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This post is more than 5 years old


June 18th, 2012 13:00

EMCOPY- Error when running incremental

I am doing EMCOPY ( ver 4.14) -Migrating Windows Host  -->VNX

One of the shares has ~650GB of Data . After an Initial copy was run , around 404 GB were copied to VNX . I ran Incremental on Saturday in a hope that during weekend I will ‘ve lot of open files ( when running intial full copy) closed .

To my surprise ,When running the incremental it only copied 150MB of data . I do not understand how is that possible ?? Am i doing something wrong ?

I am using the following –

emcopy64_v4.14.exe \\Prodserver\share1 \\Tempserver\share1 /purge /c /lg /s /a /r:0 /w:0 /tee /de /o /preserveSIDh /secfix /log:2c_emcopy_Prodserver.log

This time while  running another incremenatal  i 'm using --   r:1 /  w:30 . The copy is still running . Wait 30 Secs is it going to help me any way ?

I am doing this for the first time , appreciate if any one can assist me in resolving my issue .

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

June 18th, 2012 13:00

/w: is not going to help you simply waits for 30 seconds before trying for one more time and then keeps on going. What's in the log ..anything about "access denied" or anything like that ?

261 Posts

June 18th, 2012 14:00

Not many error -

Copy engine Statistics


File(s) copied                            : 11603

File(s) recovered                         : 0

Directory(ies) created                    : 0

Copy of File(s) failed                    : 3 !

Security Descriptor Setting(s) done:      : 11555

Security Descriptor Setting(s) failed     : 7570 !

Number of Deleted file(s)                 : 3

Amount of copied byte(s)                  : 597 MB (626 480 795 Byte(s))

Estimated copy bitrate                    : 44.436 KB/s

Global copy duration                      : 13768.161

Elapsed time: hours: 03, mins: 49, secs: 29

Most of them were -

file's purge can't be achieved.

TH052 : 04:38:03 : WARNING : \\permserver\share1\0000002F\ -> error when browing source, tree's purge can't be achieved.

Trying to DELETE due to copy ABORT.

TH004 : 04:38:33 : WARNING : \\permserver\share1\00000004\A93D96E3-3A64-4503-A16E-F276B8287B6C0002.TIF -> DELETED

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

June 18th, 2012 14:00

can you try with these params:

/o /s /purge /d /c /r:1 /w:1 /tee

275 Posts

June 19th, 2012 11:00


Have you tried running EMCopy with less threads (default is 64). Maybe source is overloaded

Try with /th 16 (16 threads)


261 Posts

June 19th, 2012 15:00

thanks bergec & Dynamox -

I forgot to add- my target after 2nd incremental run had a total of 404 GB (  ~ 650GB in source )   available , this includes the bulk copy data. After the completion of 3rd Inc. copy ( where only 20 GBs were copied) it showed 277GB total .How could that be possible ?

the log showed  huge list of "files deleted" on target , and those files 're actually present on source .

Is it something EMCOPY is deleting the already copied files on the target and now that the source copy is active target copies 're getting deleted considering them unhealthy ??  So what exactly it means when the Log says-- "files deleted" ( Not asking about - "deleted due to copy abort ")


\\sourceserver\share01\000000044\0018880001.tif-- file deleted

TH032 : 13:03:24 : ERROR (64) : \\sourceserver\share01\00000002\00190A0001.tif -> unable to read file

TH032 : 13:03:24 : WARNING : \\tempserver\share01\00000002\00190A0001.tif -> Trying to DELETE due to copy ABORT.

TH032 : 13:03:24 : WARNING : \\tempserver\share01\00000002\00190A0001.tif -> DELETED due to copy ABORT.

Bergec- I havent looked into the /th option . I was thinking of using it if i am running 4-5 copies simultaneously, but i am going to try it this time .

please advise!  Meanwhile , I am running Dynamox recomandation + EMCOPY ver 4.8


261 Posts

June 20th, 2012 12:00

Update is - I have more files deleted .

The target has now 192GB of data compared to 325 GB it intially had .

275 Posts

June 20th, 2012 14:00

You need to look at the specific error code you get (these are std Windows API error codes)

For exeample ERROR 64 is

c:\> net helpmsg 64

The specified network name is no longer available.

You can as well get ERROR 32 (file locked on source) and in that case EMCopy will delete file on DST

Try running the copy from a Checkpoint on the source (if source is a Celerra) or decipher errors caused by the source being in production from other errors


261 Posts

June 28th, 2012 08:00

thanks for the comment . I looked into the errors , but nothing was specific . Most of them were " filed deleted"  but no errors.

All i did is remove the /purge & used /r:2  /w:30  , run a full copy and then keep running incremental  till the cutover. All Cifs data migrated now . customer is happy , I 'm happy !

Thanks both of you for the valuable inputs .

17 Posts

March 9th, 2016 20:00


I'm in same situation, i got 450GB but only copied 120GB?

I used  /purge  /o /a /s /secfix /d /th 16 /c /cm md5 /r:1 /w:0 /log C:\DataMigration\Users_inc_%All%.log?


4.5K Posts

March 10th, 2016 06:00

This thread is 4 years old, you might want to start a new thread along with the particular details of your environment. For example, what type of array and hosts, the Flare code for the array or the code level for the File side, how these are all connected, which version of EMCOPY you're using etc.


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