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This post is more than 5 years old


August 20th, 2012 05:00

Unable to use Unisphere to download VNX5300 Software updates

I'm unable to use the EMC Unisphere software to update my VNX5300 environment. Each time I enter my powerlink e-mail address and password it tells me its not valid even though I can log into Powerlink just fine.

I can log into unisphere just fine...the login box that comes up after you select which downloads you want is when I get the login error.

Its a pop up box that show a site called just above the User ID and Password.

Any ideas?


812 Posts

August 20th, 2012 05:00

Just enter Powerlink username and password there,. It will open powerlink.

20 Posts

August 20th, 2012 06:00

Thats the issue...

Thats when it says the user id and password are invalid. See screenshot below...


20 Posts

August 20th, 2012 06:00

Thanks, I'll try that again...

I did this once and it sat for 5 weeks and they finally closed it after saying they tried to contact me via phone and I never answered...

But we will see if I have better luck this time.

PS: I edited the post.

20 Posts

August 20th, 2012 06:00

That's the first thing I did was chat with a Tech...see below

I then sent an e-mail to, have not gotten anything back from them came here for help as well...

This is an automated e-mail sent from the EMC Support. The following information is a log of your session. Please save the log for your records.

Your session ID for this incident is 584809.

Time     Details

08/20/2012 08:20:12AM    System: "Welcome to the EMC Customer Support Center."

08/20/2012 08:20:14AM    System: "The Service Request number for your inquiry is 49658690."

08/20/2012 08:20:15AM    Session Started with Agent

08/20/2012 08:20:15AM    Workflow sent message: "Agent Accepted"

08/20/2012 08:20:15AM    Me: "Unable to use Unisphere to download VNX5300 Software updates."

08/20/2012 08:20:40AM    Agent : "Hi David. Thank you for contacting EMC Customer Service. My name is Nitanjali"

08/20/2012 08:22:03AM    Agent : "How are doing today?"

08/20/2012 08:22:03AM    Me: "Hello...seems I'm unable to use the EMC Unisphere software to update my VNX5300 environment. Each time I enter my powerlink email address and password it tells me its not valid even though I can log into Powerlink just fine."

08/20/2012 08:23:09AM    Me: "Do you know if my powerlink account needs to be associated with unisphere in order for it to work?"

08/20/2012 08:23:24AM    Agent : "Are you trying to download the latest code using Unisphere?"

08/20/2012 08:24:01AM    Me: "I've had other users who have a powerlink account log into my VNX5300 server and where able to enter there powerlink username and password just fine"

08/20/2012 08:24:40AM    Me: "Correct...I'm trying to download and update my VNX5300 environment using the EMC unisphere application..."

08/20/2012 08:24:49AM    Agent : "Okay"

08/20/2012 08:25:19AM    Agent : "To login to Unisphere i.e. VNX, you would need to use the VNX username and password"

08/20/2012 08:25:36AM    Me: "When I am prompted to enter my email address and password to begin the fails"

08/20/2012 08:25:54AM    Agent : "The software can be downloaded from Unisphere Service Manager, not the Unisphere.."

08/20/2012 08:25:56AM    Agent : "All right"

08/20/2012 08:26:22AM    Me: "NO....past that. I can log into unisphere just fine...I'm talking about the login box that comes up after you select which downloads you want"

08/20/2012 08:26:26AM    Agent : "If you are okay, i can provide you the direct link to download the software"

08/20/2012 08:26:36AM    Agent : "OK"

08/20/2012 08:26:39AM    Me: "NO....."08/20/2012 08:27:17AM    Me: "I want to use the unisphere software to download the software...what's the purpose of unisphere if I have to download the update via powerlink all the time"

08/20/2012 08:28:52AM    Me: "In the unisphere software there is a section to update your vnx5200 software. When I run the wizard to begin this update I get to the part where it ask me for my username and password to download the updates from"

08/20/2012 08:28:56AM    Agent : "In that case you would need to send an e-mail to to get the correct username and password"08/20/2012 08:29:28AM    Me: "When I enter my powerlink username and password into the pop up box, it tells me that the information is not valid."

