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This post is more than 5 years old



September 7th, 2010 06:00


Just got off the phone with Dell Technical and they tell me a new update will be available by end of week that will fix all our problems, sync in all. So watch closely and see if the chimps have got the push and the monkeys are back in control. (Again update will be FOTA)

So boys and girls have your pens ready and a bottle of your favorite poison to celibrate a working Streak or Drown your Sorrows and get ready for a long haul fight with Dell.

16 Posts

September 7th, 2010 06:00

Yeaaaaah! Have they told you what they are going to fix? All of them? wmv, bluetooth, voice dialer etc or only sync?


70 Posts

September 7th, 2010 06:00

Well they did not go into detail  but said the new update will fix all phone and sync issues, so be ready for a whole new 2.1 firmware update.

Did ask about 2.2 Froyo but was told there are no plans for this upgrade.  Maybe Dell are making this there one and only costly foray into the Android market (Good as there are much better players out there with real experience in putting design into practice )


September 8th, 2010 04:00

I wonder if they're really fixing anything or just modifying the code so that the pc sync will work again. my update actually went ok- the phone worked straight away, & downloads off of 3G were faster. I was able to re-install my 3rd-party apps quite quickly.

but my contacts are all in outlook- why on earth would I sync them to a google mail account that I don't use? so of course I was using the pc suite to do all this, & now it doesn't work. phone has no contacts in it. tried bluetooth, everything. nada de nada.

I don't like the new wallpaper- the "rooms" thing worked perfectly well for me. I don't know what they think they've "improved" elsewhere- the browser? the photo editor? 

going back to 1.6, the hard way, since dell have made the classic software update schoolboy error of not offering a rollback plan themselves.



70 Posts

September 8th, 2010 09:00

Just spoken to O2 regarding this mysterious new update Dell will be launching, they confirm a new update is on its way but Dell will not tell them when! O2 say its going to be trial and error on our part to see if we download the new update. Well Dell told me by end of week, I will try on Saturday and let you know!, if its unsuccessful then O2 can have my brick back on Monday.:emotion-11:

This whole sorry saga must be costing Dell a small fortune, but they are saving a fortune of their public relations  by not having one.

So don't hold your breath for an apology or even referenceto any problems :)

Dell on this forum is short for Delete, anything contraversial Dell delete it :D


2 Intern


370 Posts

September 8th, 2010 20:00

Hi Folks,

Sorry if you were misinformed. Please PM (private message me) the phone # and name of reps who gave you this information.

Regarding a new update, there is not a new Android 2.1 update for O2/UK customers; however, there is a newer version of the Dell PC Suite software here:

Please download, install this and let me know if it corrects the sync issues you may have experienced.



24 Posts

September 9th, 2010 00:00

If there is no new 2.1 update what was the official via a Steak check for updates button firmware then? Bar screwing the Streak that is?

70 Posts

September 9th, 2010 02:00

Hello Amy.


Have deleted the original Donut PC Suit but the link fails to work at all if  you have downloaded more than once. We need an open link to downoad from

What was all that rubbish I  was given by O2 and Dell?  When I phoned O2 they transferred me to Dell who said that they were aware of the problems with the 2.1 update and the incompatable 2.1 suit and that a new update of 2.1 would be available in a few days. Now you say this is not true???

Are we Streak owners to be left unsupported with a bug ridden 2.1 build, its about as stable as a baby on Crack!!  Seems Dell Don't care , Dell have launched What was supposed to be a world beater but it turns out to be a white elephant,  it does not deliver on the promises ,  Tell the Tech guys to start reading all the faults we have with their poor coding effort.


If this is an example of how Dell treat its customers then any possible future  between Dell and my company  are at an end, much rather deal with the likes of Lenovo who move heaven and earth to resolve problems.

Dell in this whole fiasco bury their heads in the sand, refuse to admit to any problems and still send out the bug ridden FOTA! Does Dell live in the real world


16 Posts

September 9th, 2010 02:00

Hello, Amy.

