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This post is more than 5 years old


May 2nd, 2013 10:00

VNX Monitoring & Reporting: Customizing Reports

We have recently started using VNX-MR, and really like it.  The problem I have is that the report wizard is pretty lame.  I would like to be able to create customized reports.  I can select the fields I want, but the app seems to make up its own display order.  Once I have created the report, editing it again is not an option.

18 Posts

January 9th, 2015 06:00

same to me: I created a report using the wizard. After logout/login the report cannot be changed anymore.

I am also missing

- a way to publish global reports, available to all users in M&R

- a way to export a report definition and import it into another M&R installation

- a way to save the scaling, e.g. 100%.

- a way to select all available components. E.g. if I create a report for all existing storage-pools and later on a new storage-pool is created - this new pool is not in the report. Instead I have to delete the report and create it new (remember: it cannot be changed anymore)

- LDAP integration

also: the scheduled report sent by mail are just a little bit similar to the view in the GUI.

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