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This post is more than 5 years old


April 21st, 2011 09:00

dell venue is low on space


i've clean up all cache and data in settings

meanwhile i uninstalled those apps

but the low on space notice is still here

how to solve this?

p.s. my dell venue is not rooted and do not desire to root


26 Posts

May 7th, 2011 19:00

Sounds like you need to move some of your Applications to your SD card.  Use this FREE application to do it for you and monitor future installs.



8 Posts

July 8th, 2011 13:00

I fearthe only solutions are:

a) hard resetting your device (I did that once because of low memory (after removing all apps, data and caches)), or

b) rooting your device and deleting log files in the data folder (which can be up to several 10s of megabyte large)

Note that rooting your device will void your warranty...


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