Thank you for your reply, I am downloading the updated PC Suite now but will be able to check the outcome only in the evening - forgot the cable at home (and I think to charge almost £25 for the cable is way to much :)).

So regarding no update 2.1 for the UK customers. Can we expect at least some hot-fixes? Not the whole image, but something that would bring a usability of Dell Streak back to 1.6 level: wmv file support (though I have downloaded and installed arcMedia, may be it will fix this issue), better browser, old keyboard, voice dialer etc?

Many thanks,

3 Posts

September 9th, 2010 05:00

Good morning, Amy 

Just to let you know - I've been in blind panic since Monday morning when the automatic update Android system cleared my phone and left me unable to sync with my PC.  This was desperate as, running a small business, my Streak is my business phone, carrying all my business numbers and other data.  

Numerous calls to Dell followed; no solution.  Did, at Dell's request, a complete factory re-set of phone, stripped and re-loaded the PC setup.  All to no avail.  I didn't ring Dell any further as it was to no avail and was costing me a lot!  Alerted O2 to the fact that they were in breach of contract and, unless solved by the end of the week I would cancel my contract and consider pursuing charges.  

Then, this morning, I found your post and the software update for Dell PC suite - by accident - having browsed google at length.  

FANTASTIC - phone is now recognised and all contacts etc back on the phone.  So....

1.  Thanks so much for saving my life!;

2.  PLEASE find an effective way to let all the other sufferers out there get the update;

3.  ENSURE O2 know about the update and can inform other (furious!) users like me; 

4.  NEVER let Dell release an update without at least checking whether a core function such as synchronising with PC is harmed by the update! 

Best wishes 


13 Posts

September 9th, 2010 07:00

Can you tell me where to find the Dell PC Suite update for 2.1

Just this morning I managed to convince O2 to take the Streak back and swap me out to an iPhone. But if the PC sync and glitches are resolved I may stay with the Streak.  I like the bigger screen.

My decision point is tomorrow.

Is there any news of a formal announcement by Dell yet? This week has been absolutely horrible phone-wise. I never want to repeat this episode. My confidence in software from Dell  currently stands at zero.

2 Intern


370 Posts

September 9th, 2010 07:00


Once again, I am sorry if you misunderstood. I said "there is not a new Android 2.1 update for O2/UK customers." Perhaps I should have emphasized the word "new" in my last post.

Hope that clears it up for you.



24 Posts

September 9th, 2010 07:00

Okay Amy, thank you for coming back to me and yes undestood. Please get the update sorted though - I am sure by now you have read the frustration we are all having.  I am a big promoter of the Streak (you maybe surprised to learn that from some of my posts!) but this sort of mess releasing updates that shouldn't have been etc really does take the shine of a brilliant product. Crack the whip with your coding boys back there.

16 Posts

September 9th, 2010 07:00


Well, BMGStreak, as you can see from the Amy B's answer, you should go and get your iPhone. Just out of curiosity: what did you tell O2 to get iPhone? I'll probably ask something with 4" screen.


September 9th, 2010 07:00

too many things fell off with the 2.1 "upgrade" (I shall surely fall foul of our moderator- again- for those ironic quote marks) for me to endure it. like some other streak users, I was seduced by the large screen, the non-apple-ness of the device (& I have five macs around me right now- it's just that the i-phone has become a cult, whilst not actually being all that good...)

most of all I dislike the new wallpaper; I liked the way the "rooms" could be used to separate out "business" & "leisure" functions.

& dropping the photo editor is just stupid. (here comes the moderator...)


but giving it back to O2 ceased to be an option for me when I bought the dock; I'm not throwing away £50 of my own money aswell.

so I went over to modaco & spent yesterday afternoon learning how to roll back to 1.6. now I'm happy with the streak again. is there any reason to go to 2.1, ever?



13 Posts

September 9th, 2010 07:00

Ooops sorry my opening sentence should have been:

Can you tell be where to find the download to fix the other glitches other than Dell PC Suite for 2.1


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