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January 30th, 2013 07:00

VSI for VMware vSphere: Unified Storage Management does not find Navi CLI

I try to install VSI USM plug in on a vSphere client. During installation popup shows that Navi CLI is not installed which i need cause i want to use a VNX block.
I installed the correct Navi CLI version before executing the VSI USM installer and naviseccli is also in PATH variable and works fine- although VSI USM is complaining each time when i execute setup.
During VSI USM installation i get no logs- only uninstall logs are written when uninstalling plugin so i cannot check which path navi cli is checked.
Anyone had same issue installing VSI USM?

Thanks for hints!!!

January 30th, 2013 21:00


Both during the installation and when actively using the VSI USM plugin, what the code uses to determine whether or not Navisphere CLI is installed is the following registry key:

HK_Local_Machine\SOFTWARE\EMC\Navisphere CLI

Then when it needs to actually run a Navisphere CLI command (discover array, provision storage, etc), it then reads the "InstalledLocation" registry key for the exact path where you have installed it.

I have 2 thoughts on this:

1) Sorry, I simply want to quickly rule this out, but can you confirm for me that the error you are reacting to isn't suggesting that "Unisphere CLI" is not installed?  You can ignore if you are not managing a VNXe.  It is a separate utility and is the equivalent of "Navisphere CLI" but for the VNXe.  Again, ignore if you already considered this.

Also, I simply wanted to mention that you can install the VSI plug-in first, then ignore the messages suggesting that Navisphere/Unisphere CLI are not installed, and then later install the tools.  I simply wanted to note this as the VSI plug-in works fine regardless of the order, and we don't require you to install Navisphere/Unisphere CLI first, then the VSI USM plug-in.  Again, it is just a quick note.

2) Now having ruled that out (again sorry for asking), can you do the following test for me:

a) Open up the vSphere Client

b) Under "Home -> Solutions and Applications", click on the EMC (VSI) icon

c) Under "Features" along the left, click on "Unified Storage Management"

d) In the first window that appears, review the error messages at the bottom. 

Does it state "Could not find Navisphere CLI" and/or "Could not find Unisphere CLI"? 

If not, then you should be able to finish the array discovery wizard.

3) If it still states "Could not find Navisphere CLI" (again, ignore the reference to Unisphere CLI unless you are managing a VNXe):

a) Close the window and then click on "Logging" along the left

b) Under the "Log Files" pull-down select: "USD.UnifiedStorageManagement.txt"

c) Under the "Log Level" pull-down select: "All"

Could you review the output or feel free to paste the relevant logging.  To only show the logs since you initiated the VSI plugin, you can check "Active Logs Only"

35 Posts

February 1st, 2013 01:00

Hello Christopher,

I want to intrgarte a VNX block array- so no VNXe.

Never the less Navi CLI is installed when i run the VSI installer is complians that no Navi CLI is installed.

I use VSI USM 5.4 and in product guide it is stated to use Navi CLI start 7.32.

So that for question 1)

Question 2)

I havehad a look in vSphere CLient and i do not see any complains there- i succesfully discovered my VNX array (bu what you mean with wizard? i used "Add" to add my array which was successfully discovered and is dsiplayed now)

Question 3)


so for me it seems ok- no hint for missing Navi CLI

February 1st, 2013 02:00

Since the Unified Storage Management plugin uses Navisphere CLI to discover the array and you were able to discover your VNX, that confirms that the plugin is able to detect and run Navisphere CLI commands.  Also, the logs are clear of any reference to it missing.

As for the "wizard", yes you are correct I was referring to the series of dialog boxes that come up when you click "Add".  The first window that appears after you submit: "Enter Storage System or Connection Broker Credentials" we'll also flash a message at the bottom if the plugin fails to find Navisphere CLI (and Unisphere CLI) via the mentioned registry key.

So as you also noted, you should be good.  Maybe try provisioning some storage.  Also, if you uncheck "Active Logs Only" and scroll through the logs and see reference to successful execution of specific Navisphere CLI commands that were run under the hood, that also confirms the same.

35 Posts

February 1st, 2013 03:00

Hi Christopher,

i unchecked "active logs only" and here i see that registry entry is not found- although the naviseccli command for storage discover that follow are executed succesfully. During install of Navi CLI nothing was stated that reg entries could not be created or similar.


I can find the registry entries for Navisphere CLI- but no UEMCLI.

In Navisphere CLI the install path directs to correct path.

So dont know- VSI USM requires at least Navi CLI 7.32 and i have 7.32 554-1 build so i dont know if registry keys are changed but i think i have quiet up to date Navi CLI


February 1st, 2013 08:00


The error message is informing you that Unisphere CLI is not installed.  As suggested in my original response, it is a separate utility from Navisphere CLI (separate installer and has its own unique syntax) in support of the VNXe, and if you don't have a VNXe that you want to integrate the plug-in with, you can safely ignore that message. 

If Naviphere CLI wasn't installed, you would see a separate line in the logs informing you of this and you wouldn't have been able to discover the VNX as the USM plugin uses that to discover the VNX.

35 Posts

February 11th, 2013 04:00

Thanks Christopher- so i should be fine- i do not have VNXe therefore i set this "dont care"

February 11th, 2013 22:00

Exactly.  I agree that it can be confusing as "Unisphere CLI" could suggest either.

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