and takes up 2/3 of the screen width

Camera app doesn't allow switching to front camera, almost like it's not active anymore


That's all that I can think of at the moment - some not listed above, some are...

2 Posts

September 17th, 2010 07:00

Thank you from Malaysia Amy.  I got the Dell Streak(Direct Dell, unlocked) over here and though i like what i see, it's potential is marred(hopefully temporary) by a release of a less than acceptable platform performance.  

I hope the boys and girls hiding behind you offer you their gratitude for taking the flak for them, as i can tell there is much more consistent issues than what's listed here.  Let's hope they do their momma proud, make them do their homework ;)

3 Posts

September 18th, 2010 06:00

I was pretty uncertain about the tech bit on the updates but if you follow the instructions on the link, it works fine (although there is always a risk!).

The hardest thing for me was getting the Flash Rom update, my windows 7 desktop wouldn't recognise the Streak in Flashloader mode. Just needed to update the driver (the yellow ! icon)  through device manager to the generic google android driver.


5 Posts

September 18th, 2010 12:00

Hi Amy B

I have just purchased an O2 Dell Streak on the understanding that an upgrade of the operating system to Android 2.1 will allow me to access web sites which have Adobe flash content?

Can you confirm this please



10 Posts

September 19th, 2010 07:00

I am running the official 2.1 update with all the bugs listed above. Can someone please tell me if the leaked version is any better? o2 advised me yesterday to revert back to 1.6 using "unofficial means" but wouldn't say if it would void my warranty. When I asked, their response was "I can't answer that". Seems like they are giving bad advice. The blind leading the blind.

2 Posts

September 19th, 2010 07:00

Yes the leaked version seems to have very few problems, the only two I can find are lower volume on bluetooth (but still loud enough to use) and reversed volume control in landscape mode. I have been running it now for about a week and have been very happy a stable system. Would not go back to 1.6 as there is an issue with signal strength and a loss of connection between 3g and H. 2.1 sorted this completely :emotion-5:

I must say that the Streak really is a mighty device, its a shame the update has cause so many problems for some. Hopefully Dell can restore normal service with a early stable release of 2.2??????? in the mean time the leaked 2.1 is really delivering the device I wanted.

4 Posts

September 19th, 2010 07:00

I  also spoke to O2 over the last few days and the line seems to be (to paraphrase) "Dell broke your phone, nothing that we (O2) can do about it until Dell sort themselves out, we're not willing to replace the phone but you could send it to Dell saying its broken and they will likely wipe it back to factory settings."

My 2 local O2 stores have stopped selling the Streak - they have them in store but are telling people outright not to take it - they are sick of having angry customers who are getting nowhere with Dell/O2 customer services coming and and getting shouty with them.

Dell seem to be saying that they are waiting for O2 to approve the wording of any statement they want to make on the situation. But I doubt that statement includes "hey here is a near term solution", more likely "hey were working on it, honest, just hold on for another x weeks"

At this point the only thing I can suggest is that we somehow collate a list of owners email addresses and hit O2 with a single request for action/replacement. However similar "campaigns" have failed in the past as people are understandably uncomfortable sharing details online.

Personally, I've pretty much given up on the Streak and now use my X10, I'm sick of missing calls/losing functionality when the Streak randomly crashes throughout the day.I'm sick of waiting for an update from Dell when they could just 'fess up to their foul up and help UK owners out with an official 1.6 roll back or a clear statement of when a fixed 2.1/2.2 will be release. I'll get a Galaxy tab when available.

BTW - love the US owners on Twitter requesting the 2.1 update - I doubt with have this silence from Dell if they had broken all the Streaks in their main market.

10 Posts

September 19th, 2010 16:00

I thought I might share the response I received after emailong the MD of o2.


Thank you for your email addressed to Ronan Dunne regarding the 2.1 update issues with the Dell Streak. Ronan has asked me to respond to you on his behalf.


I’m sorry that your phone has been affected by the recent update and that you don’t feel we’re keeping our customers up to date with regards to this issue. I can appreciate how disappointed you must be.


Since releasing Android 2.1 for Dell Streak we have had a small number of reports from customers who have experienced problems using their Streak after installing the update. We are investigating these reports as a matter of urgency with Dell and have chosen to put the 2.1 update on hold while we do so. The vast majority of customers who have downloaded the software are able to use it successfully.


A very small number of customers have experienced problems switching their phone on after installing the update. Other customers have also seen changes to the phone’s features after the software has been installed. We recommend that customers who are experiencing problems with their phones contact their nearest O2 store or call Customer Service so we can help diagnose the problem and, if necessary, arrange for the phone to be repaired


We are working closely with Dell to find the root cause of the issue and rectify it. At the moment we do not have a timescale for this to be fixed but we will endeavour to keep our customers up to date.

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