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October 24th, 2013 08:00

A Copy session has not been created for the specified device(s)

I am getting below error while terminating a clone

H:\>symclone -sid 65 -f "H:\Useful Docs\Symmetrix\symcli files\Clone pair.txt" terminate

Execute 'Terminate' operation for the 1 specified device(s) in device file 'H:\Useful Docs\Symmetrix\symcli files\Clone pair.txt' (y/ ) ? y

'Terminate' operation execution is in progress for the device list in device file 'H:\Useful Docs\Symmetrix\symcli files\Clone pair.txt'. Please wait.


A Copy session has not been created for the specified device(s)

I did a query on the file

H:\>symclone -sid 65 -f "H:\Useful Docs\Symmetrix\symcli files\Clone pair.txt" query

The Source device and the Target device do not form a Copy session

Device file 'H:\Useful Docs\Symmetrix\symcli files\Clone pair.txt' does not have any devices that are Clone source devices

Here is the show dev

BCV Pair Information


    Standard (STD) Device Symmetrix Name   : 01b8

    Standard (STD) Device Serial ID        : Not Visible

    Standard (STD) Device Group Name       : Not/Grouped

    Standard (STD) Composite Group Name    : Not/Grouped

    BCV Device Symmetrix Name              : 0748

    BCV Device Serial ID                   : Not Visible

    BCV Device Associated Group Name       : Not/Associated

    BCV Device Associated CG Name          : Not/Associated

    BCV Device Status                      : Not Ready       (NR)

    State of Pair ( STD ====> BCV )        : Synchronized

    Percent Initiated                      : 100%

    Time of Last BCV Action                : Tue Oct 22 15:47:19 2013

    State of BCV Mirrors                   : Synchronized

October 24th, 2013 08:00

Standard device is a 2-way mir

and BCV device is a raid 5 bcv decvice

Solution Enable on ESX and VM are different.

1 Rookie


119 Posts

October 24th, 2013 09:00

Maybe the session is TF/Mirror Emulation (symmir) and not TF/Clone (symclone)?  Issue "symclone list" and "symmir list" and see if either of those show the session.

October 24th, 2013 10:00

You are right. Session is under symmir list.

And when i do symmir -g DG split i am getting below error

The SYMAPI database file is already locked by another process

I checked there is no locks on the devices.

98 Posts

October 24th, 2013 11:00

yes, knowledgebase - it's available at

the discover is also likely hanging due to the lock on the SYMAPI database file. the discover tries to update the database, but will fail due to another process already having a lock on it.

October 24th, 2013 11:00

Knowledgebase ?

And when i run symdiscover on the server its hanging for so much time.

98 Posts

October 24th, 2013 11:00

The devices are not locked. As the error message states, there is a lock on the SYMAPI database.  This is usually a result of a process not exiting cleanly and leaving a semaphore lock on the database.  Run a search on the error message in the knowledgebase and you'll see multiple solutions for working around this or correcting it.

98 Posts

October 24th, 2013 13:00

That would be expected. The SYMCLI_WAIT_ON_DB variable tells the command to keep running, waiting for the other process to release the lock before executing and taking the lock itself.  Given that the process that left the lock on the DB file is probably something that exited abmormally, the lock is not going to get released unless it is done manually.

Take a look at KB article 13263 ( It shows you how you can tell what process is holding the lock/handle on the database file so you can try to see if it's a process that can be terminated.

October 24th, 2013 13:00

I tried using SYMCLI_WAIT_ON_DB=1 its still not working. It's hanging there from long time.

October 28th, 2013 11:00

I can able to terminate now.

I tried to establish full relationship between std and bcv i got below error (This command was executed on VM)

C:\MAGIC>symmir -sid 75 -f devicefile.txt establish -full

Execute 'Full Establish' operation for the 1 specified device(s)

in device file 'magic.txt' (y/ ) ? y

'Full Establish' operation execution is in progress for the device list in

device file 'magic.txt'. Please wait...

The feature being requested is not currently licensed

October 28th, 2013 12:00

On the array management server. I can establish and split the relationship.

When i tried to on Virtual server i am getting license error

Below are the license which are in virtual server (I have checkd in symapi\config\licenses.dat file)

SERVER / Symmetrix

DeltaMark / Symmetrix

BASE / Symmetrix

DevMasking / Symmetrix

ConfigChange / Symmetrix

SOLUTION_4 / Symmetrix

TimeFinder / Symmetrix

Snap / Symmetrix

Snap(Ruby) / Symmetrix

Licenses from array

OPTMZR / Symmetrix

RcopyOnlinePull / Symmetrix

Remote-Copy / Symmetrix

Snap / Symmetrix

SymmMgmtConsole / Symmetrix

TF-Clone / Symmetrix

TimeFinder / Symmetrix

October 28th, 2013 12:00

When i try to run symlmf list se -type on server i am getting below error

C:\>symlmf list

*** The supplied key is invalid

    76 Posts

    October 28th, 2013 12:00

    Do you have a TF/Mirror license?  Depending on the version of SE/microcode the license would either be on the :

    host (under 5875 code)  - to check these licenses run symlmf list -type se

    array (5875+)  - to check these licenses run symlmf list -type emclm -sid 75

    465 Posts

    October 28th, 2013 12:00

    Is this on a DMX? On a DMX, the Timefinder licence needs to be applied via symlmf to each Solutions Enabler instance where the symmir commands will run.

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