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This post is more than 5 years old


5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts


July 3rd, 2017 11:00

Looking for a clear and precise way of installing and configuring VSI 7.1 for XtremeIO

One of my customer's has deployed the VSI ova.

They then registered the VSI plugin from the vApp successfully.

After this, they registered the SIS service in the vCenter and finally added the XIO array as a storage system (using an XIO admin account).

However, they are unable to view EMC datastores. When they right-click a host in vCenter and go to "All EMC VSI Plugin Actions", they dont see the reclaim option. I am not sure but I do not recall seeing a "New Datastore" option either.

I believe it has something to to with the configuration piece, but I am not sure what is missing.

Could you please help?

August 11th, 2017 00:00

Hello @savy

After registering in SIS next register storage system.

You can select the supported EMC storage on Storage system type menu.

NOTE: The following table lists the supported EMC storage for VSI 7.1

Hope this helps, Thanks.

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