08/20/2012 08:29:33AM    Agent : "As i am from VNX breakfix team, my support is limited to VNX breakfix issues only.."

08/20/2012 08:29:58AM    Me: "Oh...okay"08/20/2012 08:30:20AM    Agent : "Could you tell me which USM version , you are using?"

08/20/2012 08:30:51AM    Me: "1.1.32"08/20/2012 08:31:26AM    Agent : "Okay"

08/20/2012 08:31:58AM    Agent : "Kindly send an e-mail to regarding the powerlink credentials issue.."

08/20/2012 08:32:25AM    Me: "but I'm not having issues with logging into powerlink"08/20/2012 08:33:00AM    Me: "i'm having issue using unisphere to download updates."08/20/2012 08:33:25AM    Me: "I can log into powerlink just fine..."08/20/2012 08:33:43AM    Me: "Who do I need to work with on the unisphere team?"08/20/2012 08:33:49AM    Agent : "Thats okay.. There might be authentication issue.."

08/20/2012 08:34:50AM    Me: "Is there a unisphere software technicale support team or is the powerlink team the tech support for unisphere?"

08/20/2012 08:35:51AM    Agent : "No, there is no such team.."

08/20/2012 08:36:31AM    Agent : "As you have issues using the powerlink credentials while downloading the software, kindly send an e-mail to"08/20/2012 08:36:50AM    Agent : "they would be able to assist you in a better way.."

08/20/2012 08:37:06AM    Agent : "We do not have separate team for USM"

08/20/2012 08:37:21AM    Me: "okay great and thanks...have a nice day"08/20/2012 08:37:36AM    Agent : "You are Welcome"

08/20/2012 08:37:46AM    Agent : "Thanks again for contacting EMC Live Chat."

08/20/2012 08:37:49AM    Agent : "Have a nice day"

08/20/2012 08:37:57AM    Agent : "Bye"

08/20/2012 08:38:33AM    Session Ended

812 Posts

August 20th, 2012 06:00

Or you may raise the severity to get a faster response.

1 Rookie


5.7K Posts

August 20th, 2012 06:00

It can take a little while before cases sent to that email address are picked up. If you need a same day respons I suggest creating a regular SR by phone or the website.

PS: I'd edit the above post to hide any email addresses or names

1 Rookie


5.7K Posts

August 20th, 2012 06:00

Were you able to download documents or software before? You're using USM to download the software? I'd open a live chat session or simply a service request to report this issue.

5 Posts

August 22nd, 2012 08:00

Hi, I'm having similar issue.

It's kind of weird, because for a while it did work. Some time after I got the same errors again. I tried to manually download some files from, and the browser said that the file (USM installer for example) was not found. I then gave it a rest for about 3 hours, and got back to Unispher Service Manager. It did download the updates, but when I tried to "Prepare for Installation" of the new OE, on the Block update I got the "unable to extract error", and on the File, I got "Failed to validate checksum for file(s):  - pkg_7.1.47.5_emcnas.tar, - The file(s) did not download correctly. Close this wizard and use the download wizard to download the file(s) again."

The server is connected to internet, and there are no communications problems.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

August 30th, 2012 11:00

I had the same issue logging in when using USM while connected via EMC VPN.  Supposedly it is a proxy problem.  Once I disconnected from EMC VPN I was able to login at the sso prompt.  I'm currently working with USM support on an issue that occurs later in attempting to download the files.  Though USM reports a completed file download it actually truncates the large files downloaded resulting in the checksum error noted in an earlier post.  The recommendation is to use to find the files you need and download from there.  My last download was a 603 MB file from  The checksums look good as I compared them against the checksum values downloaded in a prior USM download attempt.  Files that I'm concerned with:


300-013-480.pdf            pkg_7.1.47.5_emcnas.tar  pkg_7.1.47.5_emcnas.tar.checksum

My contact on this problem is Dale Hoopingarner with who I reviewed the issue 2 hours ago.

Good luck

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